#!/usr/bin/env python """NetworkManager command line dmenu script. To add new connections or enable/disable networking requires policykit permissions setup per: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NetworkManager#Set_up_PolicyKit_permissions OR running the script as root Add dmenu formatting options and default terminal if desired to ~/.config/networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini """ import itertools from os.path import expanduser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys try: import configparser as configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser def dmenu_cmd(num_lines, prompt="Networks"): """Parse config.ini if it exists and add options to the dmenu command Args: args - num_lines: number of lines to display prompt: prompt to show Returns: command invocation (as a list of strings) for dmenu -l <num_lines> -p <prompt> -i ... """ return ["rofi", "-dmenu", "-i", "-l", str(num_lines), "-p", str(prompt)] def choose_adapter(): """If there is more than one wifi adapter installed, ask which one to use """ adps = ["nmcli", "device", "status"] a = Popen(adps, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().split('\n') all_adps = [i.split()[0] for i in a if 'wifi' in i] if len(all_adps) <= 1: return all_adps[0].strip() all_adps_bytes = "\n".join(all_adps).encode() sel = Popen(dmenu_cmd(len(all_adps), "CHOOSE ADAPTER:"), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate(input=all_adps_bytes)[0].decode() if not sel.strip(): sys.exit() return sel.strip() def current_conns(): """Get list of current NetworkManager connections (ssid:security) Returns: list of strings: ['firecat4153:WPA2', 'firecat4153x:WEP'...] """ conns = ["nmcli", "-t", "-f", "name,type", "connection"] return Popen(conns, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().split('\n') def current_ssids(adapter): """Get list of current SSIDs seen by NetworkManager and order by signal strength Returns: list - ["firecat4153:WPA2","firecat4153-guest:", "firecat4153x:WPA2"] """ scan = ["nmcli", "-t", "-f", "ssid,security,signal", "device", "wifi", "list", "ifname", adapter] res = Popen(scan, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().split("\n") del res[-1] res = [i.rsplit(':', 1) for i in res] res = sorted(res, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) res = unique_ssid(res) return [i[0].replace("'", "") for i in res] def unique_ssid(conns): """Filters the list of ids, so that duplicate ids will only show the one with the greatest strength. The list of ssids is already sorted by strength so this just deletes any duplicates after the first item. """ ssids = [] for conn in conns: if conn[0] in ssids: del conns[conns.index(conn)] else: ssids.append(conn[0]) return conns def vpn_connections(conns): """Parse list of current connections for VPNs Args: conns - ['ssid:security', 'firecat4153:WPA2', ...] Returns: list of VPN connection names ['pia_us_west',...] """ conns = [i.split(':') for i in conns if i] return [i[0] for i in conns if i and 'vpn' in i[1]] def get_network_status(): """Get current status of networking Returns: string 'Enable' or 'Disable', """ stat = ["nmcli", "networking"] res = Popen(stat, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] if 'enabled' in res.decode(): return 'Disable' else: return 'Enable' def get_active_connections(): """Get currently active connections Returns: list of strings """ status = ["nmcli", "-t", "-f", "name", "connection", "show", "--active"] active = Popen(status, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] active = active.decode().split('\n') del active[-1] return active def mark_active(conns, active): """Given a list of connections, mark currently active connections Args: conns - list of strings Returns: list of strings (active prepended with a '**') """ conn_t = [i.rsplit(":", 1)[0] for i in conns] act = [i for i in conn_t if i and i in active] for i, conn in enumerate(conn_t): if conn in act: conns[i] = "**{}".format(conns[i]) return conns def other_actions(): """Return list of other actions that can be taken """ return ["{} Networking".format(get_network_status()), "Launch Connection Manager"] def get_selection(ssids, vpns, other): """Combine the arg lists and send to dmenu for selection. Args: args - ssids: list of strings vpns: list of strings other: list of strings Returns: selection (string) """ active = get_active_connections() vpns = ["{}:VPN".format(i) for i in vpns] inp = mark_active(ssids, active) + [""] + \ mark_active(vpns, active) + [""] + other inp_bytes = "\n".join(inp).encode() sel = Popen(dmenu_cmd(len(inp)), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate(input=inp_bytes)[0].decode() if not sel.strip(): sys.exit() return sel.strip() def toggle_existing(conn): """Get conn status, then toggle connection up or down if it's not 'activated' Args: conn - string """ conn_status = ["nmcli", "-t", "-f", "GENERAL", "connection", "show", conn] res = Popen(conn_status, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] if 'activated' not in res.decode(): updown = 'up' else: updown = 'down' conn_string = ["nmcli", "connection", updown, "id", conn] Popen(conn_string, stdout=PIPE).communicate() def toggle_networking(sel): """Enable/disable networking Args: sel - string ('Enable Networking' or 'Disable Networking') """ if sel.startswith('Enable'): updown = 'on' else: updown = 'off' net = ["nmcli", "networking", updown] Popen(net, stdout=PIPE).communicate() def launch_connection_editor(): """Launch nmtui or the gui nm-connection-editor """ conf = configparser.ConfigParser() terminal = "xterm" gui_if_available = "True" conf.read(expanduser("~/.config/networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini")) try: editor = conf.items("editor") except configparser.NoSectionError: conf = False if conf: opts = {str(k): str(v) for (k, v) in editor} if "terminal" in opts: terminal = opts["terminal"] if "gui_if_available" in opts: gui_if_available = opts["gui_if_available"] if gui_if_available == "True": try: Popen(["nm-connection-editor"]).communicate() except OSError: Popen([terminal, "-e", "nmtui"]).communicate() else: Popen([terminal, "-e", "nmtui"]).communicate() def get_passphrase(): """Get a password Returns: string """ return Popen(dmenu_cmd(0, "Passphrase"), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() def set_new_connection(ssid, pw): """Setup a new NetworkManager connection Args: ssid - string pw - string """ pw = str(pw).strip() new_conn = ["nmcli", "device", "wifi", "connect", ssid, "password", pw] res = Popen(new_conn, stdout=PIPE).communicate() # Delete connection if it fails somehow. # With nmcli 0.9.10, you occasionally get an error message: # "Error: Failed to add/activate new connection: Unknown error", which # doesn't always mean the connection failed, so test for 'activated' or # 'activating' in the connection status as well status = ["nmcli", "-t", "-f", "GENERAL", "connection", "show", ssid] active = Popen(status, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] # Delete connections with errors if "Error" in res and \ ('activating' not in active or 'activated' not in active): delete = ["nmcli", "connection", "delete", ssid] Popen(delete, stdout=PIPE).communicate() def run(): adapter = choose_adapter() conns = current_conns() vpns = vpn_connections(conns) ssids = current_ssids(adapter) other = other_actions() sel = get_selection(ssids, vpns, other) if sel in other: # Parse other actions if 'Networking' in sel: toggle_networking(sel) elif 'Launch' in sel: launch_connection_editor() sys.exit() elif sel in ssids: # Set ssid, security if selection is an SSID ssid, security = sel.split(":") ssid = ssid.strip("'").strip().replace("**", "") security = security.strip() elif sel.replace(":VPN", "").replace("**", "") in vpns: # Select VPN connection (sel="pia_us_west:VPN") ssid = sel.replace(":VPN", "").replace("**", "") else: sys.exit() # Decide if selection is existing connection or new if ssid in [i.split(':')[0] for i in conns if i]: toggle_existing(ssid) else: if security: pw = get_passphrase() else: pw = "" set_new_connection(ssid, pw) if __name__ == '__main__': run()