Keycode Symbol Table ==================== Keycodes are defined in `common/keycode.h`. Range of 00-A4 and E0-E7 are identical with HID Usage: <> Virtual keycodes are defined out of above range to support special actions. Keycode Symbol Short name Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KC_NO 00 Reserved (no event indicated) KC_ROLL_OVER 01 Keyboard ErrorRollOver KC_POST_FAIL 02 Keyboard POSTFail KC_UNDEFINED 03 Keyboard ErrorUndefined KC_A 04 Keyboard a and A KC_B 05 Keyboard b and B KC_C 06 Keyboard c and C KC_D 07 Keyboard d and D KC_E 08 Keyboard e and E KC_F 09 Keyboard f and F KC_G 0A Keyboard g and G KC_H 0B Keyboard h and H KC_I 0C Keyboard i and I KC_J 0D Keyboard j and J KC_K 0E Keyboard k and K KC_L 0F Keyboard l and L KC_M 10 Keyboard m and M KC_N 11 Keyboard n and N KC_O 12 Keyboard o and O KC_P 13 Keyboard p and P KC_Q 14 Keyboard q and Q KC_R 15 Keyboard r and R KC_S 16 Keyboard s and S KC_T 17 Keyboard t and T KC_U 18 Keyboard u and U KC_V 19 Keyboard v and V KC_W 1A Keyboard w and W KC_X 1B Keyboard x and X KC_Y 1C Keyboard y and Y KC_Z 1D Keyboard z and Z KC_1 1E Keyboard 1 and ! KC_2 1F Keyboard 2 and @ KC_3 20 Keyboard 3 and # KC_4 21 Keyboard 4 and $ KC_5 22 Keyboard 5 and % KC_6 23 Keyboard 6 and ^ KC_7 24 Keyboard 7 and & KC_8 25 Keyboard 8 and * KC_9 26 Keyboard 9 and ( KC_0 27 Keyboard 0 and ) KC_ENTER KC_ENT 28 Keyboard Return (ENTER) KC_ESCAPE KC_ESC 29 Keyboard ESCAPE KC_BSPACE KC_BSPC 2A Keyboard DELETE (Backspace) KC_TAB 2B Keyboard Tab KC_SPACE KC_SPC 2C Keyboard Spacebar KC_MINUS KC_MINS 2D Keyboard - and (underscore) KC_EQUAL KC_EQL 2E Keyboard = and + KC_LBRACKET KC_LBRC 2F Keyboard [ and { KC_RBRACKET KC_RBRC 30 Keyboard ] and } KC_BSLASH KC_BSLS 31 Keyboard \ and | KC_NONUS_HASH KC_NUHS 32 Keyboard Non-US # and ~ KC_SCOLON KC_SCLN 33 Keyboard ; and : KC_QUOTE KC_QUOT 34 Keyboard ‘ and “ KC_GRAVE KC_GRV 35 Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde KC_COMMA KC_COMM 36 Keyboard, and < KC_DOT 37 Keyboard . and > KC_SLASH KC_SLSH 38 Keyboard / and ? KC_CAPSLOCK KC_CAPS 39 Keyboard Caps Lock KC_F1 3A Keyboard F1 KC_F2 3B Keyboard F2 KC_F3 3C Keyboard F3 KC_F4 3D Keyboard F4 KC_F5 3E Keyboard F5 KC_F6 3F Keyboard F6 KC_F7 40 Keyboard F7 KC_F8 41 Keyboard F8 KC_F9 42 Keyboard F9 KC_F10 43 Keyboard F10 KC_F11 44 Keyboard F11 KC_F12 45 Keyboard F12 KC_PSCREEN KC_PSCR 46 Keyboard PrintScreen1 KC_SCKLOCK KC_SLCK 47 Keyboard Scroll Lock11 KC_PAUSE KC_PAUS 48 Keyboard Pause1 KC_INSERT KC_INS 49 Keyboard Insert1 KC_HOME 4A Keyboard Home1 KC_PGUP 4B Keyboard PageUp1 KC_DELETE KC_DELETE 4C Keyboard Delete Forward KC_END 4D Keyboard End1 KC_PGDOWN KC_PGDN 4E Keyboard PageDown1 KC_RIGHT KC_RGHT 4F Keyboard RightArrow1 KC_LEFT 50 Keyboard LeftArrow1 KC_DOWN 51 Keyboard DownArrow1 KC_UP 52 Keyboard UpArrow1 KC_NUMLOCK KC_NLCK 53 Keypad Num Lock and Clear11 KC_KP_SLASH KC_PSLS 54 Keypad /1 KC_KP_ASTERISK KC_PAST 55 Keypad * KC_KP_MINUS KC_PMNS 56 Keypad - KC_KP_PLUS KC_PPLS 57 Keypad + KC_KP_ENTER KC_PENT 58 Keypad ENTER5 KC_KP_1 KC_P1 59 Keypad 1 and End KC_KP_2 KC_P2 5A Keypad 2 and Down Arrow KC_KP_3 KC_P3 5B Keypad 3 and PageDn KC_KP_4 KC_P4 5C Keypad 4 and Left Arrow KC_KP_5 KC_P5 5D Keypad 5 KC_KP_6 KC_P6 5E Keypad 6 and Right Arrow KC_KP_7 KC_P7 5F Keypad 7 and Home KC_KP_8 KC_P8 60 Keypad 8 and Up Arrow KC_KP_9 KC_P9 61 Keypad 9 and PageUp KC_KP_0 KC_P0 62 Keypad 0 and Insert KC_KP_DOT KC_PDOT 63 Keypad . and Delete KC_NONUS_BSLASH KC_NUBS 64 Keyboard Non-US \ and | KC_APPLICATION KC_APP 65 Keyboard Application10 KC_POWER 66 Keyboard Power9 KC_KP_EQUAL KC_PEQL 67 Keypad = KC_F13 68 Keyboard F13 KC_F14 69 Keyboard F14 KC_F15 6A Keyboard F15 KC_F16 6B Keyboard F16 KC_F17 6C Keyboard F17 KC_F18 6D Keyboard F18 KC_F19 6E Keyboard F19 KC_F20 6F Keyboard F20 KC_F21 70 Keyboard F21 KC_F22 71 Keyboard F22 KC_F23 72 Keyboard F23 KC_F24 73 Keyboard F24 KC_EXECUTE 74 Keyboard Execute KC_HELP 75 Keyboard Help KC_MENU 76 Keyboard Menu KC_SELECT 77 Keyboard Select KC_STOP 78 Keyboard Stop KC_AGAIN 79 Keyboard Again KC_UNDO 7A Keyboard Undo KC_CUT 7B Keyboard Cut KC_COPY 7C Keyboard Copy KC_PASTE 7D Keyboard Paste KC_FIND 7E Keyboard Find KC__MUTE 7F Keyboard Mute KC__VOLUP 80 Keyboard Volume Up KC__VOLDOWN 81 Keyboard Volume Down KC_LOCKING_CAPS 82 Keyboard Locking Caps Lock12 KC_LOCKING_NUM 83 Keyboard Locking Num Lock12 KC_LOCKING_SCROLL 84 Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock12 KC_KP_COMMA KC_PCMM 85 Keypad Comma27 KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400 86 Keypad Equal Sign29 KC_INT1 KC_RO 87 Keyboard International115,28 KC_INT2 KC_KANA 88 Keyboard International216 KC_INT3 KC_JYEN 89 Keyboard International317 KC_INT4 KC_HENK 8A Keyboard International418 KC_INT5 KC_MHEN 8B Keyboard International519 KC_INT6 8C Keyboard International620 KC_INT7 8D Keyboard International721 KC_INT8 8E Keyboard International822 KC_INT9 8F Keyboard International922 KC_LANG1 90 Keyboard LANG125 KC_LANG2 91 Keyboard LANG226 KC_LANG3 92 Keyboard LANG330 KC_LANG4 93 Keyboard LANG431 KC_LANG5 94 Keyboard LANG532 KC_LANG6 95 Keyboard LANG68 KC_LANG7 96 Keyboard LANG78 KC_LANG8 97 Keyboard LANG88 KC_LANG9 98 Keyboard LANG98 KC_ALT_ERASE 99 Keyboard Alternate Erase7 KC_SYSREQ 9A Keyboard SysReq/Attention1 KC_CANCEL 9B Keyboard Cancel KC_CLEAR 9C Keyboard Clear KC_PRIOR 9D Keyboard Prior KC_RETURN 9E Keyboard Return KC_SEPARATOR 9F Keyboard Separator KC_OUT A0 Keyboard Out KC_OPER A1 Keyboard Oper KC_CLEAR_AGAIN A2 Keyboard Clear/Again KC_CRSEL A3 Keyboard CrSel/Props KC_EXSEL A4 Keyboard ExSel /* Modifiers */ KC_LCTRL KC_LCTL E0 Keyboard LeftControl KC_LSHIFT KC_LSFT E1 Keyboard LeftShift KC_LALT E2 Keyboard LeftAlt KC_LGUI E3 Keyboard Left GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key) KC_RCTRL KC_RCTL E4 Keyboard RightControl KC_RSHIFT KC_RSFT E5 Keyboard RightShift KC_RALT E6 Keyboard RightAlt KC_RGUI E7 Keyboard Right GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key) /* * Virtual keycodes */ /* System Control */ KC_SYSTEM_POWER KC_PWR System Power Down KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP KC_SLEP System Sleep KC_SYSTEM_WAKE KC_WAKE System Wake /* Consumer Page */ KC_AUDIO_MUTE KC_MUTE KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP KC_VOLU KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN KC_VOLD KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK KC_MNXT KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK KC_MPRV KC_MEDIA_STOP KC_MSTP KC_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE KC_MPLY KC_MEDIA_SELECT KC_MSEL KC_MAIL KC_MAIL KC_CALCULATOR KC_CALC KC_MY_COMPUTER KC_MYCM KC_WWW_SEARCH KC_WSCH KC_WWW_HOME KC_WHOM KC_WWW_BACK KC_WBAK KC_WWW_FORWARD KC_WFWD KC_WWW_STOP KC_WSTP KC_WWW_REFRESH KC_WREF KC_WWW_FAVORITES KC_WFAV /* Mousekey */ KC_MS_UP KC_MS_U Mouse Cursor Up KC_MS_DOWN KC_MS_D Mouse Cursor Down KC_MS_LEFT KC_MS_L Mouse Cursor Left KC_MS_RIGHT KC_MS_R Mouse Cursor Right KC_MS_BTN1 KC_BTN1 Mouse Button 1 KC_MS_BTN2 KC_BTN2 Mouse Button 2 KC_MS_BTN3 KC_BTN3 Mouse Button 3 KC_MS_BTN4 KC_BTN4 Mouse Button 4 KC_MS_BTN5 KC_BTN5 Mouse Button 5 KC_MS_WH_UP KC_WH_U Mouse Wheel Up KC_MS_WH_DOWN KC_WH_D Mouse Wheel Down KC_MS_WH_LEFT KC_WH_L Mouse Wheel Left KC_MS_WH_RIGHT KC_WH_R Mouse Wheel Right KC_MS_ACCEL0 KC_ACL0 Mouse Acceleration 0 KC_MS_ACCEL1 KC_ACL1 Mouse Acceleration 1 KC_MS_ACCEL2 KC_ACL2 Mouse Acceleration 2 /* Fn key */ KC_FN0 KC_FN1 KC_FN2 KC_FN3 KC_FN4 KC_FN5 KC_FN6 KC_FN7 KC_FN8 KC_FN9 KC_FN10 KC_FN11 KC_FN12 KC_FN13 KC_FN14 KC_FN15 KC_FN16 KC_FN17 KC_FN18 KC_FN19 KC_FN20 KC_FN21 KC_FN22 KC_FN23 KC_FN24 KC_FN25 KC_FN26 KC_FN27 KC_FN28 KC_FN29 KC_FN30 KC_FN31