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/* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
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Circuits At Home, LTD
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#include "hid.h"
class ReportDescParserBase : public USBReadParser {
typedef void (*UsagePageFunc)(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintGenericDesktopPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintSimulationControlsPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintVRControlsPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintSportsControlsPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintGameControlsPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintGenericDeviceControlsPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintLEDPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintButtonPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintOrdinalPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintTelephonyPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintConsumerPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintDigitizerPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintAlphanumDisplayPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintMedicalInstrumentPageUsage(uint16_t usage);
static void PrintValue(uint8_t *p, uint8_t len);
static void PrintByteValue(uint8_t data);
static void PrintItemTitle(uint8_t prefix);
static const char * const usagePageTitles0[];
static const char * const usagePageTitles1[];
static const char * const genDesktopTitles0[];
static const char * const genDesktopTitles1[];
static const char * const genDesktopTitles2[];
static const char * const genDesktopTitles3[];
static const char * const genDesktopTitles4[];
static const char * const simuTitles0[];
static const char * const simuTitles1[];
static const char * const simuTitles2[];
static const char * const vrTitles0[];
static const char * const vrTitles1[];
static const char * const sportsCtrlTitles0[];
static const char * const sportsCtrlTitles1[];
static const char * const sportsCtrlTitles2[];
static const char * const gameTitles0[];
static const char * const gameTitles1[];
static const char * const genDevCtrlTitles[];
static const char * const ledTitles[];
static const char * const telTitles0[];
static const char * const telTitles1[];
static const char * const telTitles2[];
static const char * const telTitles3[];
static const char * const telTitles4[];
static const char * const telTitles5[];
static const char * const consTitles0[];
static const char * const consTitles1[];
static const char * const consTitles2[];
static const char * const consTitles3[];
static const char * const consTitles4[];
static const char * const consTitles5[];
static const char * const consTitles6[];
static const char * const consTitles7[];
static const char * const consTitles8[];
static const char * const consTitles9[];
static const char * const consTitlesA[];
static const char * const consTitlesB[];
static const char * const consTitlesC[];
static const char * const consTitlesD[];
static const char * const consTitlesE[];
static const char * const digitTitles0[];
static const char * const digitTitles1[];
static const char * const digitTitles2[];
static const char * const aplphanumTitles0[];
static const char * const aplphanumTitles1[];
static const char * const aplphanumTitles2[];
static const char * const medInstrTitles0[];
static const char * const medInstrTitles1[];
static const char * const medInstrTitles2[];
static const char * const medInstrTitles3[];
static const char * const medInstrTitles4[];
static UsagePageFunc usagePageFunctions[];
MultiValueBuffer theBuffer;
MultiByteValueParser valParser;
ByteSkipper theSkipper;
uint8_t varBuffer[sizeof (USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR)];
uint8_t itemParseState; // Item parser state variable
uint8_t itemSize; // Item size
uint8_t itemPrefix; // Item prefix (first byte)
uint8_t rptSize; // Report Size
uint8_t rptCount; // Report Count
uint16_t totalSize; // Report size in bits
// Method should be defined here if virtual.
virtual uint8_t ParseItem(uint8_t **pp, uint16_t *pcntdn);
UsagePageFunc pfUsage;
static void PrintUsagePage(uint16_t page);
void SetUsagePage(uint16_t page);
ReportDescParserBase() :
pfUsage(NULL) {
theBuffer.pValue = varBuffer;
void Parse(const uint16_t len, const uint8_t *pbuf, const uint16_t &offset);
enum {
enErrorSuccess = 0
, enErrorIncomplete // value or record is partialy read in buffer
, enErrorBufferTooSmall
class ReportDescParser : public ReportDescParserBase {
class ReportDescParser2 : public ReportDescParserBase {
uint8_t rptId; // Report ID
uint8_t useMin; // Usage Minimum
uint8_t useMax; // Usage Maximum
uint8_t fieldCount; // Number of field being currently processed
void OnInputItem(uint8_t itm); // Method which is called every time Input item is found
uint8_t *pBuf; // Report buffer pointer
uint8_t bLen; // Report length
// Method should be defined here if virtual.
virtual uint8_t ParseItem(uint8_t **pp, uint16_t *pcntdn);
ReportDescParser2(uint16_t len, uint8_t *pbuf) :
ReportDescParserBase(), rptId(0), useMin(0), useMax(0), fieldCount(0), pBuf(pbuf), bLen(len) {
class UniversalReportParser : public HIDReportParser {
// Method should be defined here if virtual.
virtual void Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf);