/* Copyright 2011 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include "keycode.h" #include "host.h" #include "print.h" #include "debug.h" #include "util.h" #include "timer.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "bootloader.h" #include "command.h" #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE #include "mousekey.h" #endif #ifdef HOST_PJRC # include "usb_keyboard.h" # ifdef EXTRAKEY_ENABLE # include "usb_extra.h" # endif #endif #ifdef HOST_VUSB # include "usbdrv.h" #endif static bool command_common(uint8_t code); static void command_common_help(void); static bool command_console(uint8_t code); static void command_console_help(void); #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE static bool mousekey_console(uint8_t code); static void mousekey_console_help(void); #endif static uint8_t numkey2num(uint8_t code); static void switch_layer(uint8_t layer); static void clear_keyboard(void); typedef enum { ONESHOT, CONSOLE, MOUSEKEY } cmdstate_t; static cmdstate_t state = ONESHOT; bool command_proc(uint8_t code) { switch (state) { case ONESHOT: if (!IS_COMMAND()) return false; return (command_extra(code) || command_common(code)); case CONSOLE: command_console(code); break; #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE case MOUSEKEY: mousekey_console(code); break; #endif default: state = ONESHOT; return false; } return true; } /* This allows to define extra commands. return false when not processed. */ bool command_extra(uint8_t code) __attribute__ ((weak)); bool command_extra(uint8_t code) { return false; } /*********************************************************** * Command common ***********************************************************/ static void command_common_help(void) { print_enable = true; print("\n\n----- Command Help -----\n"); print("c: enter console mode\n"); print("d: toggle debug enable\n"); print("x: toggle matrix debug\n"); print("k: toggle keyboard debug\n"); print("m: toggle mouse debug\n"); print("p: toggle print enable\n"); print("v: print device version & info\n"); print("t: print timer count\n"); print("s: print status\n"); #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE print("n: toggle NKRO\n"); #endif print("0/F10: switch to Layer0 \n"); print("1/F1: switch to Layer1 \n"); print("2/F2: switch to Layer2 \n"); print("3/F3: switch to Layer3 \n"); print("4/F4: switch to Layer4 \n"); print("PScr: power down/remote wake-up\n"); print("Caps: Lock Keyboard(Child Proof)\n"); print("Paus: jump to bootloader\n"); } static bool command_common(uint8_t code) { static host_driver_t *host_driver = 0; switch (code) { case KC_CAPSLOCK: if (host_get_driver()) { host_driver = host_get_driver(); host_set_driver(0); print("Locked.\n"); } else { host_set_driver(host_driver); print("Unlocked.\n"); } break; case KC_H: case KC_SLASH: /* ? */ command_common_help(); break; case KC_C: print_enable = true; debug_matrix = false; debug_keyboard = false; debug_mouse = false; debug_enable = false; command_console_help(); print("\nEnter Console Mode\n"); print("C> "); state = CONSOLE; break; case KC_PAUSE: clear_keyboard(); print("\n\nJump to bootloader... "); _delay_ms(1000); bootloader_jump(); // not return print("not supported.\n"); break; case KC_D: if (debug_enable) { print("\nDEBUG: disabled.\n"); debug_matrix = false; debug_keyboard = false; debug_mouse = false; debug_enable = false; } else { print("\nDEBUG: enabled.\n"); debug_enable = true; } break; case KC_X: // debug matrix toggle debug_matrix = !debug_matrix; if (debug_matrix) { print("\nDEBUG: matrix enabled.\n"); debug_enable = true; } else { print("\nDEBUG: matrix disabled.\n"); } break; case KC_K: // debug keyboard toggle debug_keyboard = !debug_keyboard; if (debug_keyboard) { print("\nDEBUG: keyboard enabled.\n"); debug_enable = true; } else { print("\nDEBUG: keyboard disabled.\n"); } break; case KC_M: // debug mouse toggle debug_mouse = !debug_mouse; if (debug_mouse) { print("\nDEBUG: mouse enabled.\n"); debug_enable = true; } else { print("\nDEBUG: mouse disabled.\n"); } break; case KC_V: // print version & information print("\n\n----- Version -----\n"); print(STR(DESCRIPTION) "\n"); print(STR(MANUFACTURER) "(" STR(VENDOR_ID) ")/"); print(STR(PRODUCT) "(" STR(PRODUCT_ID) ") "); print("VERSION: " STR(DEVICE_VER) "\n"); break; case KC_T: // print timer print_val_hex32(timer_count); break; case KC_P: // print toggle if (print_enable) { print("print disabled.\n"); print_enable = false; } else { print_enable = true; print("print enabled.\n"); } break; case KC_S: print("\n\n----- Status -----\n"); print_val_hex8(host_keyboard_leds()); #ifdef HOST_PJRC print_val_hex8(UDCON); print_val_hex8(UDIEN); print_val_hex8(UDINT); print_val_hex8(usb_keyboard_leds); print_val_hex8(usb_keyboard_protocol); print_val_hex8(usb_keyboard_idle_config); print_val_hex8(usb_keyboard_idle_count); #endif #ifdef HOST_VUSB # if USB_COUNT_SOF print_val_hex8(usbSofCount); # endif #endif break; #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE case KC_N: keyboard_nkro = !keyboard_nkro; if (keyboard_nkro) print("NKRO: enabled\n"); else print("NKRO: disabled\n"); break; #endif #ifdef EXTRAKEY_ENABLE case KC_PSCREEN: // TODO: Power key should take this feature? otherwise any key during suspend. #ifdef HOST_PJRC if (suspend && remote_wakeup) { usb_remote_wakeup(); } else { host_system_send(SYSTEM_POWER_DOWN); host_system_send(0); _delay_ms(500); } #else host_system_send(SYSTEM_POWER_DOWN); _delay_ms(100); host_system_send(0); _delay_ms(500); #endif break; #endif case KC_0: case KC_F10: switch_layer(0); break; case KC_1: case KC_F1: switch_layer(1); break; case KC_2: case KC_F2: switch_layer(2); break; case KC_3: case KC_F3: switch_layer(3); break; case KC_4: case KC_F4: switch_layer(4); break; default: print("?"); return false; } return true; } /*********************************************************** * Command console ***********************************************************/ static void command_console_help(void) { print_enable = true; print("\n\n----- Console Help -----\n"); print("ESC/q: quit\n"); #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE print("m: mousekey\n"); #endif } static bool command_console(uint8_t code) { switch (code) { case KC_H: case KC_SLASH: /* ? */ command_console_help(); break; case KC_Q: case KC_ESC: print("\nQuit Console Mode\n"); state = ONESHOT; return false; #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE case KC_M: mousekey_console_help(); print("\nEnter Mousekey Console\n"); print("M0>"); state = MOUSEKEY; return true; #endif default: print("?"); return false; } print("C> "); return true; } #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE /*********************************************************** * Mousekey console ***********************************************************/ static uint8_t mousekey_param = 0; static void mousekey_param_print(void) { print("\n\n----- Mousekey Parameters -----\n"); print("1: mk_delay(*10ms): "); pdec(mk_delay); print("\n"); print("2: mk_interval(ms): "); pdec(mk_interval); print("\n"); print("3: mk_max_speed: "); pdec(mk_max_speed); print("\n"); print("4: mk_time_to_max: "); pdec(mk_time_to_max); print("\n"); print("5: mk_wheel_max_speed: "); pdec(mk_wheel_max_speed); print("\n"); print("6: mk_wheel_time_to_max: "); pdec(mk_wheel_time_to_max); print("\n"); } #define PRINT_SET_VAL(v) print(#v " = "); print_dec(v); print("\n"); static void mousekey_param_inc(uint8_t param, uint8_t inc) { switch (param) { case 1: if (mk_delay + inc < UINT8_MAX) mk_delay += inc; else mk_delay = UINT8_MAX; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_delay); break; case 2: if (mk_interval + inc < UINT8_MAX) mk_interval += inc; else mk_interval = UINT8_MAX; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_interval); break; case 3: if (mk_max_speed + inc < UINT8_MAX) mk_max_speed += inc; else mk_max_speed = UINT8_MAX; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_max_speed); break; case 4: if (mk_time_to_max + inc < UINT8_MAX) mk_time_to_max += inc; else mk_time_to_max = UINT8_MAX; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_time_to_max); break; case 5: if (mk_wheel_max_speed + inc < UINT8_MAX) mk_wheel_max_speed += inc; else mk_wheel_max_speed = UINT8_MAX; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_wheel_max_speed); break; case 6: if (mk_wheel_time_to_max + inc < UINT8_MAX) mk_wheel_time_to_max += inc; else mk_wheel_time_to_max = UINT8_MAX; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_wheel_time_to_max); break; } } static void mousekey_param_dec(uint8_t param, uint8_t dec) { switch (param) { case 1: if (mk_delay > dec) mk_delay -= dec; else mk_delay = 0; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_delay); break; case 2: if (mk_interval > dec) mk_interval -= dec; else mk_interval = 0; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_interval); break; case 3: if (mk_max_speed > dec) mk_max_speed -= dec; else mk_max_speed = 0; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_max_speed); break; case 4: if (mk_time_to_max > dec) mk_time_to_max -= dec; else mk_time_to_max = 0; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_time_to_max); break; case 5: if (mk_wheel_max_speed > dec) mk_wheel_max_speed -= dec; else mk_wheel_max_speed = 0; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_wheel_max_speed); break; case 6: if (mk_wheel_time_to_max > dec) mk_wheel_time_to_max -= dec; else mk_wheel_time_to_max = 0; PRINT_SET_VAL(mk_wheel_time_to_max); break; } } static void mousekey_console_help(void) { print("\n\n----- Mousekey Parameters Help -----\n"); print("ESC/q: quit\n"); print("1: select mk_delay(*10ms)\n"); print("2: select mk_interval(ms)\n"); print("3: select mk_max_speed\n"); print("4: select mk_time_to_max\n"); print("5: select mk_wheel_max_speed\n"); print("6: select mk_wheel_time_to_max\n"); print("p: print prameters\n"); print("d: set default values\n"); print("up: increase prameters(+1)\n"); print("down: decrease prameters(-1)\n"); print("pgup: increase prameters(+10)\n"); print("pgdown: decrease prameters(-10)\n"); print("\nspeed = delta * max_speed * (repeat / time_to_max)\n"); print("where delta: cursor="); pdec(MOUSEKEY_MOVE_DELTA); print(", wheel="); pdec(MOUSEKEY_WHEEL_DELTA); print("\n"); print("See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse_keys\n"); } static bool mousekey_console(uint8_t code) { switch (code) { case KC_H: case KC_SLASH: /* ? */ mousekey_console_help(); break; case KC_Q: case KC_ESC: mousekey_param = 0; print("\nQuit Mousekey Console\n"); print("C> "); state = CONSOLE; return false; case KC_P: mousekey_param_print(); break; case KC_1: case KC_2: case KC_3: case KC_4: case KC_5: case KC_6: case KC_7: case KC_8: case KC_9: case KC_0: mousekey_param = numkey2num(code); print("selected parameter: "); pdec(mousekey_param); print("\n"); break; case KC_UP: mousekey_param_inc(mousekey_param, 1); break; case KC_DOWN: mousekey_param_dec(mousekey_param, 1); break; case KC_PGUP: mousekey_param_inc(mousekey_param, 10); break; case KC_PGDN: mousekey_param_dec(mousekey_param, 10); break; case KC_D: mk_delay = MOUSEKEY_DELAY/10; mk_interval = MOUSEKEY_INTERVAL; mk_max_speed = MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED; mk_time_to_max = MOUSEKEY_TIME_TO_MAX; mk_wheel_max_speed = MOUSEKEY_WHEEL_MAX_SPEED; mk_wheel_time_to_max = MOUSEKEY_WHEEL_TIME_TO_MAX; print("set default values.\n"); break; default: print("?"); return false; } print("M"); pdec(mousekey_param); print("> "); return true; } #endif /*********************************************************** * Utilities ***********************************************************/ static uint8_t numkey2num(uint8_t code) { switch (code) { case KC_1: return 1; case KC_2: return 2; case KC_3: return 3; case KC_4: return 4; case KC_5: return 5; case KC_6: return 6; case KC_7: return 7; case KC_8: return 8; case KC_9: return 9; case KC_0: return 0; } return 0; } static void switch_layer(uint8_t layer) { print_val_hex8(current_layer); print_val_hex8(default_layer); current_layer = layer; default_layer = layer; print("switch to "); print_val_hex8(layer); } static void clear_keyboard(void) { host_clear_keys(); host_clear_mods(); host_send_keyboard_report(); host_system_send(0); host_consumer_send(0); #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE mousekey_clear(); mousekey_send(); #endif }