/* Copyright 2017 Potiguar Faga
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "keymap.h"

/* Scan codes for the Brazilian ABNT2 keyboard layout */

#define BR_CCDL KC_SCLN  //  Ç   same scancode as ;: on US layout
#define BR_SCLN KC_SLSH  //  ;:  same scancode as /? on US layout
#define BR_QUOT KC_GRV   //  '"  same scancode as `~ on US layout
#define BR_TILD KC_QUOT  //  ~^  dead keys, same scancode as '" on US layout
#define BR_ACUT KC_LBRC  //  ´`  dead keys, same scancode as [{ on US layout
#define BR_LBRC KC_RBRC  //  [{  same scancode as ]} on US layout
#define BR_RBRC KC_BSLS  //  ]}  same scancode as \| on US layout
#define BR_BSLS KC_NUBS  //  \|  uses the non-US hash scancode (#~, sometimes §±)
#define BR_SLSH KC_INT1  //  /?  uses the INTL1 scancode

#define BR_COLN LSFT(BR_SCLN)  // shifted :
#define BR_DQT LSFT(BR_QUOT)   // shifted "
#define BR_CIRC LSFT(BR_TILD)  // shifted ^ (dead key)
#define BR_GRAV LSFT(BR_ACUT)  // shifted ` (dead key)
#define BR_LCBR LSFT(BR_LBRC)  // shifted {
#define BR_RCBR LSFT(BR_RBRC)  // shifted }
#define BR_PIPE LSFT(BR_BSLS)  // shifted |
#define BR_QUES LSFT(BR_SLSH)  // shifted ?
#define BR_TRMA LSFT(KC_6)     // shifted ¨ (dead key - trema accent)

// On the ABNT2 the keypad comma and the keypad dot scancodes are switched
// (presumably because in Brazil comma is used as the decimal separator)
#define BR_KPDT KC_KP_COMMA  //  keypad .
#define BR_KPCM KC_KP_DOT    //  keypad ,

#define BR_1UP LALT(KC_1)      // 1 superscript                    ¹   alt+1
#define BR_2UP LALT(KC_2)      // 2 superscript                    ²   alt+2
#define BR_3UP LALT(KC_3)      // 3 superscript                    ³   alt+3
#define BR_PND LALT(KC_4)      // Pound sign                       £   alt+4
#define BR_CENT LALT(KC_5)     // Cent sign                        ¢   alt+5
#define BR_NOT LALT(KC_6)      // Not sign                         ¬   alt+6
#define BR_SECT LALT(KC_EQL)   // Section sign                     §   alt+=
#define BR_FORD LALT(BR_LBRC)  // Feminine Ordinal Sign            ª   alt+[
#define BR_MORD LALT(BR_RBRC)  // Masculine Ordinal Sign           º   alt+]
#define BR_DGRE LALT(BR_SLSH)  // Degree sign                      °   alt+/

#define BR_EURO LALT(KC_E)     // Euro sign                        €   alt+e
#define BR_NDTD LALT(BR_TILD)  // Non-dead key tilde               ~   alt+~
#define BR_NDAC LALT(BR_ACUT)  // Non-dead key acute accent        ´   alt+´
#define BR_NDGV LALT(BR_QUOT)  // Non-dead key grave accent        `   alt+'
#define BR_NDCR LALT(BR_CIRC)  // Non-dead key circumflex accent   ^   alt+^ (alt+shift+~)
#define BR_NDTR LALT(BR_TRMA)  // Non-dead key trema accent        ¨   alt+¨ (alt+shift+6)

// For 101-key keyboard layouts, the ABNT2 layout allows
// the slash and question mark to be typed using alt+q and alt+w.
// The shortcuts are provided here for completeness' sake,
// but it's recommended to use BR_SLSH and BR_QUES instead
#define BR_ASLS LALT(KC_Q)
#define BR_AQST LALT(KC_W)
