This adds the commands pin-tab and unpin-tab. Once pinned a tab lives on the left of the tabstrip and has a configurable marker, defaulting to ` before its name.
633 lines
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633 lines
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package config
import (
type GeneralConfig struct {
DefaultSavePath string `ini:"default-save-path"`
type UIConfig struct {
IndexFormat string `ini:"index-format"`
TimestampFormat string `ini:"timestamp-format"`
ShowHeaders []string `delim:","`
RenderAccountTabs string `ini:"render-account-tabs"`
PinnedTabMarker string `ini:"pinned-tab-marker"`
SidebarWidth int `ini:"sidebar-width"`
PreviewHeight int `ini:"preview-height"`
EmptyMessage string `ini:"empty-message"`
EmptyDirlist string `ini:"empty-dirlist"`
MouseEnabled bool `ini:"mouse-enabled"`
NewMessageBell bool `ini:"new-message-bell"`
Spinner string `ini:"spinner"`
SpinnerDelimiter string `ini:"spinner-delimiter"`
DirListFormat string `ini:"dirlist-format"`
Sort []string `delim:" "`
NextMessageOnDelete bool `ini:"next-message-on-delete"`
CompletionDelay time.Duration `ini:"completion-delay"`
CompletionPopovers bool `ini:"completion-popovers"`
type ContextType int
const (
UI_CONTEXT_FOLDER ContextType = iota
type UIConfigContext struct {
ContextType ContextType
Regex *regexp.Regexp
UiConfig UIConfig
const (
type AccountConfig struct {
Archive string
CopyTo string
Default string
From string
Name string
Source string
SourceCredCmd string
Folders []string
Params map[string]string
Outgoing string
OutgoingCredCmd string
SignatureFile string
SignatureCmd string
FoldersSort []string `ini:"folders-sort" delim:","`
type BindingConfig struct {
Global *KeyBindings
AccountWizard *KeyBindings
Compose *KeyBindings
ComposeEditor *KeyBindings
ComposeReview *KeyBindings
MessageList *KeyBindings
MessageView *KeyBindings
Terminal *KeyBindings
type ComposeConfig struct {
Editor string `ini:"editor"`
HeaderLayout [][]string `ini:"-"`
AddressBookCmd string `ini:"address-book-cmd"`
type FilterConfig struct {
FilterType int
Filter string
Command string
Header string
Regex *regexp.Regexp
type ViewerConfig struct {
Pager string
Alternatives []string
ShowHeaders bool `ini:"show-headers"`
AlwaysShowMime bool `ini:"always-show-mime"`
HeaderLayout [][]string `ini:"-"`
type TriggersConfig struct {
NewEmail string `ini:"new-email"`
ExecuteCommand func(command []string) error
type TemplateConfig struct {
TemplateDirs []string `ini:"template-dirs", delim:":"`
QuotedReply string `ini:"quoted-reply"`
Forwards string `ini:"forwards"`
type AercConfig struct {
Bindings BindingConfig
Compose ComposeConfig
Ini *ini.File `ini:"-"`
Accounts []AccountConfig `ini:"-"`
Filters []FilterConfig `ini:"-"`
Viewer ViewerConfig `ini:"-"`
Triggers TriggersConfig `ini:"-"`
Ui UIConfig
ContextualUis []UIConfigContext
General GeneralConfig
Templates TemplateConfig
// Input: TimestampFormat
// Output: timestamp-format
func mapName(raw string) string {
newstr := make([]rune, 0, len(raw))
for i, chr := range raw {
if isUpper := 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'Z'; isUpper {
if i > 0 {
newstr = append(newstr, '-')
newstr = append(newstr, unicode.ToLower(chr))
return string(newstr)
func loadAccountConfig(path string) ([]AccountConfig, error) {
file, err := ini.Load(path)
if err != nil {
// No config triggers account configuration wizard
return nil, nil
file.NameMapper = mapName
var accounts []AccountConfig
for _, _sec := range file.SectionStrings() {
if _sec == "DEFAULT" {
sec := file.Section(_sec)
account := AccountConfig{
Archive: "Archive",
Default: "INBOX",
Name: _sec,
Params: make(map[string]string),
if err = sec.MapTo(&account); err != nil {
return nil, err
for key, val := range sec.KeysHash() {
if key == "folders" {
folders := strings.Split(val, ",")
account.Folders = folders
} else if key == "source-cred-cmd" {
account.SourceCredCmd = val
} else if key == "outgoing" {
account.Outgoing = val
} else if key == "outgoing-cred-cmd" {
account.OutgoingCredCmd = val
} else if key == "from" {
account.From = val
} else if key == "copy-to" {
account.CopyTo = val
} else if key == "archive" {
account.Archive = val
} else if key != "name" {
account.Params[key] = val
if account.Source == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected source for account %s", _sec)
source, err := parseCredential(account.Source, account.SourceCredCmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid source credentials for %s: %s", _sec, err)
account.Source = source
outgoing, err := parseCredential(account.Outgoing, account.OutgoingCredCmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid outgoing credentials for %s: %s", _sec, err)
account.Outgoing = outgoing
accounts = append(accounts, account)
return accounts, nil
func parseCredential(cred, command string) (string, error) {
if cred == "" || command == "" {
return cred, nil
u, err := url.Parse(cred)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// ignore the command if a password is specified
if _, exists := u.User.Password(); exists {
return cred, nil
// don't attempt to parse the command if the url is a path (ie /usr/bin/sendmail)
if !u.IsAbs() {
return cred, nil
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", command)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
output, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to read password: %s", err)
pw := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
u.User = url.UserPassword(u.User.Username(), pw)
return u.String(), nil
func installTemplate(root, sharedir, name string) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(root); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0755)
if err != nil {
return err
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(sharedir, name))
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(root, name), data, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (config *AercConfig) LoadConfig(file *ini.File) error {
if filters, err := file.GetSection("filters"); err == nil {
// TODO: Parse the filter more finely, e.g. parse the regex
for _, match := range filters.KeyStrings() {
cmd := filters.KeysHash()[match]
filter := FilterConfig{
Command: cmd,
Filter: match,
if strings.Contains(match, ",~") {
filter.FilterType = FILTER_HEADER
header := filter.Filter[:strings.Index(filter.Filter, ",")]
regex := filter.Filter[strings.Index(filter.Filter, "~")+1:]
filter.Header = strings.ToLower(header)
filter.Regex, err = regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
} else if strings.ContainsRune(match, ',') {
filter.FilterType = FILTER_HEADER
header := filter.Filter[:strings.Index(filter.Filter, ",")]
value := filter.Filter[strings.Index(filter.Filter, ",")+1:]
filter.Header = strings.ToLower(header)
filter.Regex, err = regexp.Compile(regexp.QuoteMeta(value))
} else {
filter.FilterType = FILTER_MIMETYPE
config.Filters = append(config.Filters, filter)
if viewer, err := file.GetSection("viewer"); err == nil {
if err := viewer.MapTo(&config.Viewer); err != nil {
return err
for key, val := range viewer.KeysHash() {
switch key {
case "alternatives":
config.Viewer.Alternatives = strings.Split(val, ",")
case "header-layout":
config.Viewer.HeaderLayout = parseLayout(val)
if compose, err := file.GetSection("compose"); err == nil {
if err := compose.MapTo(&config.Compose); err != nil {
return err
for key, val := range compose.KeysHash() {
switch key {
case "header-layout":
config.Compose.HeaderLayout = parseLayout(val)
if ui, err := file.GetSection("ui"); err == nil {
if err := ui.MapTo(&config.Ui); err != nil {
return err
for _, sectionName := range file.SectionStrings() {
if !strings.Contains(sectionName, "ui:") {
uiSection, err := file.GetSection(sectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
uiSubConfig := UIConfig{}
if err := uiSection.MapTo(&uiSubConfig); err != nil {
return err
contextualUi :=
UiConfig: uiSubConfig,
var index int
if strings.Contains(sectionName, "~") {
index = strings.Index(sectionName, "~")
regex := string(sectionName[index+1:])
contextualUi.Regex, err = regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if strings.Contains(sectionName, "=") {
index = strings.Index(sectionName, "=")
value := string(sectionName[index+1:])
contextualUi.Regex, err = regexp.Compile(regexp.QuoteMeta(value))
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Ui Context regex in %s", sectionName)
switch sectionName[3:index] {
case "account":
contextualUi.ContextType = UI_CONTEXT_ACCOUNT
case "folder":
contextualUi.ContextType = UI_CONTEXT_FOLDER
case "subject":
contextualUi.ContextType = UI_CONTEXT_SUBJECT
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown Contextual Ui Section: %s", sectionName)
config.ContextualUis = append(config.ContextualUis, contextualUi)
if triggers, err := file.GetSection("triggers"); err == nil {
if err := triggers.MapTo(&config.Triggers); err != nil {
return err
if templatesSec, err := file.GetSection("templates"); err == nil {
if err := templatesSec.MapTo(&config.Templates); err != nil {
return err
templateDirs := templatesSec.Key("template-dirs").String()
if templateDirs != "" {
config.Templates.TemplateDirs = strings.Split(templateDirs, ":")
for key, val := range templatesSec.KeysHash() {
if key == "template-dirs" {
_, err := templates.ParseTemplateFromFile(
val, config.Templates.TemplateDirs, templates.TestTemplateData())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func LoadConfigFromFile(root *string, sharedir string) (*AercConfig, error) {
if root == nil {
_root := path.Join(xdg.ConfigHome(), "aerc")
root = &_root
filename := path.Join(*root, "accounts.conf")
if err := checkConfigPerms(filename); err != nil {
return nil, err
filename = path.Join(*root, "aerc.conf")
file, err := ini.Load(filename)
if err != nil {
if err := installTemplate(*root, sharedir, "aerc.conf"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if file, err = ini.Load(filename); err != nil {
return nil, err
file.NameMapper = mapName
config := &AercConfig{
Bindings: BindingConfig{
Global: NewKeyBindings(),
AccountWizard: NewKeyBindings(),
Compose: NewKeyBindings(),
ComposeEditor: NewKeyBindings(),
ComposeReview: NewKeyBindings(),
MessageList: NewKeyBindings(),
MessageView: NewKeyBindings(),
Terminal: NewKeyBindings(),
Ini: file,
Ui: UIConfig{
IndexFormat: "%D %-17.17n %s",
TimestampFormat: "2006-01-02 03:04 PM",
ShowHeaders: []string{
"From", "To", "Cc", "Bcc", "Subject", "Date",
RenderAccountTabs: "auto",
PinnedTabMarker: "`",
SidebarWidth: 20,
PreviewHeight: 12,
EmptyMessage: "(no messages)",
EmptyDirlist: "(no folders)",
MouseEnabled: false,
NewMessageBell: true,
Spinner: "[..] , [..] , [..] , [..] , [..], [..] , [..] , [..] ",
SpinnerDelimiter: ",",
DirListFormat: "%n %>r",
NextMessageOnDelete: true,
CompletionDelay: 250 * time.Millisecond,
CompletionPopovers: true,
ContextualUis: []UIConfigContext{},
Viewer: ViewerConfig{
Pager: "less -R",
Alternatives: []string{"text/plain", "text/html"},
ShowHeaders: false,
HeaderLayout: [][]string{
{"From", "To"},
{"Cc", "Bcc"},
Compose: ComposeConfig{
HeaderLayout: [][]string{
{"To", "From"},
Templates: TemplateConfig{
TemplateDirs: []string{path.Join(sharedir, "templates")},
QuotedReply: "quoted_reply",
Forwards: "forward_as_body",
// These bindings are not configurable
config.Bindings.AccountWizard.ExKey = KeyStroke{
Key: tcell.KeyCtrlE,
quit, _ := ParseBinding("<C-q>", ":quit<Enter>")
if err = config.LoadConfig(file); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ui, err := file.GetSection("general"); err == nil {
if err := ui.MapTo(&config.General); err != nil {
return nil, err
accountsPath := path.Join(*root, "accounts.conf")
if accounts, err := loadAccountConfig(accountsPath); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
config.Accounts = accounts
filename = path.Join(*root, "binds.conf")
binds, err := ini.Load(filename)
if err != nil {
if err := installTemplate(*root, sharedir, "binds.conf"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if binds, err = ini.Load(filename); err != nil {
return nil, err
groups := map[string]**KeyBindings{
"default": &config.Bindings.Global,
"compose": &config.Bindings.Compose,
"messages": &config.Bindings.MessageList,
"terminal": &config.Bindings.Terminal,
"view": &config.Bindings.MessageView,
"compose::editor": &config.Bindings.ComposeEditor,
"compose::review": &config.Bindings.ComposeReview,
for _, name := range binds.SectionStrings() {
sec, err := binds.GetSection(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
group, ok := groups[strings.ToLower(name)]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("Unknown keybinding group " + name)
bindings := NewKeyBindings()
for key, value := range sec.KeysHash() {
if key == "$ex" {
strokes, err := ParseKeyStrokes(value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(strokes) != 1 {
return nil, errors.New(
"Error: only one keystroke supported for $ex")
bindings.ExKey = strokes[0]
if key == "$noinherit" {
if value == "false" {
if value != "true" {
return nil, errors.New(
"Error: expected 'true' or 'false' for $noinherit")
bindings.Globals = false
binding, err := ParseBinding(key, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
*group = MergeBindings(bindings, *group)
// Globals can't inherit from themselves
config.Bindings.Global.Globals = false
return config, nil
// checkConfigPerms checks for too open permissions
// printing the fix on stdout and returning an error
func checkConfigPerms(filename string) error {
info, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil // disregard absent files
perms := info.Mode().Perm()
goPerms := perms >> 3
// group or others have read access
if goPerms&0x44 != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "The file %v has too open permissions.\n", filename)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "This is a security issue (it contains passwords).")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "To fix it, run `chmod 600 %v`\n", filename)
return errors.New("account.conf permissions too lax")
return nil
func parseLayout(layout string) [][]string {
rows := strings.Split(layout, ",")
l := make([][]string, len(rows))
for i, r := range rows {
l[i] = strings.Split(r, "|")
return l
func (config *AercConfig) mergeContextualUi(baseUi *UIConfig,
contextType ContextType, s string) {
for _, contextualUi := range config.ContextualUis {
if contextualUi.ContextType != contextType {
if !contextualUi.Regex.Match([]byte(s)) {
mergo.MergeWithOverwrite(baseUi, contextualUi.UiConfig)
func (config *AercConfig) GetUiConfig(params map[ContextType]string) UIConfig {
baseUi := config.Ui
for k, v := range params {
config.mergeContextualUi(&baseUi, k, v)
return baseUi