/* Copyright 2012 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com> * * This is heavily based on phantom/board.{c|h}. * https://github.com/BathroomEpiphanies/AVR-Keyboard * * Copyright (c) 2012 Fredrik Atmer, Bathroom Epiphanies Inc * http://bathroomepiphanies.com * * As for liscensing consult with the original files or its author. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include "print.h" #include "debug.h" #include "util.h" #include "matrix.h" #ifndef DEBOUNCE # define DEBOUNCE 0 #endif static uint8_t debouncing = DEBOUNCE; // bit array of key state(1:on, 0:off) static matrix_row_t *matrix; static matrix_row_t *matrix_debounced; static matrix_row_t _matrix0[MATRIX_ROWS]; static matrix_row_t _matrix1[MATRIX_ROWS]; #define _DDRA (uint8_t *const)&DDRA #define _DDRB (uint8_t *const)&DDRB #define _DDRC (uint8_t *const)&DDRC #define _DDRD (uint8_t *const)&DDRD #define _DDRE (uint8_t *const)&DDRE #define _DDRF (uint8_t *const)&DDRF #define _PINA (uint8_t *const)&PINA #define _PINB (uint8_t *const)&PINB #define _PINC (uint8_t *const)&PINC #define _PIND (uint8_t *const)&PIND #define _PINE (uint8_t *const)&PINE #define _PINF (uint8_t *const)&PINF #define _PORTA (uint8_t *const)&PORTA #define _PORTB (uint8_t *const)&PORTB #define _PORTC (uint8_t *const)&PORTC #define _PORTD (uint8_t *const)&PORTD #define _PORTE (uint8_t *const)&PORTE #define _PORTF (uint8_t *const)&PORTF #define _BIT0 0x01 #define _BIT1 0x02 #define _BIT2 0x04 #define _BIT3 0x08 #define _BIT4 0x10 #define _BIT5 0x20 #define _BIT6 0x40 #define _BIT7 0x80 /* Specifies the ports and pin numbers for the rows */ static uint8_t *const row_ddr[MATRIX_ROWS] = {_DDRB, _DDRB, _DDRB, _DDRB, _DDRB, _DDRB}; static uint8_t *const row_port[MATRIX_ROWS] = {_PORTB, _PORTB, _PORTB, _PORTB, _PORTB, _PORTB}; static uint8_t *const row_pin[MATRIX_ROWS] = {_PINB, _PINB, _PINB, _PINB, _PINB, _PINB}; static const uint8_t row_bit[MATRIX_ROWS] = { _BIT0, _BIT1, _BIT2, _BIT3, _BIT4, _BIT5}; /* Specifies the ports and pin numbers for the columns */ static uint8_t *const col_ddr[MATRIX_COLS] = { _DDRD, _DDRC, _DDRC, _DDRD, _DDRD, _DDRE, _DDRF, _DDRF, _DDRF, _DDRF, _DDRF, _DDRF, _DDRD, _DDRD, _DDRD, _DDRD, _DDRD}; static uint8_t *const col_port[MATRIX_COLS] = {_PORTD, _PORTC, _PORTC, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTE, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTD}; static const uint8_t col_bit[MATRIX_COLS] = { _BIT5, _BIT7, _BIT6, _BIT4, _BIT0, _BIT6, _BIT0, _BIT1, _BIT4, _BIT5, _BIT6, _BIT7, _BIT7, _BIT6, _BIT1, _BIT2, _BIT3}; static inline void pull_column(int col) { *col_port[col] &= ~col_bit[col]; } static inline void release_column(int col) { *col_port[col] |= col_bit[col]; } /* PORTB is set as input with pull-up resistors PORTC,D,E,F are set to high output */ static void setup_io_pins(void) { uint8_t row, col; for(row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) { *row_ddr[row] &= ~row_bit[row]; *row_port[row] |= row_bit[row]; } for(col = 0; col < MATRIX_COLS; col++) { *col_ddr[col] |= col_bit[col]; *col_port[col] |= col_bit[col]; } } /* LEDs are on output compare pins OC1B OC1C This activates fast PWM mode on them. Prescaler 256 and 8-bit counter results in 16000000/256/256 = 244 Hz blink frequency. LED_A: Caps Lock LED_B: Scroll Lock */ /* Output on PWM pins are turned off when the timer reaches the value in the output compare register, and are turned on when it reaches TOP (=256). */ static void setup_leds(void) { TCCR1A |= // Timer control register 1A (1<<WGM10) | // Fast PWM 8-bit (1<<COM1B1)| // Clear OC1B on match, set at TOP (1<<COM1C1); // Clear OC1C on match, set at TOP TCCR1B |= // Timer control register 1B (1<<WGM12) | // Fast PWM 8-bit (1<<CS12); // Prescaler 256 OCR1B = 250; // Output compare register 1B OCR1C = 250; // Output compare register 1C // LEDs: LED_A -> PORTB6, LED_B -> PORTB7 DDRB &= 0x3F; PORTB &= 0x3F; } inline uint8_t matrix_rows(void) { return MATRIX_ROWS; } inline uint8_t matrix_cols(void) { return MATRIX_COLS; } void matrix_init(void) { // To use PORTF disable JTAG with writing JTD bit twice within four cycles. MCUCR |= (1<<JTD); MCUCR |= (1<<JTD); // initialize row and col setup_io_pins(); setup_leds(); // initialize matrix state: all keys off for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) _matrix0[i] = 0x00; for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) _matrix1[i] = 0x00; matrix = _matrix0; matrix_debounced = _matrix1; } uint8_t matrix_scan(void) { if (!debouncing) { matrix_row_t *tmp = matrix_debounced; matrix_debounced = matrix; matrix = tmp; } for (uint8_t col = 0; col < MATRIX_COLS; col++) { // 0-16 pull_column(col); // output hi on theline _delay_us(3); // without this wait it won't read stable value. for (uint8_t row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) { // 0-5 bool prev_bit = matrix[row] & ((matrix_row_t)1<<col); bool curr_bit = !(*row_pin[row] & row_bit[row]); if (prev_bit != curr_bit) { matrix[row] ^= ((matrix_row_t)1<<col); if (debouncing) { debug("bounce!: "); debug_hex(debouncing); print("\n"); } debouncing = DEBOUNCE; } } release_column(col); } if (debouncing) { debouncing--; } return 1; } bool matrix_is_modified(void) { // NOTE: no longer used return true; } inline bool matrix_has_ghost(void) { return false; } inline bool matrix_is_on(uint8_t row, uint8_t col) { return (matrix_debounced[row] & ((matrix_row_t)1<<col)); } inline matrix_row_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row) { return matrix_debounced[row]; } void matrix_print(void) { print("\nr/c 01234567\n"); for (uint8_t row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) { phex(row); print(": "); pbin_reverse(matrix_get_row(row)); print("\n"); } } uint8_t matrix_key_count(void) { uint8_t count = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < MATRIX_COLS; j++) { if (matrix_is_on(i, j)) count++; } } return count; }