#include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include "split_util.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "wait.h" #ifdef USE_MATRIX_I2C # include "i2c.h" #else # include "split_scomm.h" #endif #ifdef EE_HANDS # include "eeconfig.h" #endif #ifndef SPLIT_USB_TIMEOUT #define SPLIT_USB_TIMEOUT 2500 #endif volatile bool isLeftHand = true; bool waitForUsb(void) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (SPLIT_USB_TIMEOUT / 100); i++) { // This will return true of a USB connection has been established if (UDADDR & _BV(ADDEN)) { return true; } wait_ms(100); } // Avoid NO_USB_STARTUP_CHECK - Disable USB as the previous checks seem to enable it somehow (USBCON &= ~(_BV(USBE) | _BV(OTGPADE))); return false; } __attribute__((weak)) bool is_keyboard_left(void) { #if defined(SPLIT_HAND_PIN) // Test pin SPLIT_HAND_PIN for High/Low, if low it's right hand setPinInput(SPLIT_HAND_PIN); return readPin(SPLIT_HAND_PIN); #elif defined(EE_HANDS) return eeconfig_read_handedness(); #elif defined(MASTER_RIGHT) return !has_usb(); #endif return has_usb(); } __attribute__((weak)) bool has_usb(void) { static enum { UNKNOWN, MASTER, SLAVE } usbstate = UNKNOWN; // only check once, as this is called often if (usbstate == UNKNOWN) { #if defined(SPLIT_USB_DETECT) usbstate = waitForUsb() ? MASTER : SLAVE; #elif defined(__AVR__) USBCON |= (1 << OTGPADE); // enables VBUS pad wait_us(5); usbstate = (USBSTA & (1 << VBUS)) ? MASTER : SLAVE; // checks state of VBUS #else usbstate = MASTER; #endif } return (usbstate == MASTER); } static void keyboard_master_setup(void) { #ifdef USE_MATRIX_I2C i2c_master_init(); #else serial_master_init(); #endif } static void keyboard_slave_setup(void) { #ifdef USE_MATRIX_I2C i2c_slave_init(SLAVE_I2C_ADDRESS); #else serial_slave_init(); #endif } void split_keyboard_setup(void) { isLeftHand = is_keyboard_left(); if (has_usb()) { keyboard_master_setup(); } else { keyboard_slave_setup(); } sei(); }