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/** \file
* This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
* documentation pages. It is not a project source file.
/** \page Page_CompilingApps Compiling the Demos, Bootloaders and Projects
* The following details how to compile the included LUFA demos, applications and bootloaders using AVR-GCC.
* \section Sec_CompilingApps_Prerequisites Prerequisites
* Before you can compile any of the LUFA library code or demos, you will need a recent distribution of avr-libc (1.6.2+)
* and the AVR-GCC (4.2+) compiler. A standard "coreutils" package for your system is also required for command line
* compilation of LUFA based applications.
* \subsection SSec_CompilingApps_PreqWindows Windows Prerequisites
* On Windows, you will need a copy of the latest Atmel Toolchain (<a>http://www.atmel.com/tools/ATMELAVRTOOLCHAINFORWINDOWS.aspx</a>),
* either downloaded and installed as a standalone package, or installed as part of Atmel Studio. You will need to ensure
* that the "bin" directory of the toolchain is available in your system's <b>PATH</b> environment variable.
* In addition, you will need to install a ported version of the ZSH or BASH *nix shells, and a standard set of *nix
* utilities such as <i>cut</i>, <i>find</i> and <i>sed</i>. These can be found in the "basic" system package of the
* of the MinGW installer (<a>http://www.mingw.org</a>). Once installed, add the "msys\1.0\bin" of the MinGW installation
* folder is added to your system's <b>PATH</b> environment variable.
* \subsection SSec_CompilingApps_PreqLinux Linux Prerequisites
* On Linux systems you will need to install the latest Linux distribution of the standalone Atmel Toolchain from the
* Atmel website (<a>http://www.atmel.com/tools/ATMELAVRTOOLCHAINFORLINUX.aspx</a>), or use the latest avr-libc and avr-gcc packages
* for your chosen distribution's package manager. For full device support, the Atmel standalone Toolchain package is recommended.
* \section Sec_CompilingApps_Compiling Compiling a LUFA Application
* Compiling the LUFA demos, applications and/or bootloaders is very simple. LUFA comes with makefile scripts for
* each individual demo, bootloader and project folder, as well as scripts in the Demos/, Bootloaders/, Projects/
* and the LUFA root directory. Compilation of projects can be started from any of the above directories, with a build
* started from an upper directory in the directory structure executing build of all child directories under it. This
* means that while a build inside a particular demo directory will build only that particular demo, a build started from
* the /Demos/ directory will build all LUFA demo projects sequentially.
* To build a project from the source via the command line, the command <b>"make all"</b> should be executed from the command
* line in the directory of interest. To remove compiled files (including the binary output, all intermediately files and all
* diagnostic output files), execute <b>"make clean"</b>. Once a "make all" has been run and no errors were encountered, the
* resulting binary will be located in the generated ".HEX" file. If your project makes use of pre-initialized EEPROM
* variables, the generated ".EEP" file will contain the project's EEPROM data.
* \see \ref Page_BuildSystem for information on the LUFA build system.