#!/usr/bin/env python3 """CLI wrapper for running QMK commands. """ import os import subprocess import sys from glob import glob from time import strftime from importlib import import_module from importlib.util import find_spec # Add the QMK python libs to our path script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) qmk_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, '..')) python_lib_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(qmk_dir, 'lib', 'python')) sys.path.append(python_lib_dir) # Change to the root of our checkout os.environ['ORIG_CWD'] = os.getcwd() os.chdir(qmk_dir) # Make sure our modules have been setup with open('requirements.txt', 'r') as fd: for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip().replace('<', '=').replace('>', '=') if line[0] == '#': continue if '#' in line: line = line.split('#')[0] module = line.split('=')[0] if '=' in line else line if not find_spec(module): print('Your QMK build environment is not fully setup!\n') print('Please run `./util/qmk_install.sh` to setup QMK.') exit(255) # Figure out our version command = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=6', '--dirty', '--always', '--tags'] result = subprocess.run(command, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if result.returncode == 0: os.environ['QMK_VERSION'] = 'QMK ' + result.stdout.strip() else: os.environ['QMK_VERSION'] = 'QMK ' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # Setup the CLI import milc milc.EMOJI_LOGLEVELS['INFO'] = '{fg_blue}Ψ{style_reset_all}' # If we were invoked as `qmk <cmd>` massage sys.argv into `qmk-<cmd>`. # This means we can't accept arguments to the qmk script itself. script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if script_name == 'qmk': if len(sys.argv) == 1: milc.cli.log.error('No subcommand specified!\n') if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in ['-h', '--help']: milc.cli.echo('usage: qmk <subcommand> [...]') milc.cli.echo('\nsubcommands:') subcommands = glob(os.path.join(qmk_dir, 'bin', 'qmk-*')) for subcommand in sorted(subcommands): subcommand = os.path.basename(subcommand).split('-', 1)[1] milc.cli.echo('\t%s', subcommand) milc.cli.echo('\nqmk <subcommand> --help for more information') exit(1) if sys.argv[1] in ['-V', '--version']: milc.cli.echo(os.environ['QMK_VERSION']) exit(0) sys.argv[0] = script_name = '-'.join((script_name, sys.argv[1])) del sys.argv[1] # Look for which module to import if script_name == 'qmk': milc.cli.print_help() exit(0) elif not script_name.startswith('qmk-'): milc.cli.log.error('Invalid symlink, must start with "qmk-": %s', script_name) else: subcommand = script_name.replace('-', '.').replace('_', '.').split('.') subcommand.insert(1, 'cli') subcommand = '.'.join(subcommand) try: import_module(subcommand) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: if e.__class__.__name__ != subcommand: raise milc.cli.log.error('Invalid subcommand! Could not import %s.', subcommand) exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': return_code = milc.cli() if return_code is False: exit(1) elif return_code is not True and isinstance(return_code, int) and return_code < 256: exit(return_code) else: exit(0)