diff --git a/Differences-from-TMK.md b/Differences-from-TMK.md
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index 000000000..8b4357095
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+++ b/Differences-from-TMK.md
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+Understanding the essential changes made on the [tmk_keyboard firmware](http://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard) should help you understand the QMK Firmware.
+| Firmware                     |TMK                    |QMK                      |
+| Maintainer                   |hasu  (@tmk)           |Jack Humbert et al.      |
+| Build path customization     | `TMK_DIR = ...`       | `include .../Makefile`  |
+| `keymaps` array data | 3D array of `uint8_t`  holding **keycode**      | 3D array of `uint16_t` holding **keycode**  |
+| `fn_actions` array data  | 1D array of `uint16_t`  holding **action code** | 1D array of `uint16_t` holding **action code**  |
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