# US ANSI Shifted Symbols

These keycodes correspond to characters that are "shifted" on a standard US ANSI keyboard. They do not have keycodes of their own but are simply shortcuts for `LSFT(kc)`, and as such send a Left Shift with the unshifted keycode, not the symbol itself.

## Caveats

Unfortunately, these keycodes cannot be used in Mod-Taps or Layer-Taps, since any modifiers specified in the keycode are ignored.

## Keycodes

|Key                     |Aliases            |Description        |
|`KC_TILDE`              |`KC_TILD`          |`~`                |
|`KC_EXCLAIM`            |`KC_EXLM`          |`!`                |
|`KC_AT`                 |                   |`@`                |
|`KC_HASH`               |                   |`#`                |
|`KC_DOLLAR`             |`KC_DLR`           |`$`                |
|`KC_PERCENT`            |`KC_PERC`          |`%`                |
|`KC_CIRCUMFLEX`         |`KC_CIRC`          |`^`                |
|`KC_AMPERSAND`          |`KC_AMPR`          |`&`                |
|`KC_ASTERISK`           |`KC_ASTR`          |`*`                |
|`KC_LEFT_PAREN`         |`KC_LPRN`          |`(`                |
|`KC_RIGHT_PAREN`        |`KC_RPRN`          |`)`                |
|`KC_UNDERSCORE`         |`KC_UNDS`          |`_`                |
|`KC_PLUS`               |                   |`+`                |
|`KC_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE`   |`KC_LCBR`          |`{`                |
|`KC_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE`  |`KC_RCBR`          |`}`                |
|`KC_PIPE`               |                   |<code>&#124;</code>|
|`KC_COLON`              |`KC_COLN`          |`:`                |
|`KC_DOUBLE_QUOTE`       |`KC_DQUO`, `KC_DQT`|`"`                |
|`KC_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET` |`KC_LABK`, `KC_LT` |`<`                |
|`KC_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|`KC_RABK`, `KC_GT` |`>`                |
|`KC_QUESTION`           |`KC_QUES`          |`?`                |