From 6aaa6e0ef9aa1e464b67723fd4cdd0d63b2c861d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmk <nobody@nowhere>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 07:45:25 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Add support for macro media/system keys

 common/action.c        | 12 ++++++
 common/action_code.h   |  6 +--
 common/action_macro.c  | 30 ++++++-------
 common/action_macro.h  | 96 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 common/keycode.h       |  2 +-
 doc/          | 10 ++---
 keyboard/hhkb/keymap.c | 16 ++++---
 7 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/action.c b/common/action.c
index a42a7a4ae..c22f681fb 100644
--- a/common/action.c
+++ b/common/action.c
@@ -373,6 +373,12 @@ void register_code(uint8_t code)
+    else if IS_SYSTEM(code) {
+        host_system_send(KEYCODE2SYSTEM(code));
+    }
+    else if IS_CONSUMER(code) {
+        host_consumer_send(KEYCODE2CONSUMER(code));
+    }
 void unregister_code(uint8_t code)
@@ -400,6 +406,12 @@ void unregister_code(uint8_t code)
+    else if IS_SYSTEM(code) {
+        host_system_send(0);
+    }
+    else if IS_CONSUMER(code) {
+        host_consumer_send(0);
+    }
 void add_mods(uint8_t mods)
diff --git a/common/action_code.h b/common/action_code.h
index df6ce9998..45e974a66 100644
--- a/common/action_code.h
+++ b/common/action_code.h
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
  *   r: Left/Right flag(Left:0, Right:1)
  * ACT_MODS_TAP(001r):
- * 0010|mods|0000 0000    Modifiers with OneShot
- * 0010|mods|0000 00xx    (reserved)
- * 0010|mods| keycode     Modifiers with Tap Key
+ * 001r|mods|0000 0000    Modifiers with OneShot
+ * 001r|mods|0000 00xx    (reserved)
+ * 001r|mods| keycode     Modifiers with Tap Key
  * Other Keys(01xx)
diff --git a/common/action_macro.c b/common/action_macro.c
index 29cfd23df..cc7ac18a0 100644
--- a/common/action_macro.c
+++ b/common/action_macro.c
@@ -36,31 +36,31 @@ void action_macro_play(const macro_t *macro_p)
     if (!macro_p) return;
     while (true) {
         switch (MACRO_READ()) {
-            case INTERVAL:
-                interval = MACRO_READ();
-                debug("INTERVAL("); debug_dec(interval); debug(")\n");
+            case KEY_DOWN:
+                MACRO_READ();
+                dprintf("KEY_DOWN(%02X)\n", macro);
+                register_code(macro);
+                break;
+            case KEY_UP:
+                MACRO_READ();
+                dprintf("KEY_UP(%02X)\n", macro);
+                unregister_code(macro);
             case WAIT:
-                debug("WAIT("); debug_dec(macro); debug(")\n");
+                dprintf("WAIT(%u)\n", macro);
                 { uint8_t ms = macro; while (ms--) _delay_ms(1); }
-            case MODS_DOWN:
-                MACRO_READ();
-                debug("MODS_DOWN("); debug_hex(macro); debug(")\n");
-                add_mods(macro);
-                break;
-            case MODS_UP:
-                MACRO_READ();
-                debug("MODS_UP("); debug_hex(macro); debug(")\n");
-                del_mods(macro);
+            case INTERVAL:
+                interval = MACRO_READ();
+                dprintf("INTERVAL(%u)\n", interval);
             case 0x04 ... 0x73:
-                debug("DOWN("); debug_hex(macro); debug(")\n");
+                dprintf("DOWN(%02X)\n", macro);
             case 0x84 ... 0xF3:
-                debug("UP("); debug_hex(macro); debug(")\n");
+                dprintf("UP(%02X)\n", macro);
             case END:
diff --git a/common/action_macro.h b/common/action_macro.h
index eea8ef57d..621826308 100644
--- a/common/action_macro.h
+++ b/common/action_macro.h
@@ -35,80 +35,68 @@ void action_macro_play(const macro_t *macro_p);
-normal mode command:
-    key(down):      0x04-7f/73(F24)
-    key(up):        0x84-ff
-command:        0x00-03, 0x80-83(0x74-7f, 0xf4-ff)
-    mods down   0x00
-    mods up     0x01
-    wait        0x02
-    interval    0x03
-    extkey down 0x80
-    extkey up   0x81
-    ext commad  0x82
-    ext mode    0x83
-    end         0xff
-extension mode command: NOT IMPLEMENTED
-    key down            0x00
-    key up              0x01
-    key down + wait
-    key up   + wait
-    mods push
-    mods pop
-    wait
-    interval
-    if
-    loop
-    push
-    pop
-    all up
-    end
+/* Macro commands
+ *   code(0x04-73)                      // key down(1byte)
+ *   code(0x04-73) | 0x80               // key up(1byte)
+ *   { KEY_DOWN, code(0x04-0xff) }      // key down(2bytes)
+ *   { KEY_UP,   code(0x04-0xff) }      // key up(2bytes)
+ *   WAIT                               // wait milli-seconds
+ *   INTERVAL                           // set interval between macro commands
+ *   END                                // stop macro execution
+ *
+ * Ideas(Not implemented):
+ *   modifiers
+ *   system usage
+ *   consumer usage
+ *   unicode usage
+ *   function call
+ *   conditionals
+ *   loop
+ */
 enum macro_command_id{
     /* 0x00 - 0x03 */
     END                 = 0x00,
-    MODS_DOWN           = 0x01,
-    MODS_UP             = 0x02,
-    MODS_SET,
-    MODS_POP,
+    KEY_DOWN,
+    KEY_UP,
+    /* 0x04 - 0x73 (reserved for keycode down) */
+    /* 0x74 - 0x83 */
     WAIT                = 0x74,
-    /* 0x74 - 0x7f */
-    /* 0x80 - 0x84 */
-    EXT_DOWN,
-    EXT_UP,
-    EXT_WAIT,
+    /* 0x84 - 0xf3 (reserved for keycode up) */
-    EXTENSION_MODE      = 0xff,
+    /* 0xf4 - 0xff */
-/* normal mode */
-#define DOWN(key)       (key)
-#define UP(key)         ((key) | 0x80)
-#define TYPE(key)       (key), (key | 0x80)
-#define MODS_DOWN(mods) MODS_DOWN, (mods)
-#define MODS_UP(mods)   MODS_UP, (mods)
+/* TODO: keycode:0x04-0x73 can be handled by 1byte command  else 2bytes are needed
+ * if keycode between 0x04 and 0x73
+ *      keycode / (keycode|0x80)
+ * else
+ *      {KEY_DOWN, keycode} / {KEY_UP, keycode}
+#define DOWN(key)       KEY_DOWN, (key)
+#define UP(key)         KEY_UP, (key)
+#define TYPE(key)       DOWN(key), UP(key)
 #define WAIT(ms)        WAIT, (ms)
 #define INTERVAL(ms)    INTERVAL, (ms)
+/* key down */
 #define D(key)          DOWN(KC_##key)
+/* key up */
 #define U(key)          UP(KC_##key)
+/* key type */
 #define T(key)          TYPE(KC_##key)
-#define MD(key)         MODS_DOWN(MOD_BIT(KC_##key))
-#define MU(key)         MODS_UP(MOD_BIT(KC_##key))
+/* wait */
 #define W(ms)           WAIT(ms)
+/* interval */
 #define I(ms)           INTERVAL(ms)
-/* extension mode */
+/* for backward comaptibility */
+#define MD(key)         DOWN(KC_##key)
+#define MU(key)         UP(KC_##key)
 #endif /* ACTION_MACRO_H */
diff --git a/common/keycode.h b/common/keycode.h
index acbec07d2..77d5b79ba 100644
--- a/common/keycode.h
+++ b/common/keycode.h
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 #define IS_SPECIAL(code)         ((0xA5 <= (code) && (code) <= 0xDF) || (0xE8 <= (code) && (code) <= 0xFF))
-#define IS_SYSTEM(code)          (KC_POWER     <= (code) && (code) <= KC_WAKE)
+#define IS_SYSTEM(code)          (KC_PWR       <= (code) && (code) <= KC_WAKE)
 #define IS_CONSUMER(code)        (KC_MUTE      <= (code) && (code) <= KC_WFAV)
 #define IS_FN(code)              (KC_FN0       <= (code) && (code) <= KC_FN31)
 #define IS_MOUSEKEY(code)        (KC_MS_UP     <= (code) && (code) <= KC_MS_ACCEL2)
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 7d979eb7c..e4728b507 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -363,21 +363,19 @@ Default Layer also has bitwise operations, they are executed when key is release
 `Macro` action indicates complex key strokes.
+    MACRO( D(LSHIFT), D(D), END )
+    MACRO( U(D), U(LSHIFT), END )
     MACRO( I(255), T(H), T(E), T(L), T(L), W(255), T(O), END )
-#### 2.3.1 Normal mode
+#### 2.3.1 Macro Commands
 - **I()**   change interavl of stroke.
 - **D()**   press key
 - **U()**   release key
 - **T()**   type key(press and release)
 - **W()**   wait
-- **MD()**  modifier down
-- **MU()**  modifier up
 - **END**   end mark
-#### 2.3.2 Extended mode
+#### 2.3.2 Examples
 ***TODO: sample impl***
 See `keyboard/hhkb/keymap.c` for sample.
diff --git a/keyboard/hhkb/keymap.c b/keyboard/hhkb/keymap.c
index 265fb8729..faa62dd7e 100644
--- a/keyboard/hhkb/keymap.c
+++ b/keyboard/hhkb/keymap.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static const uint8_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
            TAB, Q,   W,   E,   R,   T,   Y,   U,   I,   O,   P,   LBRC,RBRC,BSPC, \
            LCTL,A,   S,   D,   F,   G,   H,   J,   K,   L,   FN3, QUOT,FN4, \
             FN5,Z,   X,   C,   V,   B,   N,   M,   COMM,DOT, FN2, RSFT,FN1, \
-                LGUI,LALT,          FN6,                RALT,NO),
+                LGUI,LALT,          FN6,                RALT,RGUI),
     /* Layer 1: HHKB mode (HHKB Fn)
      * ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ enum macro_id {
+    VOLUP,
@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ static const uint16_t PROGMEM fn_actions[] = {
 //  [13] = ACTION_MACRO_TAP(LSHIFT_PAREN),             // Macro: LShift with tap '('
 //  [14] = ACTION_MACRO_TAP(RSHIFT_PAREN),             // Macro: RShift with tap ')'
 //  [15] = ACTION_MACRO(HELLO),                        // Macro: say hello
+//  [9] = ACTION_MACRO(VOLUP),                         // Macro: media key
@@ -218,23 +220,27 @@ const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt)
         case LSHIFT_PAREN:
             if (tap.count > 0 && !tap.interrupted) {
                 return (event.pressed ?
-                        MACRO( MD(LSHIFT), D(9), U(9), MU(LSHIFT), END ) : MACRO_NONE);
+                        MACRO( D(LSHIFT), D(9), U(9), U(LSHIFT), END ) : MACRO_NONE);
             } else {
                 return (event.pressed ?
-                        MACRO( MD(LSHIFT), END ) : MACRO( MU(LSHIFT), END ) );
+                        MACRO( D(LSHIFT), END ) : MACRO( U(LSHIFT), END ) );
         case RSHIFT_PAREN:
             if (tap.count > 0 && !tap.interrupted) {
                 return (event.pressed ?
-                        MACRO( MD(RSHIFT), D(0), U(0), MU(RSHIFT), END ) : MACRO_NONE);
+                        MACRO( D(RSHIFT), D(0), U(0), U(RSHIFT), END ) : MACRO_NONE);
             } else {
                 return (event.pressed ?
-                        MACRO( MD(RSHIFT), END ) : MACRO( MU(RSHIFT), END ) );
+                        MACRO( D(RSHIFT), END ) : MACRO( U(RSHIFT), END ) );
         case HELLO:
             return (event.pressed ?
                     MACRO( I(0), T(H), T(E), T(L), T(L), W(255), T(O), END ) :
                     MACRO_NONE );
+        case VOLUP:
+            return (event.pressed ?
+                    MACRO( D(VOLU), U(VOLU), END ) :
+                    MACRO_NONE );
     return MACRO_NONE;