{ pkgs, lib, ... }: { wayland.windowManager.sway = { enable = true; config = let scintillaDellOutput = { pos = "228 240"; }; scintillaHpOutput = { pos = "228 360"; }; in rec { modifier = "Mod4"; terminal = "foot"; fonts = { names = [ "Ubuntu" ]; style = "Regular"; size = 11.0; }; input = { "type:touchpad" = { natural_scroll = "enabled"; dwt = "disabled"; click_method = "clickfinger"; scroll_factor = "0.25"; }; "type:keyboard" = { xkb_layout = "us,kr"; xkb_options = "grp:alt_caps_toggle"; }; "type:mouse" = { accel_profile = "flat"; }; }; output = { "*" = { bg = "~/Pictures/berg.jpg fill"; subpixel = "none"; }; "BOE 0x095F Unknown" = { pos = "320 1440"; scale = "1.3"; }; # framework "Dell Inc. DELL U2410 F525M13318GL" = scintillaDellOutput; # bibi "Dell Inc. DELL U2410 F525M12P08RL" = scintillaDellOutput; # fabienne "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6110ZM2" = scintillaHpOutput; # floortje "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6110ZM7" = scintillaHpOutput; "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6110ZMF" = scintillaHpOutput; # tamara "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6110ZMQ" = scintillaHpOutput; # patricia "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6110ZR8" = scintillaHpOutput; # megan "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK611103Z" = scintillaHpOutput; # katy "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK611104P" = scintillaHpOutput; # charissa "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK611104X" = scintillaHpOutput; "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6111051" = scintillaHpOutput; # kim "Hewlett Packard HP E222 CNK6111052" = scintillaHpOutput; # ilona "Goldstar Company Ltd LG Ultra HD 0x00008520" = { mode = "2560x1440@60Hz"; }; # thuis rechts "Dell Inc. DELL S2722DGM 3P84Z83" = { pos = "0 0"; mode = "2560x1440@144Hz"; }; # thuis links (hdmi) }; keybindings = lib.mkOptionDefault { XF86MonBrightnessDown = "exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -U 5"; XF86MonBrightnessUp = "exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -A 5"; "shift+XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -U 1"; "shift+XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -A 1"; XF86AudioRaiseVolume = "exec '${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%'"; XF86AudioLowerVolume = "exec '${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%'"; XF86AudioMute = "exec '${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle'"; Print = "exec '${pkgs.grim}/bin/grim -g \"$(${pkgs.slurp}/bin/slurp)\" - | wl-copy -t image/png'"; "shift+Print" = "exec '${pkgs.grim}/bin/grim - | wl-copy -t image/png'"; "${modifier}+d" = "exec '${pkgs.rofi-wayland}/bin/rofi -show drun'"; "${modifier}+shift+b" = "exec '/etc/nixos/framework/dmenu-bluetooth --connected-icon'"; "${modifier}+alt+l" = "exec '${pkgs.swaylock}/bin/swaylock -c 000000 -i eDP-1:Pictures/vista32.jpg'"; "${modifier}+ctrl+Return" = "exec '${pkgs.gnome.nautilus}/bin/nautilus'"; "${modifier}+ctrl+Down" = "move workspace to down"; "${modifier}+ctrl+Up" = "move workspace to up"; "${modifier}+ctrl+Left" = "move workspace to left"; "${modifier}+ctrl+Right" = "move workspace to right"; "${modifier}+ctrl+j" = "move workspace to down"; "${modifier}+ctrl+k" = "move workspace to up"; "${modifier}+ctrl+h" = "move workspace to left"; "${modifier}+ctrl+l" = "move workspace to right"; "${modifier}+ctrl+f" = "exec '${pkgs.python3}/bin/python /etc/nixos/common/sway/next_free.py | xargs swaymsg -- workspace number'"; "${modifier}+comma" = "workspace prev_on_output"; "${modifier}+period" = "workspace next_on_output"; }; startup = [ { command = "/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1"; } ]; }; }; }