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Fix a couple JavaScript errors 2024-01-06 01:30:53 +01:00
Update front-end dependencies 2024-01-06 01:30:38 +01:00
4 changed files with 133 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -39,17 +39,19 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
switch (name) {
// Try to remove remove an EventSource when elements are removed
case "htmx:beforeCleanupElement":
var internalData = api.getInternalData(
// Try to remove remove an EventSource when elements are removed
if (internalData.sseEventSource) {
// Try to create EventSources when elements are processed
case "htmx:afterProcessNode":
@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
function getLegacySSESwaps(elt) {
var legacySSEValue = api.getAttributeValue(elt, "hx-sse");
var returnArr = [];
if (legacySSEValue) {
if (legacySSEValue != null) {
var values = splitOnWhitespace(legacySSEValue);
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var value = values[i].split(/:(.+)/);
@ -103,62 +105,23 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
* createEventSourceOnElement creates a new EventSource connection on the provided element.
* If a usable EventSource already exists, then it is returned. If not, then a new EventSource
* is created and stored in the element's internalData.
* registerSSE looks for attributes that can contain sse events, right
* now hx-trigger and sse-swap and adds listeners based on these attributes too
* the closest event source
* @param {HTMLElement} elt
* @param {number} retryCount
* @returns {EventSource | null}
function createEventSourceOnElement(elt, retryCount) {
if (elt == null) {
return null;
function registerSSE(elt) {
// Find closest existing event source
var sourceElement = api.getClosestMatch(elt, hasEventSource);
if (sourceElement == null) {
// api.triggerErrorEvent(elt, "htmx:noSSESourceError")
return null; // no eventsource in parentage, orphaned element
var internalData = api.getInternalData(elt);
// get URL from element's attribute
var sseURL = api.getAttributeValue(elt, "sse-connect");
if (sseURL == undefined) {
var legacyURL = getLegacySSEURL(elt)
if (legacyURL) {
sseURL = legacyURL;
} else {
return null;
// Connect to the EventSource
var source = htmx.createEventSource(sseURL);
internalData.sseEventSource = source;
// Create event handlers
source.onerror = function (err) {
// Log an error event
api.triggerErrorEvent(elt, "htmx:sseError", {error:err, source:source});
// If parent no longer exists in the document, then clean up this EventSource
if (maybeCloseSSESource(elt)) {
// Otherwise, try to reconnect the EventSource
if (source.readyState === EventSource.CLOSED) {
retryCount = retryCount || 0;
var timeout = Math.random() * (2 ^ retryCount) * 500;
window.setTimeout(function() {
createEventSourceOnElement(elt, Math.min(7, retryCount+1));
}, timeout);
source.onopen = function (evt) {
api.triggerEvent(elt, "htmx::sseOpen", {source: source});
// Set internalData and source
var internalData = api.getInternalData(sourceElement);
var source = internalData.sseEventSource;
// Add message handlers for every `sse-swap` attribute
queryAttributeOnThisOrChildren(elt, "sse-swap").forEach(function(child) {
@ -174,19 +137,23 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
var sseEventName = sseEventNames[i].trim();
var listener = function(event) {
// If the parent is missing then close SSE and remove listener
if (maybeCloseSSESource(elt)) {
source.removeEventListener(sseEventName, listener);
// If the source is missing then close SSE
if (maybeCloseSSESource(sourceElement)) {
// If the body no longer contains the element, remove the listener
if (!api.bodyContains(child)) {
source.removeEventListener(sseEventName, listener);
// swap the response into the DOM and trigger a notification
api.triggerEvent(elt, "htmx:sseMessage", event);
// Register the new listener
api.getInternalData(elt).sseEventListener = listener;
api.getInternalData(child).sseEventListener = listener;
source.addEventListener(sseEventName, listener);
@ -204,23 +171,85 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
var listener = function(event) {
// remove the sse: prefix from here on out
sseEventName = sseEventName.substr(4);
// If parent is missing, then close SSE and remove listener
if (maybeCloseSSESource(elt)) {
var listener = function() {
if (maybeCloseSSESource(sourceElement)) {
if (!api.bodyContains(child)) {
source.removeEventListener(sseEventName, listener);
* ensureEventSourceOnElement creates a new EventSource connection on the provided element.
* If a usable EventSource already exists, then it is returned. If not, then a new EventSource
* is created and stored in the element's internalData.
* @param {HTMLElement} elt
* @param {number} retryCount
* @returns {EventSource | null}
function ensureEventSourceOnElement(elt, retryCount) {
if (elt == null) {
return null;
// handle extension source creation attribute
queryAttributeOnThisOrChildren(elt, "sse-connect").forEach(function(child) {
var sseURL = api.getAttributeValue(child, "sse-connect");
if (sseURL == null) {
// Trigger events to be handled by the rest of htmx
htmx.trigger(child, sseEventName, event);
htmx.trigger(child, "htmx:sseMessage", event);
ensureEventSource(child, sseURL, retryCount);
// handle legacy sse, remove for HTMX2
queryAttributeOnThisOrChildren(elt, "hx-sse").forEach(function(child) {
var sseURL = getLegacySSEURL(child);
if (sseURL == null) {
// Register the new listener
api.getInternalData(elt).sseEventListener = listener;
source.addEventListener(sseEventName.slice(4), listener);
ensureEventSource(child, sseURL, retryCount);
function ensureEventSource(elt, url, retryCount) {
var source = htmx.createEventSource(url);
source.onerror = function(err) {
// Log an error event
api.triggerErrorEvent(elt, "htmx:sseError", { error: err, source: source });
// If parent no longer exists in the document, then clean up this EventSource
if (maybeCloseSSESource(elt)) {
// Otherwise, try to reconnect the EventSource
if (source.readyState === EventSource.CLOSED) {
retryCount = retryCount || 0;
var timeout = Math.random() * (2 ^ retryCount) * 500;
window.setTimeout(function() {
ensureEventSourceOnElement(elt, Math.min(7, retryCount + 1));
}, timeout);
source.onopen = function(evt) {
api.triggerEvent(elt, "htmx:sseOpen", { source: source });
api.getInternalData(elt).sseEventSource = source;
@ -253,12 +282,12 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
var result = [];
// If the parent element also contains the requested attribute, then add it to the results too.
if (api.hasAttribute(elt, attributeName) || api.hasAttribute(elt, "hx-sse")) {
if (api.hasAttribute(elt, attributeName)) {
// Search all child nodes that match the requested attribute
elt.querySelectorAll("[" + attributeName + "], [data-" + attributeName + "], [hx-sse], [data-hx-sse]").forEach(function(node) {
elt.querySelectorAll("[" + attributeName + "], [data-" + attributeName + "]").forEach(function(node) {
@ -319,4 +348,8 @@ This extension adds support for Server Sent Events to htmx. See /www/extensions
function hasEventSource(node) {
return api.getInternalData(node).sseEventSource != null;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -30,15 +30,15 @@
htmx.onLoad(() => {
const scrollCurrentSongIntoView = () => {
const hoveredSong = document.querySelector(".queue li:hover");
if (hoveredSong === null) {
const currentSong = document.querySelector(".queue li.playing");
currentSong.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" });
currentSong?.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" });
htmx.onLoad(() => {
const isReduced = window
.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)")