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* \file
* \brief Component description for CAN
* Copyright (c) 2016 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* \asf_license_start
* \page License
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an
* Atmel microcontroller product.
* \asf_license_stop
/* ========================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================== */
/** \addtogroup SAMD51_CAN Control Area Network */
#define CAN_U2003
#define REV_CAN 0x321
/* -------- CAN_CREL : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/ 32) Core Release -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t :20; /*!< bit: 0..19 Reserved */
uint32_t SUBSTEP:4; /*!< bit: 20..23 Sub-step of Core Release */
uint32_t STEP:4; /*!< bit: 24..27 Step of Core Release */
uint32_t REL:4; /*!< bit: 28..31 Core Release */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_CREL_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_CREL_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_CREL offset) Core Release */
#define CAN_CREL_RESETVALUE 0x32100000u /**< \brief (CAN_CREL reset_value) Core Release */
#define CAN_CREL_SUBSTEP_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_CREL) Sub-step of Core Release */
#define CAN_CREL_SUBSTEP(value) (CAN_CREL_SUBSTEP_Msk & ((value) << CAN_CREL_SUBSTEP_Pos))
#define CAN_CREL_STEP_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_CREL) Step of Core Release */
#define CAN_CREL_STEP_Msk (0xFu << CAN_CREL_STEP_Pos)
#define CAN_CREL_STEP(value) (CAN_CREL_STEP_Msk & ((value) << CAN_CREL_STEP_Pos))
#define CAN_CREL_REL_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_CREL) Core Release */
#define CAN_CREL_REL_Msk (0xFu << CAN_CREL_REL_Pos)
#define CAN_CREL_REL(value) (CAN_CREL_REL_Msk & ((value) << CAN_CREL_REL_Pos))
#define CAN_CREL_MASK 0xFFF00000u /**< \brief (CAN_CREL) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_ENDN : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/ 32) Endian -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ETV:32; /*!< bit: 0..31 Endianness Test Value */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_ENDN_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_ENDN_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_ENDN offset) Endian */
#define CAN_ENDN_RESETVALUE 0x87654321u /**< \brief (CAN_ENDN reset_value) Endian */
#define CAN_ENDN_ETV_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_ENDN) Endianness Test Value */
#define CAN_ENDN_ETV(value) (CAN_ENDN_ETV_Msk & ((value) << CAN_ENDN_ETV_Pos))
#define CAN_ENDN_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_ENDN) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_MRCFG : (CAN Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Message RAM Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t QOS:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Quality of Service */
uint32_t :30; /*!< bit: 2..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_MRCFG_OFFSET 0x08 /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG offset) Message RAM Configuration */
#define CAN_MRCFG_RESETVALUE 0x00000002u /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG reset_value) Message RAM Configuration */
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG) Quality of Service */
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS_Msk (0x3u << CAN_MRCFG_QOS_Pos)
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS(value) (CAN_MRCFG_QOS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_MRCFG_QOS_Pos))
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS_DISABLE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG) Background (no sensitive operation) */
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS_LOW_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG) Sensitive Bandwidth */
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS_MEDIUM_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG) Sensitive Latency */
#define CAN_MRCFG_QOS_HIGH_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG) Critical Latency */
#define CAN_MRCFG_MASK 0x00000003u /**< \brief (CAN_MRCFG) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_DBTP : (CAN Offset: 0x0C) (R/W 32) Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t DSJW:4; /*!< bit: 0.. 3 Data (Re)Synchronization Jump Width */
uint32_t DTSEG2:4; /*!< bit: 4.. 7 Data time segment after sample point */
uint32_t DTSEG1:5; /*!< bit: 8..12 Data time segment before sample point */
uint32_t :3; /*!< bit: 13..15 Reserved */
uint32_t DBRP:5; /*!< bit: 16..20 Data Baud Rate Prescaler */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 21..22 Reserved */
uint32_t TDC:1; /*!< bit: 23 Tranceiver Delay Compensation */
uint32_t :8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_DBTP_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_DBTP_OFFSET 0x0C /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP offset) Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler */
#define CAN_DBTP_RESETVALUE 0x00000A33u /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP reset_value) Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler */
#define CAN_DBTP_DSJW_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP) Data (Re)Synchronization Jump Width */
#define CAN_DBTP_DSJW_Msk (0xFu << CAN_DBTP_DSJW_Pos)
#define CAN_DBTP_DSJW(value) (CAN_DBTP_DSJW_Msk & ((value) << CAN_DBTP_DSJW_Pos))
#define CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP) Data time segment after sample point */
#define CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_Msk (0xFu << CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_Pos)
#define CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2(value) (CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_Pos))
#define CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP) Data time segment before sample point */
#define CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_Pos)
#define CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1(value) (CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_Pos))
#define CAN_DBTP_DBRP_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP) Data Baud Rate Prescaler */
#define CAN_DBTP_DBRP_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_DBTP_DBRP_Pos)
#define CAN_DBTP_DBRP(value) (CAN_DBTP_DBRP_Msk & ((value) << CAN_DBTP_DBRP_Pos))
#define CAN_DBTP_TDC_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP) Tranceiver Delay Compensation */
#define CAN_DBTP_TDC (0x1u << CAN_DBTP_TDC_Pos)
#define CAN_DBTP_MASK 0x009F1FFFu /**< \brief (CAN_DBTP) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TEST : (CAN Offset: 0x10) (R/W 32) Test -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t :4; /*!< bit: 0.. 3 Reserved */
uint32_t LBCK:1; /*!< bit: 4 Loop Back Mode */
uint32_t TX:2; /*!< bit: 5.. 6 Control of Transmit Pin */
uint32_t RX:1; /*!< bit: 7 Receive Pin */
uint32_t :24; /*!< bit: 8..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TEST_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TEST_OFFSET 0x10 /**< \brief (CAN_TEST offset) Test */
#define CAN_TEST_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TEST reset_value) Test */
#define CAN_TEST_LBCK_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) Loop Back Mode */
#define CAN_TEST_LBCK (0x1u << CAN_TEST_LBCK_Pos)
#define CAN_TEST_TX_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) Control of Transmit Pin */
#define CAN_TEST_TX_Msk (0x3u << CAN_TEST_TX_Pos)
#define CAN_TEST_TX(value) (CAN_TEST_TX_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TEST_TX_Pos))
#define CAN_TEST_TX_CORE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) TX controlled by CAN core */
#define CAN_TEST_TX_SAMPLE_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) TX monitoring sample point */
#define CAN_TEST_TX_DOMINANT_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) Dominant (0) level at pin CAN_TX */
#define CAN_TEST_TX_RECESSIVE_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) Recessive (1) level at pin CAN_TX */
#define CAN_TEST_RX_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) Receive Pin */
#define CAN_TEST_RX (0x1u << CAN_TEST_RX_Pos)
#define CAN_TEST_MASK 0x000000F0u /**< \brief (CAN_TEST) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RWD : (CAN Offset: 0x14) (R/W 32) RAM Watchdog -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t WDC:8; /*!< bit: 0.. 7 Watchdog Configuration */
uint32_t WDV:8; /*!< bit: 8..15 Watchdog Value */
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RWD_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RWD_OFFSET 0x14 /**< \brief (CAN_RWD offset) RAM Watchdog */
#define CAN_RWD_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RWD reset_value) RAM Watchdog */
#define CAN_RWD_WDC_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RWD) Watchdog Configuration */
#define CAN_RWD_WDC_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RWD_WDC_Pos)
#define CAN_RWD_WDC(value) (CAN_RWD_WDC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RWD_WDC_Pos))
#define CAN_RWD_WDV_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RWD) Watchdog Value */
#define CAN_RWD_WDV_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RWD_WDV_Pos)
#define CAN_RWD_WDV(value) (CAN_RWD_WDV_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RWD_WDV_Pos))
#define CAN_RWD_MASK 0x0000FFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RWD) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_CCCR : (CAN Offset: 0x18) (R/W 32) CC Control -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t INIT:1; /*!< bit: 0 Initialization */
uint32_t CCE:1; /*!< bit: 1 Configuration Change Enable */
uint32_t ASM:1; /*!< bit: 2 ASM Restricted Operation Mode */
uint32_t CSA:1; /*!< bit: 3 Clock Stop Acknowledge */
uint32_t CSR:1; /*!< bit: 4 Clock Stop Request */
uint32_t MON:1; /*!< bit: 5 Bus Monitoring Mode */
uint32_t DAR:1; /*!< bit: 6 Disable Automatic Retransmission */
uint32_t TEST:1; /*!< bit: 7 Test Mode Enable */
uint32_t FDOE:1; /*!< bit: 8 FD Operation Enable */
uint32_t BRSE:1; /*!< bit: 9 Bit Rate Switch Enable */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 10..11 Reserved */
uint32_t PXHD:1; /*!< bit: 12 Protocol Exception Handling Disable */
uint32_t EFBI:1; /*!< bit: 13 Edge Filtering during Bus Integration */
uint32_t TXP:1; /*!< bit: 14 Transmit Pause */
uint32_t NISO:1; /*!< bit: 15 Non ISO Operation */
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_CCCR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_CCCR_OFFSET 0x18 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR offset) CC Control */
#define CAN_CCCR_RESETVALUE 0x00000001u /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR reset_value) CC Control */
#define CAN_CCCR_INIT_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Initialization */
#define CAN_CCCR_INIT (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_INIT_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_CCE_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Configuration Change Enable */
#define CAN_CCCR_CCE (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_CCE_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_ASM_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) ASM Restricted Operation Mode */
#define CAN_CCCR_ASM (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_ASM_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_CSA_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Clock Stop Acknowledge */
#define CAN_CCCR_CSA (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_CSA_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_CSR_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Clock Stop Request */
#define CAN_CCCR_CSR (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_CSR_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_MON_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Bus Monitoring Mode */
#define CAN_CCCR_MON (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_MON_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_DAR_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Disable Automatic Retransmission */
#define CAN_CCCR_DAR (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_DAR_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_TEST_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Test Mode Enable */
#define CAN_CCCR_TEST (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_TEST_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_FDOE_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) FD Operation Enable */
#define CAN_CCCR_FDOE (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_FDOE_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_BRSE_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Bit Rate Switch Enable */
#define CAN_CCCR_BRSE (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_BRSE_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_PXHD_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Protocol Exception Handling Disable */
#define CAN_CCCR_PXHD (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_PXHD_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_EFBI_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Edge Filtering during Bus Integration */
#define CAN_CCCR_EFBI (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_EFBI_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_TXP_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Transmit Pause */
#define CAN_CCCR_TXP (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_TXP_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_NISO_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) Non ISO Operation */
#define CAN_CCCR_NISO (0x1u << CAN_CCCR_NISO_Pos)
#define CAN_CCCR_MASK 0x0000F3FFu /**< \brief (CAN_CCCR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_NBTP : (CAN Offset: 0x1C) (R/W 32) Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t NTSEG2:7; /*!< bit: 0.. 6 Nominal Time segment after sample point */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 7 Reserved */
uint32_t NTSEG1:8; /*!< bit: 8..15 Nominal Time segment before sample point */
uint32_t NBRP:9; /*!< bit: 16..24 Nominal Baud Rate Prescaler */
uint32_t NSJW:7; /*!< bit: 25..31 Nominal (Re)Synchronization Jump Width */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_NBTP_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_NBTP_OFFSET 0x1C /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP offset) Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler */
#define CAN_NBTP_RESETVALUE 0x06000A03u /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP reset_value) Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler */
#define CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP) Nominal Time segment after sample point */
#define CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_Pos)
#define CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2(value) (CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_Pos))
#define CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP) Nominal Time segment before sample point */
#define CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_Pos)
#define CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1(value) (CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_Pos))
#define CAN_NBTP_NBRP_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP) Nominal Baud Rate Prescaler */
#define CAN_NBTP_NBRP_Msk (0x1FFu << CAN_NBTP_NBRP_Pos)
#define CAN_NBTP_NBRP(value) (CAN_NBTP_NBRP_Msk & ((value) << CAN_NBTP_NBRP_Pos))
#define CAN_NBTP_NSJW_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP) Nominal (Re)Synchronization Jump Width */
#define CAN_NBTP_NSJW_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_NBTP_NSJW_Pos)
#define CAN_NBTP_NSJW(value) (CAN_NBTP_NSJW_Msk & ((value) << CAN_NBTP_NSJW_Pos))
#define CAN_NBTP_MASK 0xFFFFFF7Fu /**< \brief (CAN_NBTP) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TSCC : (CAN Offset: 0x20) (R/W 32) Timestamp Counter Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TSS:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Timestamp Select */
uint32_t :14; /*!< bit: 2..15 Reserved */
uint32_t TCP:4; /*!< bit: 16..19 Timestamp Counter Prescaler */
uint32_t :12; /*!< bit: 20..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TSCC_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TSCC_OFFSET 0x20 /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC offset) Timestamp Counter Configuration */
#define CAN_TSCC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC reset_value) Timestamp Counter Configuration */
#define CAN_TSCC_TSS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC) Timestamp Select */
#define CAN_TSCC_TSS_Msk (0x3u << CAN_TSCC_TSS_Pos)
#define CAN_TSCC_TSS(value) (CAN_TSCC_TSS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TSCC_TSS_Pos))
#define CAN_TSCC_TSS_ZERO_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC) Timestamp counter value always 0x0000 */
#define CAN_TSCC_TSS_INC_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC) Timestamp counter value incremented by TCP */
#define CAN_TSCC_TSS_EXT_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC) External timestamp counter value used */
#define CAN_TSCC_TCP_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC) Timestamp Counter Prescaler */
#define CAN_TSCC_TCP_Msk (0xFu << CAN_TSCC_TCP_Pos)
#define CAN_TSCC_TCP(value) (CAN_TSCC_TCP_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TSCC_TCP_Pos))
#define CAN_TSCC_MASK 0x000F0003u /**< \brief (CAN_TSCC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TSCV : (CAN Offset: 0x24) (R/ 32) Timestamp Counter Value -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TSC:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Timestamp Counter */
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TSCV_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TSCV_OFFSET 0x24 /**< \brief (CAN_TSCV offset) Timestamp Counter Value */
#define CAN_TSCV_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TSCV reset_value) Timestamp Counter Value */
#define CAN_TSCV_TSC_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TSCV) Timestamp Counter */
#define CAN_TSCV_TSC_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_TSCV_TSC_Pos)
#define CAN_TSCV_TSC(value) (CAN_TSCV_TSC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TSCV_TSC_Pos))
#define CAN_TSCV_MASK 0x0000FFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TSCV) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TOCC : (CAN Offset: 0x28) (R/W 32) Timeout Counter Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ETOC:1; /*!< bit: 0 Enable Timeout Counter */
uint32_t TOS:2; /*!< bit: 1.. 2 Timeout Select */
uint32_t :13; /*!< bit: 3..15 Reserved */
uint32_t TOP:16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Timeout Period */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TOCC_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TOCC_OFFSET 0x28 /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC offset) Timeout Counter Configuration */
#define CAN_TOCC_RESETVALUE 0xFFFF0000u /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC reset_value) Timeout Counter Configuration */
#define CAN_TOCC_ETOC_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Enable Timeout Counter */
#define CAN_TOCC_ETOC (0x1u << CAN_TOCC_ETOC_Pos)
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Timeout Select */
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS_Msk (0x3u << CAN_TOCC_TOS_Pos)
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS(value) (CAN_TOCC_TOS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TOCC_TOS_Pos))
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS_CONT_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Continuout operation */
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS_TXEF_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Timeout controlled by TX Event FIFO */
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS_RXF0_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Timeout controlled by Rx FIFO 0 */
#define CAN_TOCC_TOS_RXF1_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Timeout controlled by Rx FIFO 1 */
#define CAN_TOCC_TOP_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) Timeout Period */
#define CAN_TOCC_TOP_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_TOCC_TOP_Pos)
#define CAN_TOCC_TOP(value) (CAN_TOCC_TOP_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TOCC_TOP_Pos))
#define CAN_TOCC_MASK 0xFFFF0007u /**< \brief (CAN_TOCC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TOCV : (CAN Offset: 0x2C) (R/W 32) Timeout Counter Value -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TOC:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Timeout Counter */
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TOCV_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TOCV_OFFSET 0x2C /**< \brief (CAN_TOCV offset) Timeout Counter Value */
#define CAN_TOCV_RESETVALUE 0x0000FFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TOCV reset_value) Timeout Counter Value */
#define CAN_TOCV_TOC_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TOCV) Timeout Counter */
#define CAN_TOCV_TOC_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_TOCV_TOC_Pos)
#define CAN_TOCV_TOC(value) (CAN_TOCV_TOC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TOCV_TOC_Pos))
#define CAN_TOCV_MASK 0x0000FFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TOCV) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_ECR : (CAN Offset: 0x40) (R/ 32) Error Counter -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TEC:8; /*!< bit: 0.. 7 Transmit Error Counter */
uint32_t REC:7; /*!< bit: 8..14 Receive Error Counter */
uint32_t RP:1; /*!< bit: 15 Receive Error Passive */
uint32_t CEL:8; /*!< bit: 16..23 CAN Error Logging */
uint32_t :8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_ECR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_ECR_OFFSET 0x40 /**< \brief (CAN_ECR offset) Error Counter */
#define CAN_ECR_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_ECR reset_value) Error Counter */
#define CAN_ECR_TEC_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_ECR) Transmit Error Counter */
#define CAN_ECR_TEC_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_ECR_TEC_Pos)
#define CAN_ECR_TEC(value) (CAN_ECR_TEC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_ECR_TEC_Pos))
#define CAN_ECR_REC_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_ECR) Receive Error Counter */
#define CAN_ECR_REC_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_ECR_REC_Pos)
#define CAN_ECR_REC(value) (CAN_ECR_REC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_ECR_REC_Pos))
#define CAN_ECR_RP_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_ECR) Receive Error Passive */
#define CAN_ECR_RP (0x1u << CAN_ECR_RP_Pos)
#define CAN_ECR_CEL_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_ECR) CAN Error Logging */
#define CAN_ECR_CEL_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_ECR_CEL_Pos)
#define CAN_ECR_CEL(value) (CAN_ECR_CEL_Msk & ((value) << CAN_ECR_CEL_Pos))
#define CAN_ECR_MASK 0x00FFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_ECR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_PSR : (CAN Offset: 0x44) (R/ 32) Protocol Status -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t LEC:3; /*!< bit: 0.. 2 Last Error Code */
uint32_t ACT:2; /*!< bit: 3.. 4 Activity */
uint32_t EP:1; /*!< bit: 5 Error Passive */
uint32_t EW:1; /*!< bit: 6 Warning Status */
uint32_t BO:1; /*!< bit: 7 Bus_Off Status */
uint32_t DLEC:3; /*!< bit: 8..10 Data Phase Last Error Code */
uint32_t RESI:1; /*!< bit: 11 ESI flag of last received CAN FD Message */
uint32_t RBRS:1; /*!< bit: 12 BRS flag of last received CAN FD Message */
uint32_t RFDF:1; /*!< bit: 13 Received a CAN FD Message */
uint32_t PXE:1; /*!< bit: 14 Protocol Exception Event */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 15 Reserved */
uint32_t TDCV:7; /*!< bit: 16..22 Transmitter Delay Compensation Value */
uint32_t :9; /*!< bit: 23..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_PSR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_PSR_OFFSET 0x44 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR offset) Protocol Status */
#define CAN_PSR_RESETVALUE 0x00000707u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR reset_value) Protocol Status */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Last Error Code */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_Msk (0x7u << CAN_PSR_LEC_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_LEC(value) (CAN_PSR_LEC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_PSR_LEC_Pos))
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_NONE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) No Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_STUFF_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Stuff Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_FORM_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Form Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_ACK_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Ack Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_BIT1_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Bit1 Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_BIT0_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Bit0 Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_CRC_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) CRC Error */
#define CAN_PSR_LEC_NC_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) No Change */
#define CAN_PSR_ACT_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Activity */
#define CAN_PSR_ACT_Msk (0x3u << CAN_PSR_ACT_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_ACT(value) (CAN_PSR_ACT_Msk & ((value) << CAN_PSR_ACT_Pos))
#define CAN_PSR_ACT_SYNC_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Node is synchronizing on CAN communication */
#define CAN_PSR_ACT_IDLE_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Node is neither receiver nor transmitter */
#define CAN_PSR_ACT_RX_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Node is operating as receiver */
#define CAN_PSR_ACT_TX_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Node is operating as transmitter */
#define CAN_PSR_EP_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Error Passive */
#define CAN_PSR_EP (0x1u << CAN_PSR_EP_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_EW_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Warning Status */
#define CAN_PSR_EW (0x1u << CAN_PSR_EW_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_BO_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Bus_Off Status */
#define CAN_PSR_BO (0x1u << CAN_PSR_BO_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Data Phase Last Error Code */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_Msk (0x7u << CAN_PSR_DLEC_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC(value) (CAN_PSR_DLEC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_PSR_DLEC_Pos))
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_NONE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) No Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_STUFF_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Stuff Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_FORM_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Form Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_ACK_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Ack Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_BIT1_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Bit1 Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_BIT0_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Bit0 Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_CRC_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) CRC Error */
#define CAN_PSR_DLEC_NC_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) No Change */
#define CAN_PSR_RESI_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) ESI flag of last received CAN FD Message */
#define CAN_PSR_RESI (0x1u << CAN_PSR_RESI_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_RBRS_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) BRS flag of last received CAN FD Message */
#define CAN_PSR_RBRS (0x1u << CAN_PSR_RBRS_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_RFDF_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Received a CAN FD Message */
#define CAN_PSR_RFDF (0x1u << CAN_PSR_RFDF_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_PXE_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Protocol Exception Event */
#define CAN_PSR_PXE (0x1u << CAN_PSR_PXE_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_TDCV_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) Transmitter Delay Compensation Value */
#define CAN_PSR_TDCV_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_PSR_TDCV_Pos)
#define CAN_PSR_TDCV(value) (CAN_PSR_TDCV_Msk & ((value) << CAN_PSR_TDCV_Pos))
#define CAN_PSR_MASK 0x007F7FFFu /**< \brief (CAN_PSR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TDCR : (CAN Offset: 0x48) (R/W 32) Extended ID Filter Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TDCF:7; /*!< bit: 0.. 6 Transmitter Delay Compensation Filter Length */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 7 Reserved */
uint32_t TDCO:7; /*!< bit: 8..14 Transmitter Delay Compensation Offset */
uint32_t :17; /*!< bit: 15..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TDCR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TDCR_OFFSET 0x48 /**< \brief (CAN_TDCR offset) Extended ID Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_TDCR_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TDCR reset_value) Extended ID Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_TDCR_TDCF_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TDCR) Transmitter Delay Compensation Filter Length */
#define CAN_TDCR_TDCF_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_TDCR_TDCF_Pos)
#define CAN_TDCR_TDCF(value) (CAN_TDCR_TDCF_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TDCR_TDCF_Pos))
#define CAN_TDCR_TDCO_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TDCR) Transmitter Delay Compensation Offset */
#define CAN_TDCR_TDCO_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_TDCR_TDCO_Pos)
#define CAN_TDCR_TDCO(value) (CAN_TDCR_TDCO_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TDCR_TDCO_Pos))
#define CAN_TDCR_MASK 0x00007F7Fu /**< \brief (CAN_TDCR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_IR : (CAN Offset: 0x50) (R/W 32) Interrupt -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RF0N:1; /*!< bit: 0 Rx FIFO 0 New Message */
uint32_t RF0W:1; /*!< bit: 1 Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached */
uint32_t RF0F:1; /*!< bit: 2 Rx FIFO 0 Full */
uint32_t RF0L:1; /*!< bit: 3 Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost */
uint32_t RF1N:1; /*!< bit: 4 Rx FIFO 1 New Message */
uint32_t RF1W:1; /*!< bit: 5 Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached */
uint32_t RF1F:1; /*!< bit: 6 Rx FIFO 1 FIFO Full */
uint32_t RF1L:1; /*!< bit: 7 Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost */
uint32_t HPM:1; /*!< bit: 8 High Priority Message */
uint32_t TC:1; /*!< bit: 9 Timestamp Completed */
uint32_t TCF:1; /*!< bit: 10 Transmission Cancellation Finished */
uint32_t TFE:1; /*!< bit: 11 Tx FIFO Empty */
uint32_t TEFN:1; /*!< bit: 12 Tx Event FIFO New Entry */
uint32_t TEFW:1; /*!< bit: 13 Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached */
uint32_t TEFF:1; /*!< bit: 14 Tx Event FIFO Full */
uint32_t TEFL:1; /*!< bit: 15 Tx Event FIFO Element Lost */
uint32_t TSW:1; /*!< bit: 16 Timestamp Wraparound */
uint32_t MRAF:1; /*!< bit: 17 Message RAM Access Failure */
uint32_t TOO:1; /*!< bit: 18 Timeout Occurred */
uint32_t DRX:1; /*!< bit: 19 Message stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer */
uint32_t BEC:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Error Corrected */
uint32_t BEU:1; /*!< bit: 21 Bit Error Uncorrected */
uint32_t ELO:1; /*!< bit: 22 Error Logging Overflow */
uint32_t EP:1; /*!< bit: 23 Error Passive */
uint32_t EW:1; /*!< bit: 24 Warning Status */
uint32_t BO:1; /*!< bit: 25 Bus_Off Status */
uint32_t WDI:1; /*!< bit: 26 Watchdog Interrupt */
uint32_t PEA:1; /*!< bit: 27 Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase */
uint32_t PED:1; /*!< bit: 28 Protocol Error in Data Phase */
uint32_t ARA:1; /*!< bit: 29 Access to Reserved Address */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_IR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_IR_OFFSET 0x50 /**< \brief (CAN_IR offset) Interrupt */
#define CAN_IR_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_IR reset_value) Interrupt */
#define CAN_IR_RF0N_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 0 New Message */
#define CAN_IR_RF0N (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF0N_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF0W_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached */
#define CAN_IR_RF0W (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF0W_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF0F_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 0 Full */
#define CAN_IR_RF0F (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF0F_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF0L_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost */
#define CAN_IR_RF0L (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF0L_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF1N_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 1 New Message */
#define CAN_IR_RF1N (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF1N_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF1W_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached */
#define CAN_IR_RF1W (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF1W_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF1F_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 1 FIFO Full */
#define CAN_IR_RF1F (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF1F_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_RF1L_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost */
#define CAN_IR_RF1L (0x1u << CAN_IR_RF1L_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_HPM_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) High Priority Message */
#define CAN_IR_HPM (0x1u << CAN_IR_HPM_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TC_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Timestamp Completed */
#define CAN_IR_TC (0x1u << CAN_IR_TC_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TCF_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Transmission Cancellation Finished */
#define CAN_IR_TCF (0x1u << CAN_IR_TCF_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TFE_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Tx FIFO Empty */
#define CAN_IR_TFE (0x1u << CAN_IR_TFE_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TEFN_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Tx Event FIFO New Entry */
#define CAN_IR_TEFN (0x1u << CAN_IR_TEFN_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TEFW_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached */
#define CAN_IR_TEFW (0x1u << CAN_IR_TEFW_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TEFF_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Tx Event FIFO Full */
#define CAN_IR_TEFF (0x1u << CAN_IR_TEFF_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TEFL_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Tx Event FIFO Element Lost */
#define CAN_IR_TEFL (0x1u << CAN_IR_TEFL_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TSW_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Timestamp Wraparound */
#define CAN_IR_TSW (0x1u << CAN_IR_TSW_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_MRAF_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Message RAM Access Failure */
#define CAN_IR_MRAF (0x1u << CAN_IR_MRAF_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_TOO_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Timeout Occurred */
#define CAN_IR_TOO (0x1u << CAN_IR_TOO_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_DRX_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Message stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer */
#define CAN_IR_DRX (0x1u << CAN_IR_DRX_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_BEC_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Bit Error Corrected */
#define CAN_IR_BEC (0x1u << CAN_IR_BEC_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_BEU_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Bit Error Uncorrected */
#define CAN_IR_BEU (0x1u << CAN_IR_BEU_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_ELO_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Error Logging Overflow */
#define CAN_IR_ELO (0x1u << CAN_IR_ELO_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_EP_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Error Passive */
#define CAN_IR_EP (0x1u << CAN_IR_EP_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_EW_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Warning Status */
#define CAN_IR_EW (0x1u << CAN_IR_EW_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_BO_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Bus_Off Status */
#define CAN_IR_BO (0x1u << CAN_IR_BO_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_WDI_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Watchdog Interrupt */
#define CAN_IR_WDI (0x1u << CAN_IR_WDI_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_PEA_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase */
#define CAN_IR_PEA (0x1u << CAN_IR_PEA_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_PED_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Protocol Error in Data Phase */
#define CAN_IR_PED (0x1u << CAN_IR_PED_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_ARA_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_IR) Access to Reserved Address */
#define CAN_IR_ARA (0x1u << CAN_IR_ARA_Pos)
#define CAN_IR_MASK 0x3FFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_IR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_IE : (CAN Offset: 0x54) (R/W 32) Interrupt Enable -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RF0NE:1; /*!< bit: 0 Rx FIFO 0 New Message Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF0WE:1; /*!< bit: 1 Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF0FE:1; /*!< bit: 2 Rx FIFO 0 Full Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF0LE:1; /*!< bit: 3 Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF1NE:1; /*!< bit: 4 Rx FIFO 1 New Message Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF1WE:1; /*!< bit: 5 Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF1FE:1; /*!< bit: 6 Rx FIFO 1 FIFO Full Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t RF1LE:1; /*!< bit: 7 Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t HPME:1; /*!< bit: 8 High Priority Message Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TCE:1; /*!< bit: 9 Timestamp Completed Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TCFE:1; /*!< bit: 10 Transmission Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TFEE:1; /*!< bit: 11 Tx FIFO Empty Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TEFNE:1; /*!< bit: 12 Tx Event FIFO New Entry Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TEFWE:1; /*!< bit: 13 Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TEFFE:1; /*!< bit: 14 Tx Event FIFO Full Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TEFLE:1; /*!< bit: 15 Tx Event FIFO Element Lost Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TSWE:1; /*!< bit: 16 Timestamp Wraparound Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t MRAFE:1; /*!< bit: 17 Message RAM Access Failure Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t TOOE:1; /*!< bit: 18 Timeout Occurred Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t DRXE:1; /*!< bit: 19 Message stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t BECE:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Error Corrected Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t BEUE:1; /*!< bit: 21 Bit Error Uncorrected Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t ELOE:1; /*!< bit: 22 Error Logging Overflow Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t EPE:1; /*!< bit: 23 Error Passive Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t EWE:1; /*!< bit: 24 Warning Status Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t BOE:1; /*!< bit: 25 Bus_Off Status Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t WDIE:1; /*!< bit: 26 Watchdog Interrupt Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t PEAE:1; /*!< bit: 27 Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase Enable */
uint32_t PEDE:1; /*!< bit: 28 Protocol Error in Data Phase Enable */
uint32_t ARAE:1; /*!< bit: 29 Access to Reserved Address Enable */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_IE_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_IE_OFFSET 0x54 /**< \brief (CAN_IE offset) Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_IE reset_value) Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF0NE_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 0 New Message Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF0NE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF0NE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF0WE_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF0WE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF0WE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF0FE_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 0 Full Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF0FE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF0FE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF0LE_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF0LE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF0LE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF1NE_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 1 New Message Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF1NE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF1NE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF1WE_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF1WE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF1WE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF1FE_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 1 FIFO Full Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF1FE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF1FE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_RF1LE_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_RF1LE (0x1u << CAN_IE_RF1LE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_HPME_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) High Priority Message Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_HPME (0x1u << CAN_IE_HPME_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TCE_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Timestamp Completed Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TCE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TCE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TCFE_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Transmission Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TCFE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TCFE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TFEE_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Tx FIFO Empty Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TFEE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TFEE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TEFNE_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Tx Event FIFO New Entry Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TEFNE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TEFNE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TEFWE_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TEFWE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TEFWE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TEFFE_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Tx Event FIFO Full Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TEFFE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TEFFE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TEFLE_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Tx Event FIFO Element Lost Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TEFLE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TEFLE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TSWE_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Timestamp Wraparound Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TSWE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TSWE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_MRAFE_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Message RAM Access Failure Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_MRAFE (0x1u << CAN_IE_MRAFE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_TOOE_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Timeout Occurred Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_TOOE (0x1u << CAN_IE_TOOE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_DRXE_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Message stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_DRXE (0x1u << CAN_IE_DRXE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_BECE_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Bit Error Corrected Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_BECE (0x1u << CAN_IE_BECE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_BEUE_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Bit Error Uncorrected Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_BEUE (0x1u << CAN_IE_BEUE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_ELOE_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Error Logging Overflow Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_ELOE (0x1u << CAN_IE_ELOE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_EPE_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Error Passive Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_EPE (0x1u << CAN_IE_EPE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_EWE_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Warning Status Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_EWE (0x1u << CAN_IE_EWE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_BOE_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Bus_Off Status Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_BOE (0x1u << CAN_IE_BOE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_WDIE_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Watchdog Interrupt Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_IE_WDIE (0x1u << CAN_IE_WDIE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_PEAE_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase Enable */
#define CAN_IE_PEAE (0x1u << CAN_IE_PEAE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_PEDE_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Protocol Error in Data Phase Enable */
#define CAN_IE_PEDE (0x1u << CAN_IE_PEDE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_ARAE_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_IE) Access to Reserved Address Enable */
#define CAN_IE_ARAE (0x1u << CAN_IE_ARAE_Pos)
#define CAN_IE_MASK 0x3FFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_IE) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_ILS : (CAN Offset: 0x58) (R/W 32) Interrupt Line Select -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RF0NL:1; /*!< bit: 0 Rx FIFO 0 New Message Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF0WL:1; /*!< bit: 1 Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF0FL:1; /*!< bit: 2 Rx FIFO 0 Full Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF0LL:1; /*!< bit: 3 Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF1NL:1; /*!< bit: 4 Rx FIFO 1 New Message Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF1WL:1; /*!< bit: 5 Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF1FL:1; /*!< bit: 6 Rx FIFO 1 FIFO Full Interrupt Line */
uint32_t RF1LL:1; /*!< bit: 7 Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost Interrupt Line */
uint32_t HPML:1; /*!< bit: 8 High Priority Message Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TCL:1; /*!< bit: 9 Timestamp Completed Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TCFL:1; /*!< bit: 10 Transmission Cancellation Finished Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TFEL:1; /*!< bit: 11 Tx FIFO Empty Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TEFNL:1; /*!< bit: 12 Tx Event FIFO New Entry Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TEFWL:1; /*!< bit: 13 Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TEFFL:1; /*!< bit: 14 Tx Event FIFO Full Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TEFLL:1; /*!< bit: 15 Tx Event FIFO Element Lost Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TSWL:1; /*!< bit: 16 Timestamp Wraparound Interrupt Line */
uint32_t MRAFL:1; /*!< bit: 17 Message RAM Access Failure Interrupt Line */
uint32_t TOOL:1; /*!< bit: 18 Timeout Occurred Interrupt Line */
uint32_t DRXL:1; /*!< bit: 19 Message stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer Interrupt Line */
uint32_t BECL:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Error Corrected Interrupt Line */
uint32_t BEUL:1; /*!< bit: 21 Bit Error Uncorrected Interrupt Line */
uint32_t ELOL:1; /*!< bit: 22 Error Logging Overflow Interrupt Line */
uint32_t EPL:1; /*!< bit: 23 Error Passive Interrupt Line */
uint32_t EWL:1; /*!< bit: 24 Warning Status Interrupt Line */
uint32_t BOL:1; /*!< bit: 25 Bus_Off Status Interrupt Line */
uint32_t WDIL:1; /*!< bit: 26 Watchdog Interrupt Interrupt Line */
uint32_t PEAL:1; /*!< bit: 27 Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase Line */
uint32_t PEDL:1; /*!< bit: 28 Protocol Error in Data Phase Line */
uint32_t ARAL:1; /*!< bit: 29 Access to Reserved Address Line */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_ILS_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_ILS_OFFSET 0x58 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS offset) Interrupt Line Select */
#define CAN_ILS_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_ILS reset_value) Interrupt Line Select */
#define CAN_ILS_RF0NL_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 0 New Message Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF0NL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF0NL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF0WL_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF0WL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF0WL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF0FL_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 0 Full Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF0FL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF0FL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF0LL_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF0LL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF0LL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF1NL_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 1 New Message Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF1NL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF1NL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF1WL_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF1WL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF1WL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF1FL_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 1 FIFO Full Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF1FL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF1FL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_RF1LL_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_RF1LL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_RF1LL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_HPML_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) High Priority Message Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_HPML (0x1u << CAN_ILS_HPML_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TCL_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Timestamp Completed Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TCL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TCL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TCFL_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Transmission Cancellation Finished Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TCFL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TCFL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TFEL_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Tx FIFO Empty Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TFEL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TFEL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TEFNL_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Tx Event FIFO New Entry Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TEFNL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TEFNL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TEFWL_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TEFWL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TEFWL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TEFFL_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Tx Event FIFO Full Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TEFFL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TEFFL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TEFLL_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Tx Event FIFO Element Lost Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TEFLL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TEFLL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TSWL_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Timestamp Wraparound Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TSWL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TSWL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_MRAFL_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Message RAM Access Failure Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_MRAFL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_MRAFL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_TOOL_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Timeout Occurred Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_TOOL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_TOOL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_DRXL_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Message stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_DRXL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_DRXL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_BECL_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Bit Error Corrected Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_BECL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_BECL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_BEUL_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Bit Error Uncorrected Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_BEUL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_BEUL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_ELOL_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Error Logging Overflow Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_ELOL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_ELOL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_EPL_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Error Passive Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_EPL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_EPL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_EWL_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Warning Status Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_EWL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_EWL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_BOL_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Bus_Off Status Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_BOL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_BOL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_WDIL_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Watchdog Interrupt Interrupt Line */
#define CAN_ILS_WDIL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_WDIL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_PEAL_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase Line */
#define CAN_ILS_PEAL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_PEAL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_PEDL_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Protocol Error in Data Phase Line */
#define CAN_ILS_PEDL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_PEDL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_ARAL_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) Access to Reserved Address Line */
#define CAN_ILS_ARAL (0x1u << CAN_ILS_ARAL_Pos)
#define CAN_ILS_MASK 0x3FFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_ILS) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_ILE : (CAN Offset: 0x5C) (R/W 32) Interrupt Line Enable -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EINT0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Enable Interrupt Line 0 */
uint32_t EINT1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Enable Interrupt Line 1 */
uint32_t :30; /*!< bit: 2..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_ILE_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_ILE_OFFSET 0x5C /**< \brief (CAN_ILE offset) Interrupt Line Enable */
#define CAN_ILE_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_ILE reset_value) Interrupt Line Enable */
#define CAN_ILE_EINT0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_ILE) Enable Interrupt Line 0 */
#define CAN_ILE_EINT0 (0x1u << CAN_ILE_EINT0_Pos)
#define CAN_ILE_EINT1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_ILE) Enable Interrupt Line 1 */
#define CAN_ILE_EINT1 (0x1u << CAN_ILE_EINT1_Pos)
#define CAN_ILE_MASK 0x00000003u /**< \brief (CAN_ILE) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_GFC : (CAN Offset: 0x80) (R/W 32) Global Filter Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RRFE:1; /*!< bit: 0 Reject Remote Frames Extended */
uint32_t RRFS:1; /*!< bit: 1 Reject Remote Frames Standard */
uint32_t ANFE:2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Accept Non-matching Frames Extended */
uint32_t ANFS:2; /*!< bit: 4.. 5 Accept Non-matching Frames Standard */
uint32_t :26; /*!< bit: 6..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_GFC_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_GFC_OFFSET 0x80 /**< \brief (CAN_GFC offset) Global Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_GFC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC reset_value) Global Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_GFC_RRFE_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Reject Remote Frames Extended */
#define CAN_GFC_RRFE (0x1u << CAN_GFC_RRFE_Pos)
#define CAN_GFC_RRFS_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Reject Remote Frames Standard */
#define CAN_GFC_RRFS (0x1u << CAN_GFC_RRFS_Pos)
#define CAN_GFC_ANFE_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Accept Non-matching Frames Extended */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFE_Msk (0x3u << CAN_GFC_ANFE_Pos)
#define CAN_GFC_ANFE(value) (CAN_GFC_ANFE_Msk & ((value) << CAN_GFC_ANFE_Pos))
#define CAN_GFC_ANFE_RXF0_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Accept in Rx FIFO 0 */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFE_RXF1_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Accept in Rx FIFO 1 */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFE_REJECT_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Reject */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFS_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Accept Non-matching Frames Standard */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFS_Msk (0x3u << CAN_GFC_ANFS_Pos)
#define CAN_GFC_ANFS(value) (CAN_GFC_ANFS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_GFC_ANFS_Pos))
#define CAN_GFC_ANFS_RXF0_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Accept in Rx FIFO 0 */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFS_RXF1_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Accept in Rx FIFO 1 */
#define CAN_GFC_ANFS_REJECT_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) Reject */
#define CAN_GFC_MASK 0x0000003Fu /**< \brief (CAN_GFC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_SIDFC : (CAN Offset: 0x84) (R/W 32) Standard ID Filter Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t FLSSA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Filter List Standard Start Address */
uint32_t LSS:8; /*!< bit: 16..23 List Size Standard */
uint32_t :8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_SIDFC_OFFSET 0x84 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFC offset) Standard ID Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_SIDFC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFC reset_value) Standard ID Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_SIDFC_FLSSA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFC) Filter List Standard Start Address */
#define CAN_SIDFC_FLSSA(value) (CAN_SIDFC_FLSSA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_SIDFC_FLSSA_Pos))
#define CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFC) List Size Standard */
#define CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Pos)
#define CAN_SIDFC_LSS(value) (CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Pos))
#define CAN_SIDFC_MASK 0x00FFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_XIDFC : (CAN Offset: 0x88) (R/W 32) Extended ID Filter Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t FLESA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Filter List Extended Start Address */
uint32_t LSE:7; /*!< bit: 16..22 List Size Extended */
uint32_t :9; /*!< bit: 23..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_XIDFC_OFFSET 0x88 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFC offset) Extended ID Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_XIDFC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFC reset_value) Extended ID Filter Configuration */
#define CAN_XIDFC_FLESA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFC) Filter List Extended Start Address */
#define CAN_XIDFC_FLESA(value) (CAN_XIDFC_FLESA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDFC_FLESA_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDFC_LSE_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFC) List Size Extended */
#define CAN_XIDFC_LSE_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_XIDFC_LSE_Pos)
#define CAN_XIDFC_LSE(value) (CAN_XIDFC_LSE_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDFC_LSE_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDFC_MASK 0x007FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_XIDAM : (CAN Offset: 0x90) (R/W 32) Extended ID AND Mask -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EIDM:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Extended ID Mask */
uint32_t :3; /*!< bit: 29..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_XIDAM_OFFSET 0x90 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDAM offset) Extended ID AND Mask */
#define CAN_XIDAM_RESETVALUE 0x1FFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_XIDAM reset_value) Extended ID AND Mask */
#define CAN_XIDAM_EIDM_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDAM) Extended ID Mask */
#define CAN_XIDAM_EIDM(value) (CAN_XIDAM_EIDM_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDAM_EIDM_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDAM_MASK 0x1FFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_XIDAM) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_HPMS : (CAN Offset: 0x94) (R/ 32) High Priority Message Status -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t BIDX:6; /*!< bit: 0.. 5 Buffer Index */
uint32_t MSI:2; /*!< bit: 6.. 7 Message Storage Indicator */
uint32_t FIDX:7; /*!< bit: 8..14 Filter Index */
uint32_t FLST:1; /*!< bit: 15 Filter List */
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_HPMS_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_HPMS_OFFSET 0x94 /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS offset) High Priority Message Status */
#define CAN_HPMS_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS reset_value) High Priority Message Status */
#define CAN_HPMS_BIDX_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) Buffer Index */
#define CAN_HPMS_BIDX_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_HPMS_BIDX_Pos)
#define CAN_HPMS_BIDX(value) (CAN_HPMS_BIDX_Msk & ((value) << CAN_HPMS_BIDX_Pos))
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) Message Storage Indicator */
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI_Msk (0x3u << CAN_HPMS_MSI_Pos)
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI(value) (CAN_HPMS_MSI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_HPMS_MSI_Pos))
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI_NONE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) No FIFO selected */
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI_LOST_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) FIFO message lost */
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI_FIFO0_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) Message stored in FIFO 0 */
#define CAN_HPMS_MSI_FIFO1_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) Message stored in FIFO 1 */
#define CAN_HPMS_FIDX_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) Filter Index */
#define CAN_HPMS_FIDX_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_HPMS_FIDX_Pos)
#define CAN_HPMS_FIDX(value) (CAN_HPMS_FIDX_Msk & ((value) << CAN_HPMS_FIDX_Pos))
#define CAN_HPMS_FLST_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) Filter List */
#define CAN_HPMS_FLST (0x1u << CAN_HPMS_FLST_Pos)
#define CAN_HPMS_MASK 0x0000FFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_HPMS) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_NDAT1 : (CAN Offset: 0x98) (R/W 32) New Data 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ND0:1; /*!< bit: 0 New Data 0 */
uint32_t ND1:1; /*!< bit: 1 New Data 1 */
uint32_t ND2:1; /*!< bit: 2 New Data 2 */
uint32_t ND3:1; /*!< bit: 3 New Data 3 */
uint32_t ND4:1; /*!< bit: 4 New Data 4 */
uint32_t ND5:1; /*!< bit: 5 New Data 5 */
uint32_t ND6:1; /*!< bit: 6 New Data 6 */
uint32_t ND7:1; /*!< bit: 7 New Data 7 */
uint32_t ND8:1; /*!< bit: 8 New Data 8 */
uint32_t ND9:1; /*!< bit: 9 New Data 9 */
uint32_t ND10:1; /*!< bit: 10 New Data 10 */
uint32_t ND11:1; /*!< bit: 11 New Data 11 */
uint32_t ND12:1; /*!< bit: 12 New Data 12 */
uint32_t ND13:1; /*!< bit: 13 New Data 13 */
uint32_t ND14:1; /*!< bit: 14 New Data 14 */
uint32_t ND15:1; /*!< bit: 15 New Data 15 */
uint32_t ND16:1; /*!< bit: 16 New Data 16 */
uint32_t ND17:1; /*!< bit: 17 New Data 17 */
uint32_t ND18:1; /*!< bit: 18 New Data 18 */
uint32_t ND19:1; /*!< bit: 19 New Data 19 */
uint32_t ND20:1; /*!< bit: 20 New Data 20 */
uint32_t ND21:1; /*!< bit: 21 New Data 21 */
uint32_t ND22:1; /*!< bit: 22 New Data 22 */
uint32_t ND23:1; /*!< bit: 23 New Data 23 */
uint32_t ND24:1; /*!< bit: 24 New Data 24 */
uint32_t ND25:1; /*!< bit: 25 New Data 25 */
uint32_t ND26:1; /*!< bit: 26 New Data 26 */
uint32_t ND27:1; /*!< bit: 27 New Data 27 */
uint32_t ND28:1; /*!< bit: 28 New Data 28 */
uint32_t ND29:1; /*!< bit: 29 New Data 29 */
uint32_t ND30:1; /*!< bit: 30 New Data 30 */
uint32_t ND31:1; /*!< bit: 31 New Data 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_NDAT1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_NDAT1_OFFSET 0x98 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1 offset) New Data 1 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1 reset_value) New Data 1 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 0 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND0 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND0_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 1 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND1 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND1_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 2 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND2 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND2_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 3 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND3 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND3_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 4 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND4 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND4_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 5 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND5 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND5_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 6 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND6 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND6_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 7 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND7 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND7_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 8 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND8 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND8_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 9 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND9 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND9_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 10 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND10 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND10_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 11 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND11 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND11_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 12 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND12 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND12_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 13 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND13 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND13_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 14 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND14 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND14_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 15 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND15 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND15_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 16 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND16 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND16_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 17 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND17 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND17_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 18 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND18 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND18_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 19 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND19 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND19_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 20 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND20 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND20_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 21 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND21 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND21_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 22 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND22 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND22_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 23 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND23 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND23_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 24 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND24 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND24_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 25 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND25 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND25_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 26 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND26 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND26_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 27 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND27 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND27_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 28 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND28 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND28_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 29 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND29 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND29_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 30 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND30 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND30_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) New Data 31 */
#define CAN_NDAT1_ND31 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT1_ND31_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT1_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT1) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_NDAT2 : (CAN Offset: 0x9C) (R/W 32) New Data 2 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ND32:1; /*!< bit: 0 New Data 32 */
uint32_t ND33:1; /*!< bit: 1 New Data 33 */
uint32_t ND34:1; /*!< bit: 2 New Data 34 */
uint32_t ND35:1; /*!< bit: 3 New Data 35 */
uint32_t ND36:1; /*!< bit: 4 New Data 36 */
uint32_t ND37:1; /*!< bit: 5 New Data 37 */
uint32_t ND38:1; /*!< bit: 6 New Data 38 */
uint32_t ND39:1; /*!< bit: 7 New Data 39 */
uint32_t ND40:1; /*!< bit: 8 New Data 40 */
uint32_t ND41:1; /*!< bit: 9 New Data 41 */
uint32_t ND42:1; /*!< bit: 10 New Data 42 */
uint32_t ND43:1; /*!< bit: 11 New Data 43 */
uint32_t ND44:1; /*!< bit: 12 New Data 44 */
uint32_t ND45:1; /*!< bit: 13 New Data 45 */
uint32_t ND46:1; /*!< bit: 14 New Data 46 */
uint32_t ND47:1; /*!< bit: 15 New Data 47 */
uint32_t ND48:1; /*!< bit: 16 New Data 48 */
uint32_t ND49:1; /*!< bit: 17 New Data 49 */
uint32_t ND50:1; /*!< bit: 18 New Data 50 */
uint32_t ND51:1; /*!< bit: 19 New Data 51 */
uint32_t ND52:1; /*!< bit: 20 New Data 52 */
uint32_t ND53:1; /*!< bit: 21 New Data 53 */
uint32_t ND54:1; /*!< bit: 22 New Data 54 */
uint32_t ND55:1; /*!< bit: 23 New Data 55 */
uint32_t ND56:1; /*!< bit: 24 New Data 56 */
uint32_t ND57:1; /*!< bit: 25 New Data 57 */
uint32_t ND58:1; /*!< bit: 26 New Data 58 */
uint32_t ND59:1; /*!< bit: 27 New Data 59 */
uint32_t ND60:1; /*!< bit: 28 New Data 60 */
uint32_t ND61:1; /*!< bit: 29 New Data 61 */
uint32_t ND62:1; /*!< bit: 30 New Data 62 */
uint32_t ND63:1; /*!< bit: 31 New Data 63 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_NDAT2_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_NDAT2_OFFSET 0x9C /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2 offset) New Data 2 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2 reset_value) New Data 2 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND32_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 32 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND32 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND32_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND33_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 33 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND33 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND33_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND34_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 34 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND34 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND34_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND35_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 35 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND35 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND35_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND36_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 36 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND36 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND36_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND37_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 37 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND37 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND37_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND38_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 38 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND38 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND38_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND39_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 39 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND39 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND39_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND40_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 40 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND40 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND40_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND41_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 41 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND41 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND41_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND42_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 42 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND42 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND42_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND43_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 43 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND43 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND43_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND44_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 44 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND44 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND44_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND45_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 45 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND45 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND45_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND46_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 46 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND46 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND46_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND47_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 47 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND47 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND47_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND48_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 48 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND48 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND48_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND49_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 49 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND49 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND49_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND50_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 50 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND50 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND50_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND51_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 51 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND51 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND51_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND52_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 52 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND52 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND52_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND53_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 53 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND53 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND53_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND54_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 54 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND54 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND54_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND55_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 55 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND55 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND55_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND56_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 56 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND56 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND56_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND57_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 57 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND57 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND57_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND58_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 58 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND58 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND58_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND59_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 59 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND59 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND59_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND60_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 60 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND60 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND60_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND61_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 61 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND61 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND61_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND62_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 62 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND62 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND62_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND63_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) New Data 63 */
#define CAN_NDAT2_ND63 (0x1u << CAN_NDAT2_ND63_Pos)
#define CAN_NDAT2_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_NDAT2) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF0C : (CAN Offset: 0xA0) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F0SA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Rx FIFO 0 Start Address */
uint32_t F0S:7; /*!< bit: 16..22 Rx FIFO 0 Size */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 23 Reserved */
uint32_t F0WM:7; /*!< bit: 24..30 Rx FIFO 0 Watermark */
uint32_t F0OM:1; /*!< bit: 31 FIFO 0 Operation Mode */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF0C_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF0C_OFFSET 0xA0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C offset) Rx FIFO 0 Configuration */
#define CAN_RXF0C_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C reset_value) Rx FIFO 0 Configuration */
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0SA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C) Rx FIFO 0 Start Address */
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0SA_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_RXF0C_F0SA_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0SA(value) (CAN_RXF0C_F0SA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0C_F0SA_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0S_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C) Rx FIFO 0 Size */
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0S_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF0C_F0S_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0S(value) (CAN_RXF0C_F0S_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0C_F0S_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0WM_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C) Rx FIFO 0 Watermark */
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0WM_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF0C_F0WM_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0WM(value) (CAN_RXF0C_F0WM_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0C_F0WM_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0OM_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C) FIFO 0 Operation Mode */
#define CAN_RXF0C_F0OM (0x1u << CAN_RXF0C_F0OM_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0C_MASK 0xFF7FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0C) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF0S : (CAN Offset: 0xA4) (R/ 32) Rx FIFO 0 Status -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F0FL:7; /*!< bit: 0.. 6 Rx FIFO 0 Fill Level */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 7 Reserved */
uint32_t F0GI:6; /*!< bit: 8..13 Rx FIFO 0 Get Index */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 14..15 Reserved */
uint32_t F0PI:6; /*!< bit: 16..21 Rx FIFO 0 Put Index */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t F0F:1; /*!< bit: 24 Rx FIFO 0 Full */
uint32_t RF0L:1; /*!< bit: 25 Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost */
uint32_t :6; /*!< bit: 26..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF0S_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF0S_OFFSET 0xA4 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S offset) Rx FIFO 0 Status */
#define CAN_RXF0S_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S reset_value) Rx FIFO 0 Status */
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S) Rx FIFO 0 Fill Level */
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0FL(value) (CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S) Rx FIFO 0 Get Index */
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0GI(value) (CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0PI_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S) Rx FIFO 0 Put Index */
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0PI_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_RXF0S_F0PI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0PI(value) (CAN_RXF0S_F0PI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0S_F0PI_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0F_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S) Rx FIFO 0 Full */
#define CAN_RXF0S_F0F (0x1u << CAN_RXF0S_F0F_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0S_RF0L_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S) Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost */
#define CAN_RXF0S_RF0L (0x1u << CAN_RXF0S_RF0L_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0S_MASK 0x033F3F7Fu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0S) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF0A : (CAN Offset: 0xA8) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F0AI:6; /*!< bit: 0.. 5 Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge Index */
uint32_t :26; /*!< bit: 6..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF0A_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF0A_OFFSET 0xA8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0A offset) Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge */
#define CAN_RXF0A_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0A reset_value) Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge */
#define CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0A) Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge Index */
#define CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0A_F0AI(value) (CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0A_MASK 0x0000003Fu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0A) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXBC : (CAN Offset: 0xAC) (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RBSA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Rx Buffer Start Address */
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 16..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXBC_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXBC_OFFSET 0xAC /**< \brief (CAN_RXBC offset) Rx Buffer Configuration */
#define CAN_RXBC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXBC reset_value) Rx Buffer Configuration */
#define CAN_RXBC_RBSA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBC) Rx Buffer Start Address */
#define CAN_RXBC_RBSA_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_RXBC_RBSA_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBC_RBSA(value) (CAN_RXBC_RBSA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBC_RBSA_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBC_MASK 0x0000FFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXBC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF1C : (CAN Offset: 0xB0) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F1SA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Rx FIFO 1 Start Address */
uint32_t F1S:7; /*!< bit: 16..22 Rx FIFO 1 Size */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 23 Reserved */
uint32_t F1WM:7; /*!< bit: 24..30 Rx FIFO 1 Watermark */
uint32_t F1OM:1; /*!< bit: 31 FIFO 1 Operation Mode */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF1C_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF1C_OFFSET 0xB0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C offset) Rx FIFO 1 Configuration */
#define CAN_RXF1C_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C reset_value) Rx FIFO 1 Configuration */
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1SA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C) Rx FIFO 1 Start Address */
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1SA_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_RXF1C_F1SA_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1SA(value) (CAN_RXF1C_F1SA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1C_F1SA_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1S_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C) Rx FIFO 1 Size */
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1S_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF1C_F1S_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1S(value) (CAN_RXF1C_F1S_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1C_F1S_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1WM_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C) Rx FIFO 1 Watermark */
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1WM_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF1C_F1WM_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1WM(value) (CAN_RXF1C_F1WM_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1C_F1WM_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1OM_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C) FIFO 1 Operation Mode */
#define CAN_RXF1C_F1OM (0x1u << CAN_RXF1C_F1OM_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1C_MASK 0xFF7FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1C) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF1S : (CAN Offset: 0xB4) (R/ 32) Rx FIFO 1 Status -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F1FL:7; /*!< bit: 0.. 6 Rx FIFO 1 Fill Level */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 7 Reserved */
uint32_t F1GI:6; /*!< bit: 8..13 Rx FIFO 1 Get Index */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 14..15 Reserved */
uint32_t F1PI:6; /*!< bit: 16..21 Rx FIFO 1 Put Index */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t F1F:1; /*!< bit: 24 Rx FIFO 1 Full */
uint32_t RF1L:1; /*!< bit: 25 Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost */
uint32_t :4; /*!< bit: 26..29 Reserved */
uint32_t DMS:2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Debug Message Status */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF1S_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF1S_OFFSET 0xB4 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S offset) Rx FIFO 1 Status */
#define CAN_RXF1S_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S reset_value) Rx FIFO 1 Status */
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1FL_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Rx FIFO 1 Fill Level */
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1FL_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF1S_F1FL_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1FL(value) (CAN_RXF1S_F1FL_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1S_F1FL_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1GI_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Rx FIFO 1 Get Index */
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1GI_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_RXF1S_F1GI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1GI(value) (CAN_RXF1S_F1GI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1S_F1GI_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1PI_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Rx FIFO 1 Put Index */
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1PI_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_RXF1S_F1PI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1PI(value) (CAN_RXF1S_F1PI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1S_F1PI_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1F_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Rx FIFO 1 Full */
#define CAN_RXF1S_F1F (0x1u << CAN_RXF1S_F1F_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1S_RF1L_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost */
#define CAN_RXF1S_RF1L (0x1u << CAN_RXF1S_RF1L_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Debug Message Status */
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS_Msk (0x3u << CAN_RXF1S_DMS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS(value) (CAN_RXF1S_DMS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1S_DMS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS_IDLE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Idle state */
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS_DBGA_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Debug message A received */
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS_DBGB_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Debug message A/B received */
#define CAN_RXF1S_DMS_DBGC_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) Debug message A/B/C received, DMA request set */
#define CAN_RXF1S_MASK 0xC33F3F7Fu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1S) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF1A : (CAN Offset: 0xB8) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F1AI:6; /*!< bit: 0.. 5 Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge Index */
uint32_t :26; /*!< bit: 6..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF1A_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF1A_OFFSET 0xB8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1A offset) Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge */
#define CAN_RXF1A_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1A reset_value) Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge */
#define CAN_RXF1A_F1AI_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1A) Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge Index */
#define CAN_RXF1A_F1AI_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_RXF1A_F1AI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1A_F1AI(value) (CAN_RXF1A_F1AI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1A_F1AI_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1A_MASK 0x0000003Fu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1A) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXESC : (CAN Offset: 0xBC) (R/W 32) Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t F0DS:3; /*!< bit: 0.. 2 Rx FIFO 0 Data Field Size */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 3 Reserved */
uint32_t F1DS:3; /*!< bit: 4.. 6 Rx FIFO 1 Data Field Size */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 7 Reserved */
uint32_t RBDS:3; /*!< bit: 8..10 Rx Buffer Data Field Size */
uint32_t :21; /*!< bit: 11..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXESC_OFFSET 0xBC /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC offset) Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration */
#define CAN_RXESC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC reset_value) Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) Rx FIFO 0 Data Field Size */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_Msk (0x7u << CAN_RXESC_F0DS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS(value) (CAN_RXESC_F0DS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXESC_F0DS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA8_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 8 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA12_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 12 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA16_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 16 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA20_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 20 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA24_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 24 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA32_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 32 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA48_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 48 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA64_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 64 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) Rx FIFO 1 Data Field Size */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_Msk (0x7u << CAN_RXESC_F1DS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS(value) (CAN_RXESC_F1DS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXESC_F1DS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA8_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 8 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA12_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 12 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA16_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 16 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA20_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 20 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA24_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 24 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA32_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 32 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA48_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 48 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_F1DS_DATA64_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 64 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) Rx Buffer Data Field Size */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_Msk (0x7u << CAN_RXESC_RBDS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS(value) (CAN_RXESC_RBDS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXESC_RBDS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA8_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 8 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA12_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 12 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA16_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 16 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA20_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 20 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA24_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 24 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA32_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 32 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA48_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 48 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_RBDS_DATA64_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) 64 byte data field */
#define CAN_RXESC_MASK 0x00000777u /**< \brief (CAN_RXESC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBC : (CAN Offset: 0xC0) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TBSA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Tx Buffers Start Address */
uint32_t NDTB:6; /*!< bit: 16..21 Number of Dedicated Transmit Buffers */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t TFQS:6; /*!< bit: 24..29 Transmit FIFO/Queue Size */
uint32_t TFQM:1; /*!< bit: 30 Tx FIFO/Queue Mode */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TXBC_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBC_OFFSET 0xC0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC offset) Tx Buffer Configuration */
#define CAN_TXBC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC reset_value) Tx Buffer Configuration */
#define CAN_TXBC_TBSA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC) Tx Buffers Start Address */
#define CAN_TXBC_TBSA_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_TXBC_TBSA_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBC_TBSA(value) (CAN_TXBC_TBSA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBC_TBSA_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBC_NDTB_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC) Number of Dedicated Transmit Buffers */
#define CAN_TXBC_NDTB_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_TXBC_NDTB_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBC_NDTB(value) (CAN_TXBC_NDTB_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBC_NDTB_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBC_TFQS_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC) Transmit FIFO/Queue Size */
#define CAN_TXBC_TFQS_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_TXBC_TFQS_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBC_TFQS(value) (CAN_TXBC_TFQS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBC_TFQS_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBC_TFQM_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC) Tx FIFO/Queue Mode */
#define CAN_TXBC_TFQM (0x1u << CAN_TXBC_TFQM_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBC_MASK 0x7F3FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXFQS : (CAN Offset: 0xC4) (R/ 32) Tx FIFO / Queue Status -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TFFL:6; /*!< bit: 0.. 5 Tx FIFO Free Level */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 6.. 7 Reserved */
uint32_t TFGI:5; /*!< bit: 8..12 Tx FIFO Get Index */
uint32_t :3; /*!< bit: 13..15 Reserved */
uint32_t TFQPI:5; /*!< bit: 16..20 Tx FIFO/Queue Put Index */
uint32_t TFQF:1; /*!< bit: 21 Tx FIFO/Queue Full */
uint32_t :10; /*!< bit: 22..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXFQS_OFFSET 0xC4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS offset) Tx FIFO / Queue Status */
#define CAN_TXFQS_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS reset_value) Tx FIFO / Queue Status */
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFFL_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS) Tx FIFO Free Level */
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFFL_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_TXFQS_TFFL_Pos)
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFFL(value) (CAN_TXFQS_TFFL_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXFQS_TFFL_Pos))
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFGI_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS) Tx FIFO Get Index */
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFGI_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_TXFQS_TFGI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFGI(value) (CAN_TXFQS_TFGI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXFQS_TFGI_Pos))
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS) Tx FIFO/Queue Put Index */
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI(value) (CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Pos))
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFQF_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS) Tx FIFO/Queue Full */
#define CAN_TXFQS_TFQF (0x1u << CAN_TXFQS_TFQF_Pos)
#define CAN_TXFQS_MASK 0x003F1F3Fu /**< \brief (CAN_TXFQS) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXESC : (CAN Offset: 0xC8) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TBDS:3; /*!< bit: 0.. 2 Tx Buffer Data Field Size */
uint32_t :29; /*!< bit: 3..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXESC_OFFSET 0xC8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC offset) Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration */
#define CAN_TXESC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC reset_value) Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) Tx Buffer Data Field Size */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_Msk (0x7u << CAN_TXESC_TBDS_Pos)
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS(value) (CAN_TXESC_TBDS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXESC_TBDS_Pos))
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA8_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 8 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA12_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 12 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA16_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 16 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA20_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 20 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA24_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 24 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA32_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 32 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA48_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 48 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA64_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) 64 byte data field */
#define CAN_TXESC_MASK 0x00000007u /**< \brief (CAN_TXESC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBRP : (CAN Offset: 0xCC) (R/ 32) Tx Buffer Request Pending -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TRP0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Transmission Request Pending 0 */
uint32_t TRP1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Transmission Request Pending 1 */
uint32_t TRP2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Transmission Request Pending 2 */
uint32_t TRP3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Transmission Request Pending 3 */
uint32_t TRP4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Transmission Request Pending 4 */
uint32_t TRP5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Transmission Request Pending 5 */
uint32_t TRP6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Transmission Request Pending 6 */
uint32_t TRP7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Transmission Request Pending 7 */
uint32_t TRP8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Transmission Request Pending 8 */
uint32_t TRP9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Transmission Request Pending 9 */
uint32_t TRP10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Transmission Request Pending 10 */
uint32_t TRP11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Transmission Request Pending 11 */
uint32_t TRP12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Transmission Request Pending 12 */
uint32_t TRP13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Transmission Request Pending 13 */
uint32_t TRP14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Transmission Request Pending 14 */
uint32_t TRP15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Transmission Request Pending 15 */
uint32_t TRP16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Transmission Request Pending 16 */
uint32_t TRP17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Transmission Request Pending 17 */
uint32_t TRP18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Transmission Request Pending 18 */
uint32_t TRP19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Transmission Request Pending 19 */
uint32_t TRP20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Transmission Request Pending 20 */
uint32_t TRP21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Transmission Request Pending 21 */
uint32_t TRP22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Transmission Request Pending 22 */
uint32_t TRP23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Transmission Request Pending 23 */
uint32_t TRP24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Transmission Request Pending 24 */
uint32_t TRP25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Transmission Request Pending 25 */
uint32_t TRP26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Transmission Request Pending 26 */
uint32_t TRP27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Transmission Request Pending 27 */
uint32_t TRP28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Transmission Request Pending 28 */
uint32_t TRP29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Transmission Request Pending 29 */
uint32_t TRP30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Transmission Request Pending 30 */
uint32_t TRP31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Transmission Request Pending 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBRP_OFFSET 0xCC /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP offset) Tx Buffer Request Pending */
#define CAN_TXBRP_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP reset_value) Tx Buffer Request Pending */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 0 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 1 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 2 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 3 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 4 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 5 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 6 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 7 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 8 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 9 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 10 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 11 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 12 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 13 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 14 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 15 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 16 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 17 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 18 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 19 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 20 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 21 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 22 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 23 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 24 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 25 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 26 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 27 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 28 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 29 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 30 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) Transmission Request Pending 31 */
#define CAN_TXBRP_TRP31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBRP_TRP31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBRP_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBRP) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBAR : (CAN Offset: 0xD0) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Add Request -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t AR0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Add Request 0 */
uint32_t AR1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Add Request 1 */
uint32_t AR2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Add Request 2 */
uint32_t AR3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Add Request 3 */
uint32_t AR4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Add Request 4 */
uint32_t AR5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Add Request 5 */
uint32_t AR6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Add Request 6 */
uint32_t AR7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Add Request 7 */
uint32_t AR8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Add Request 8 */
uint32_t AR9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Add Request 9 */
uint32_t AR10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Add Request 10 */
uint32_t AR11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Add Request 11 */
uint32_t AR12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Add Request 12 */
uint32_t AR13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Add Request 13 */
uint32_t AR14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Add Request 14 */
uint32_t AR15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Add Request 15 */
uint32_t AR16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Add Request 16 */
uint32_t AR17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Add Request 17 */
uint32_t AR18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Add Request 18 */
uint32_t AR19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Add Request 19 */
uint32_t AR20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Add Request 20 */
uint32_t AR21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Add Request 21 */
uint32_t AR22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Add Request 22 */
uint32_t AR23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Add Request 23 */
uint32_t AR24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Add Request 24 */
uint32_t AR25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Add Request 25 */
uint32_t AR26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Add Request 26 */
uint32_t AR27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Add Request 27 */
uint32_t AR28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Add Request 28 */
uint32_t AR29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Add Request 29 */
uint32_t AR30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Add Request 30 */
uint32_t AR31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Add Request 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBAR_OFFSET 0xD0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR offset) Tx Buffer Add Request */
#define CAN_TXBAR_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR reset_value) Tx Buffer Add Request */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 0 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 1 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 2 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 3 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 4 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 5 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 6 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 7 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 8 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 9 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 10 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 11 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 12 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 13 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 14 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 15 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 16 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 17 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 18 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 19 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 20 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 21 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 22 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 23 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 24 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 25 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 26 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 27 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 28 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 29 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 30 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) Add Request 31 */
#define CAN_TXBAR_AR31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBAR_AR31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBAR_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBAR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBCR : (CAN Offset: 0xD4) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Cancellation Request -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t CR0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Cancellation Request 0 */
uint32_t CR1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Cancellation Request 1 */
uint32_t CR2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Cancellation Request 2 */
uint32_t CR3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Cancellation Request 3 */
uint32_t CR4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Cancellation Request 4 */
uint32_t CR5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Cancellation Request 5 */
uint32_t CR6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Cancellation Request 6 */
uint32_t CR7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Cancellation Request 7 */
uint32_t CR8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Cancellation Request 8 */
uint32_t CR9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Cancellation Request 9 */
uint32_t CR10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Cancellation Request 10 */
uint32_t CR11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Cancellation Request 11 */
uint32_t CR12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Cancellation Request 12 */
uint32_t CR13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Cancellation Request 13 */
uint32_t CR14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Cancellation Request 14 */
uint32_t CR15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Cancellation Request 15 */
uint32_t CR16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Cancellation Request 16 */
uint32_t CR17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Cancellation Request 17 */
uint32_t CR18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Cancellation Request 18 */
uint32_t CR19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Cancellation Request 19 */
uint32_t CR20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Cancellation Request 20 */
uint32_t CR21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Cancellation Request 21 */
uint32_t CR22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Cancellation Request 22 */
uint32_t CR23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Cancellation Request 23 */
uint32_t CR24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Cancellation Request 24 */
uint32_t CR25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Cancellation Request 25 */
uint32_t CR26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Cancellation Request 26 */
uint32_t CR27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Cancellation Request 27 */
uint32_t CR28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Cancellation Request 28 */
uint32_t CR29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Cancellation Request 29 */
uint32_t CR30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Cancellation Request 30 */
uint32_t CR31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Cancellation Request 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBCR_OFFSET 0xD4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR offset) Tx Buffer Cancellation Request */
#define CAN_TXBCR_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR reset_value) Tx Buffer Cancellation Request */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 0 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 1 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 2 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 3 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 4 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 5 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 6 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 7 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 8 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 9 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 10 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 11 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 12 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 13 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 14 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 15 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 16 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 17 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 18 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 19 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 20 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 21 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 22 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 23 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 24 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 25 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 26 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 27 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 28 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 29 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 30 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) Cancellation Request 31 */
#define CAN_TXBCR_CR31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCR_CR31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCR_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCR) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBTO : (CAN Offset: 0xD8) (R/ 32) Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TO0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Transmission Occurred 0 */
uint32_t TO1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Transmission Occurred 1 */
uint32_t TO2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Transmission Occurred 2 */
uint32_t TO3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Transmission Occurred 3 */
uint32_t TO4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Transmission Occurred 4 */
uint32_t TO5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Transmission Occurred 5 */
uint32_t TO6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Transmission Occurred 6 */
uint32_t TO7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Transmission Occurred 7 */
uint32_t TO8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Transmission Occurred 8 */
uint32_t TO9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Transmission Occurred 9 */
uint32_t TO10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Transmission Occurred 10 */
uint32_t TO11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Transmission Occurred 11 */
uint32_t TO12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Transmission Occurred 12 */
uint32_t TO13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Transmission Occurred 13 */
uint32_t TO14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Transmission Occurred 14 */
uint32_t TO15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Transmission Occurred 15 */
uint32_t TO16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Transmission Occurred 16 */
uint32_t TO17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Transmission Occurred 17 */
uint32_t TO18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Transmission Occurred 18 */
uint32_t TO19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Transmission Occurred 19 */
uint32_t TO20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Transmission Occurred 20 */
uint32_t TO21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Transmission Occurred 21 */
uint32_t TO22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Transmission Occurred 22 */
uint32_t TO23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Transmission Occurred 23 */
uint32_t TO24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Transmission Occurred 24 */
uint32_t TO25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Transmission Occurred 25 */
uint32_t TO26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Transmission Occurred 26 */
uint32_t TO27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Transmission Occurred 27 */
uint32_t TO28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Transmission Occurred 28 */
uint32_t TO29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Transmission Occurred 29 */
uint32_t TO30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Transmission Occurred 30 */
uint32_t TO31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Transmission Occurred 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBTO_OFFSET 0xD8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO offset) Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred */
#define CAN_TXBTO_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO reset_value) Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 0 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 1 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 2 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 3 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 4 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 5 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 6 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 7 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 8 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 9 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 10 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 11 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 12 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 13 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 14 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 15 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 16 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 17 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 18 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 19 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 20 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 21 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 22 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 23 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 24 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 25 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 26 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 27 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 28 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 29 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 30 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) Transmission Occurred 31 */
#define CAN_TXBTO_TO31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTO_TO31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTO_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTO) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBCF : (CAN Offset: 0xDC) (R/ 32) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t CF0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 0 */
uint32_t CF1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 1 */
uint32_t CF2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 2 */
uint32_t CF3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 3 */
uint32_t CF4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 4 */
uint32_t CF5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 5 */
uint32_t CF6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 6 */
uint32_t CF7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 7 */
uint32_t CF8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 8 */
uint32_t CF9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 9 */
uint32_t CF10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 10 */
uint32_t CF11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 11 */
uint32_t CF12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 12 */
uint32_t CF13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 13 */
uint32_t CF14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 14 */
uint32_t CF15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 15 */
uint32_t CF16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 16 */
uint32_t CF17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 17 */
uint32_t CF18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 18 */
uint32_t CF19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 19 */
uint32_t CF20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 20 */
uint32_t CF21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 21 */
uint32_t CF22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 22 */
uint32_t CF23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 23 */
uint32_t CF24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 24 */
uint32_t CF25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 25 */
uint32_t CF26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 26 */
uint32_t CF27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 27 */
uint32_t CF28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 28 */
uint32_t CF29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 29 */
uint32_t CF30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 30 */
uint32_t CF31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBCF_OFFSET 0xDC /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF offset) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished */
#define CAN_TXBCF_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF reset_value) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 0 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 1 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 2 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 3 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 4 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 5 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 6 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 7 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 8 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 9 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 10 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 11 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 12 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 13 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 14 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 15 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 16 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 17 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 18 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 19 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 20 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 21 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 22 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 23 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 24 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 25 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 26 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 27 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 28 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 29 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 30 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished 31 */
#define CAN_TXBCF_CF31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCF_CF31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCF_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCF) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBTIE : (CAN Offset: 0xE0) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TIE0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Transmission Interrupt Enable 0 */
uint32_t TIE1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Transmission Interrupt Enable 1 */
uint32_t TIE2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Transmission Interrupt Enable 2 */
uint32_t TIE3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Transmission Interrupt Enable 3 */
uint32_t TIE4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Transmission Interrupt Enable 4 */
uint32_t TIE5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Transmission Interrupt Enable 5 */
uint32_t TIE6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Transmission Interrupt Enable 6 */
uint32_t TIE7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Transmission Interrupt Enable 7 */
uint32_t TIE8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Transmission Interrupt Enable 8 */
uint32_t TIE9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Transmission Interrupt Enable 9 */
uint32_t TIE10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Transmission Interrupt Enable 10 */
uint32_t TIE11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Transmission Interrupt Enable 11 */
uint32_t TIE12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Transmission Interrupt Enable 12 */
uint32_t TIE13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Transmission Interrupt Enable 13 */
uint32_t TIE14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Transmission Interrupt Enable 14 */
uint32_t TIE15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Transmission Interrupt Enable 15 */
uint32_t TIE16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Transmission Interrupt Enable 16 */
uint32_t TIE17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Transmission Interrupt Enable 17 */
uint32_t TIE18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Transmission Interrupt Enable 18 */
uint32_t TIE19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Transmission Interrupt Enable 19 */
uint32_t TIE20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Transmission Interrupt Enable 20 */
uint32_t TIE21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Transmission Interrupt Enable 21 */
uint32_t TIE22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Transmission Interrupt Enable 22 */
uint32_t TIE23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Transmission Interrupt Enable 23 */
uint32_t TIE24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Transmission Interrupt Enable 24 */
uint32_t TIE25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Transmission Interrupt Enable 25 */
uint32_t TIE26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Transmission Interrupt Enable 26 */
uint32_t TIE27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Transmission Interrupt Enable 27 */
uint32_t TIE28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Transmission Interrupt Enable 28 */
uint32_t TIE29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Transmission Interrupt Enable 29 */
uint32_t TIE30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Transmission Interrupt Enable 30 */
uint32_t TIE31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Transmission Interrupt Enable 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_OFFSET 0xE0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE offset) Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE reset_value) Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 0 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 1 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 2 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 3 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 4 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 5 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 6 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 7 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 8 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 9 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 10 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 11 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 12 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 13 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 14 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 15 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 16 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 17 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 18 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 19 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 20 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 21 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 22 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 23 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 24 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 25 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 26 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 27 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 28 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 29 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 30 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) Transmission Interrupt Enable 31 */
#define CAN_TXBTIE_TIE31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBTIE_TIE31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBTIE_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBTIE) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBCIE : (CAN Offset: 0xE4) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t CFIE0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 0 */
uint32_t CFIE1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 1 */
uint32_t CFIE2:1; /*!< bit: 2 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 2 */
uint32_t CFIE3:1; /*!< bit: 3 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 3 */
uint32_t CFIE4:1; /*!< bit: 4 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 4 */
uint32_t CFIE5:1; /*!< bit: 5 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 5 */
uint32_t CFIE6:1; /*!< bit: 6 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 6 */
uint32_t CFIE7:1; /*!< bit: 7 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 7 */
uint32_t CFIE8:1; /*!< bit: 8 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 8 */
uint32_t CFIE9:1; /*!< bit: 9 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 9 */
uint32_t CFIE10:1; /*!< bit: 10 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 10 */
uint32_t CFIE11:1; /*!< bit: 11 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 11 */
uint32_t CFIE12:1; /*!< bit: 12 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 12 */
uint32_t CFIE13:1; /*!< bit: 13 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 13 */
uint32_t CFIE14:1; /*!< bit: 14 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 14 */
uint32_t CFIE15:1; /*!< bit: 15 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 15 */
uint32_t CFIE16:1; /*!< bit: 16 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 16 */
uint32_t CFIE17:1; /*!< bit: 17 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 17 */
uint32_t CFIE18:1; /*!< bit: 18 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 18 */
uint32_t CFIE19:1; /*!< bit: 19 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 19 */
uint32_t CFIE20:1; /*!< bit: 20 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 20 */
uint32_t CFIE21:1; /*!< bit: 21 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 21 */
uint32_t CFIE22:1; /*!< bit: 22 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 22 */
uint32_t CFIE23:1; /*!< bit: 23 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 23 */
uint32_t CFIE24:1; /*!< bit: 24 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 24 */
uint32_t CFIE25:1; /*!< bit: 25 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 25 */
uint32_t CFIE26:1; /*!< bit: 26 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 26 */
uint32_t CFIE27:1; /*!< bit: 27 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 27 */
uint32_t CFIE28:1; /*!< bit: 28 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 28 */
uint32_t CFIE29:1; /*!< bit: 29 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 29 */
uint32_t CFIE30:1; /*!< bit: 30 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 30 */
uint32_t CFIE31:1; /*!< bit: 31 Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 31 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_OFFSET 0xE4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE offset) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE reset_value) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 0 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE0 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 1 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE1 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE2_Pos 2 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 2 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE2 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE3_Pos 3 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 3 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE3 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE4_Pos 4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 4 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE4 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE4_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE5_Pos 5 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 5 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE5 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE5_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE6_Pos 6 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 6 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE6 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE6_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE7_Pos 7 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 7 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE7 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE7_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE8_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 8 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE8 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE8_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE9_Pos 9 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 9 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE9 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE9_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE10_Pos 10 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 10 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE10 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE10_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE11_Pos 11 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 11 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE11 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE11_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE12_Pos 12 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 12 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE12 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE12_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE13_Pos 13 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 13 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE13 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE13_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE14_Pos 14 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 14 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE14 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE14_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE15_Pos 15 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 15 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE15 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE15_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE16_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 16 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE16 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE16_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE17_Pos 17 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 17 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE17 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE17_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE18_Pos 18 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 18 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE18 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE18_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE19_Pos 19 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 19 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE19 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE19_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE20_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 20 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE20 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE20_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE21_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 21 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE21 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE21_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE22_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 22 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE22 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE22_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE23_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 23 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE23 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE23_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE24_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 24 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE24 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE24_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE25_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 25 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE25 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE25_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE26_Pos 26 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 26 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE26 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE26_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE27_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 27 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE27 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE27_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE28_Pos 28 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 28 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE28 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE28_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE29_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 29 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE29 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE29_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE30_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 30 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE30 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE30_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE31_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 31 */
#define CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE31 (0x1u << CAN_TXBCIE_CFIE31_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBCIE_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBCIE) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXEFC : (CAN Offset: 0xF0) (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EFSA:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Event FIFO Start Address */
uint32_t EFS:6; /*!< bit: 16..21 Event FIFO Size */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t EFWM:6; /*!< bit: 24..29 Event FIFO Watermark */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXEFC_OFFSET 0xF0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFC offset) Tx Event FIFO Configuration */
#define CAN_TXEFC_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFC reset_value) Tx Event FIFO Configuration */
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFSA_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFC) Event FIFO Start Address */
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFSA(value) (CAN_TXEFC_EFSA_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFC_EFSA_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFS_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFC) Event FIFO Size */
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFS_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_TXEFC_EFS_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFS(value) (CAN_TXEFC_EFS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFC_EFS_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFWM_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFC) Event FIFO Watermark */
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFWM_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_TXEFC_EFWM_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFC_EFWM(value) (CAN_TXEFC_EFWM_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFC_EFWM_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFC_MASK 0x3F3FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFC) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXEFS : (CAN Offset: 0xF4) (R/ 32) Tx Event FIFO Status -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EFFL:6; /*!< bit: 0.. 5 Event FIFO Fill Level */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 6.. 7 Reserved */
uint32_t EFGI:5; /*!< bit: 8..12 Event FIFO Get Index */
uint32_t :3; /*!< bit: 13..15 Reserved */
uint32_t EFPI:5; /*!< bit: 16..20 Event FIFO Put Index */
uint32_t :3; /*!< bit: 21..23 Reserved */
uint32_t EFF:1; /*!< bit: 24 Event FIFO Full */
uint32_t TEFL:1; /*!< bit: 25 Tx Event FIFO Element Lost */
uint32_t :6; /*!< bit: 26..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXEFS_OFFSET 0xF4 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS offset) Tx Event FIFO Status */
#define CAN_TXEFS_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS reset_value) Tx Event FIFO Status */
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFFL_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS) Event FIFO Fill Level */
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFFL_Msk (0x3Fu << CAN_TXEFS_EFFL_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFFL(value) (CAN_TXEFS_EFFL_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFS_EFFL_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFGI_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS) Event FIFO Get Index */
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFGI_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_TXEFS_EFGI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFGI(value) (CAN_TXEFS_EFGI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFS_EFGI_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFPI_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS) Event FIFO Put Index */
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFPI_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_TXEFS_EFPI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFPI(value) (CAN_TXEFS_EFPI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFS_EFPI_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFF_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS) Event FIFO Full */
#define CAN_TXEFS_EFF (0x1u << CAN_TXEFS_EFF_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFS_TEFL_Pos 25 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS) Tx Event FIFO Element Lost */
#define CAN_TXEFS_TEFL (0x1u << CAN_TXEFS_TEFL_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFS_MASK 0x031F1F3Fu /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFS) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXEFA : (CAN Offset: 0xF8) (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EFAI:5; /*!< bit: 0.. 4 Event FIFO Acknowledge Index */
uint32_t :27; /*!< bit: 5..31 Reserved */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXEFA_OFFSET 0xF8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFA offset) Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge */
#define CAN_TXEFA_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFA reset_value) Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge */
#define CAN_TXEFA_EFAI_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFA) Event FIFO Acknowledge Index */
#define CAN_TXEFA_EFAI_Msk (0x1Fu << CAN_TXEFA_EFAI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFA_EFAI(value) (CAN_TXEFA_EFAI_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFA_EFAI_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFA_MASK 0x0000001Fu /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFA) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXBE_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Element 0 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ID:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Identifier */
uint32_t RTR:1; /*!< bit: 29 Remote Transmission Request */
uint32_t XTD:1; /*!< bit: 30 Extended Identifier */
uint32_t ESI:1; /*!< bit: 31 Error State Indicator */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXBE_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0 offset) Rx Buffer Element 0 */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0 reset_value) Rx Buffer Element 0 */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_ID_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0) Identifier */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_ID_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_RXBE_0_ID_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_0_ID(value) (CAN_RXBE_0_ID_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_0_ID_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_0_RTR_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0) Remote Transmission Request */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_RTR (0x1u << CAN_RXBE_0_RTR_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_0_XTD_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0) Extended Identifier */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_XTD (0x1u << CAN_RXBE_0_XTD_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_0_ESI_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0) Error State Indicator */
#define CAN_RXBE_0_ESI (0x1u << CAN_RXBE_0_ESI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_0_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXBE_1 : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Element 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RXTS:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Rx Timestamp */
uint32_t DLC:4; /*!< bit: 16..19 Data Length Code */
uint32_t BRS:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Rate Search */
uint32_t FDF:1; /*!< bit: 21 FD Format */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t FIDX:7; /*!< bit: 24..30 Filter Index */
uint32_t ANMF:1; /*!< bit: 31 Accepted Non-matching Frame */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXBE_1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1 offset) Rx Buffer Element 1 */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1 reset_value) Rx Buffer Element 1 */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_RXTS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) Rx Timestamp */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_RXTS_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_RXBE_1_RXTS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_1_RXTS(value) (CAN_RXBE_1_RXTS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_1_RXTS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_1_DLC_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) Data Length Code */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_DLC_Msk (0xFu << CAN_RXBE_1_DLC_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_1_DLC(value) (CAN_RXBE_1_DLC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_1_DLC_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_1_BRS_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) Bit Rate Search */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_BRS (0x1u << CAN_RXBE_1_BRS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_1_FDF_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) FD Format */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_FDF (0x1u << CAN_RXBE_1_FDF_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_1_FIDX_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) Filter Index */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_FIDX_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXBE_1_FIDX_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_1_FIDX(value) (CAN_RXBE_1_FIDX_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_1_FIDX_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_1_ANMF_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) Accepted Non-matching Frame */
#define CAN_RXBE_1_ANMF (0x1u << CAN_RXBE_1_ANMF_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_1_MASK 0xFF3FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_1) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXBE_DATA : (CAN Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Element Data -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t DB0:8; /*!< bit: 0.. 7 Data Byte 0 */
uint32_t DB1:8; /*!< bit: 8..15 Data Byte 1 */
uint32_t DB2:8; /*!< bit: 16..23 Data Byte 2 */
uint32_t DB3:8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Data Byte 3 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_OFFSET 0x08 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA offset) Rx Buffer Element Data */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA reset_value) Rx Buffer Element Data */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA) Data Byte 0 */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB0_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB0_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB0(value) (CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB0_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB0_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB1_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA) Data Byte 1 */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB1_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB1_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB1(value) (CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB1_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB2_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA) Data Byte 2 */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB2_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB2_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB2(value) (CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB2_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB3_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA) Data Byte 3 */
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB3_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB3_Pos)
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB3(value) (CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB3_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXBE_DATA_DB3_Pos))
#define CAN_RXBE_DATA_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXBE_DATA) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF0E_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Element 0 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ID:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Identifier */
uint32_t RTR:1; /*!< bit: 29 Remote Transmission Request */
uint32_t XTD:1; /*!< bit: 30 Extended Identifier */
uint32_t ESI:1; /*!< bit: 31 Error State Indicator */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF0E_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0 offset) Rx FIFO 0 Element 0 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0 reset_value) Rx FIFO 0 Element 0 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_ID_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0) Identifier */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_ID_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_RXF0E_0_ID_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_ID(value) (CAN_RXF0E_0_ID_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_0_ID_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_RTR_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0) Remote Transmission Request */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_RTR (0x1u << CAN_RXF0E_0_RTR_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_XTD_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0) Extended Identifier */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_XTD (0x1u << CAN_RXF0E_0_XTD_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_ESI_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0) Error State Indicator */
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_ESI (0x1u << CAN_RXF0E_0_ESI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_0_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF0E_1 : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Element 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RXTS:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Rx Timestamp */
uint32_t DLC:4; /*!< bit: 16..19 Data Length Code */
uint32_t BRS:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Rate Search */
uint32_t FDF:1; /*!< bit: 21 FD Format */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t FIDX:7; /*!< bit: 24..30 Filter Index */
uint32_t ANMF:1; /*!< bit: 31 Accepted Non-matching Frame */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF0E_1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1 offset) Rx FIFO 0 Element 1 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1 reset_value) Rx FIFO 0 Element 1 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_RXTS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) Rx Timestamp */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_RXTS_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_RXF0E_1_RXTS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_RXTS(value) (CAN_RXF0E_1_RXTS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_1_RXTS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_DLC_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) Data Length Code */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_DLC_Msk (0xFu << CAN_RXF0E_1_DLC_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_DLC(value) (CAN_RXF0E_1_DLC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_1_DLC_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_BRS_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) Bit Rate Search */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_BRS (0x1u << CAN_RXF0E_1_BRS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_FDF_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) FD Format */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_FDF (0x1u << CAN_RXF0E_1_FDF_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_FIDX_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) Filter Index */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_FIDX_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF0E_1_FIDX_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_FIDX(value) (CAN_RXF0E_1_FIDX_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_1_FIDX_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_ANMF_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) Accepted Non-matching Frame */
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_ANMF (0x1u << CAN_RXF0E_1_ANMF_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_1_MASK 0xFF3FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_1) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF0E_DATA : (CAN Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Element Data -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t DB0:8; /*!< bit: 0.. 7 Data Byte 0 */
uint32_t DB1:8; /*!< bit: 8..15 Data Byte 1 */
uint32_t DB2:8; /*!< bit: 16..23 Data Byte 2 */
uint32_t DB3:8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Data Byte 3 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_OFFSET 0x08 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA offset) Rx FIFO 0 Element Data */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA reset_value) Rx FIFO 0 Element Data */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA) Data Byte 0 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB0_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB0_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB0(value) (CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB0_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB0_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB1_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA) Data Byte 1 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB1_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB1_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB1(value) (CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB1_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB2_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA) Data Byte 2 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB2_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB2_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB2(value) (CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB2_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB3_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA) Data Byte 3 */
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB3_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB3_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB3(value) (CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB3_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF0E_DATA_DB3_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF0E_DATA_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF0E_DATA) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF1E_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Element 0 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ID:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Identifier */
uint32_t RTR:1; /*!< bit: 29 Remote Transmission Request */
uint32_t XTD:1; /*!< bit: 30 Extended Identifier */
uint32_t ESI:1; /*!< bit: 31 Error State Indicator */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF1E_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0 offset) Rx FIFO 1 Element 0 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0 reset_value) Rx FIFO 1 Element 0 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_ID_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0) Identifier */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_ID_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_RXF1E_0_ID_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_ID(value) (CAN_RXF1E_0_ID_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_0_ID_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_RTR_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0) Remote Transmission Request */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_RTR (0x1u << CAN_RXF1E_0_RTR_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_XTD_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0) Extended Identifier */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_XTD (0x1u << CAN_RXF1E_0_XTD_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_ESI_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0) Error State Indicator */
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_ESI (0x1u << CAN_RXF1E_0_ESI_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_0_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF1E_1 : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Element 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t RXTS:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Rx Timestamp */
uint32_t DLC:4; /*!< bit: 16..19 Data Length Code */
uint32_t BRS:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Rate Search */
uint32_t FDF:1; /*!< bit: 21 FD Format */
uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t FIDX:7; /*!< bit: 24..30 Filter Index */
uint32_t ANMF:1; /*!< bit: 31 Accepted Non-matching Frame */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_RXF1E_1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1 offset) Rx FIFO 1 Element 1 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1 reset_value) Rx FIFO 1 Element 1 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_RXTS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) Rx Timestamp */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_RXTS_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_RXF1E_1_RXTS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_RXTS(value) (CAN_RXF1E_1_RXTS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_1_RXTS_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_DLC_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) Data Length Code */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_DLC_Msk (0xFu << CAN_RXF1E_1_DLC_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_DLC(value) (CAN_RXF1E_1_DLC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_1_DLC_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_BRS_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) Bit Rate Search */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_BRS (0x1u << CAN_RXF1E_1_BRS_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_FDF_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) FD Format */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_FDF (0x1u << CAN_RXF1E_1_FDF_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_FIDX_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) Filter Index */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_FIDX_Msk (0x7Fu << CAN_RXF1E_1_FIDX_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_FIDX(value) (CAN_RXF1E_1_FIDX_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_1_FIDX_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_ANMF_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) Accepted Non-matching Frame */
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_ANMF (0x1u << CAN_RXF1E_1_ANMF_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_1_MASK 0xFF3FFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_1) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_RXF1E_DATA : (CAN Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Element Data -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t DB0:8; /*!< bit: 0.. 7 Data Byte 0 */
uint32_t DB1:8; /*!< bit: 8..15 Data Byte 1 */
uint32_t DB2:8; /*!< bit: 16..23 Data Byte 2 */
uint32_t DB3:8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Data Byte 3 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_OFFSET 0x08 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA offset) Rx FIFO 1 Element Data */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA reset_value) Rx FIFO 1 Element Data */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA) Data Byte 0 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB0_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB0_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB0(value) (CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB0_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB0_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB1_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA) Data Byte 1 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB1_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB1_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB1(value) (CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB1_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB2_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA) Data Byte 2 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB2_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB2_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB2(value) (CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB2_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB3_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA) Data Byte 3 */
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB3_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB3_Pos)
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB3(value) (CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB3_Msk & ((value) << CAN_RXF1E_DATA_DB3_Pos))
#define CAN_RXF1E_DATA_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_RXF1E_DATA) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_SIDFE_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Standard Message ID Filter Element -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t SFID2:11; /*!< bit: 0..10 Standard Filter ID 2 */
uint32_t :5; /*!< bit: 11..15 Reserved */
uint32_t SFID1:11; /*!< bit: 16..26 Standard Filter ID 1 */
uint32_t SFEC:3; /*!< bit: 27..29 Standard Filter Element Configuration */
uint32_t SFT:2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Standard Filter Type */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_SIDFE_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0 offset) Standard Message ID Filter Element */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0 reset_value) Standard Message ID Filter Element */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID2_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Standard Filter ID 2 */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID2_Msk (0x7FFu << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID2_Pos)
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID2(value) (CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID2_Pos))
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID1_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Standard Filter ID 1 */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID1_Msk (0x7FFu << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID1_Pos)
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID1(value) (CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFID1_Pos))
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_Pos 27 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Standard Filter Element Configuration */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_Msk (0x7u << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_Pos)
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC(value) (CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_Pos))
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_DISABLE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Disable filter element */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_STF0M_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Store in Rx FIFO 0 if filter match */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_STF1M_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Store in Rx FIFO 1 if filter match */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_REJECT_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Reject ID if filter match */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_PRIORITY_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Set priority if filter match */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_PRIF0M_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Set priority and store in FIFO 0 if filter match */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_PRIF1M_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Set priority and store in FIFO 1 if filter match */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFEC_STRXBUF_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Store into Rx Buffer */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Standard Filter Type */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_Msk (0x3u << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_Pos)
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT(value) (CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_Msk & ((value) << CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_Pos))
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_RANGE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Range filter from SFID1 to SFID2 */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_DUAL_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Dual ID filter for SFID1 or SFID2 */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_SFT_CLASSIC_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) Classic filter */
#define CAN_SIDFE_0_MASK 0xFFFF07FFu /**< \brief (CAN_SIDFE_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBE_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element 0 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ID:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Identifier */
uint32_t RTR:1; /*!< bit: 29 Remote Transmission Request */
uint32_t XTD:1; /*!< bit: 30 Extended Identifier */
uint32_t ESI:1; /*!< bit: 31 Error State Indicator */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TXBE_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0 offset) Tx Buffer Element 0 */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0 reset_value) Tx Buffer Element 0 */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_ID_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0) Identifier */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_ID_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_TXBE_0_ID_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_0_ID(value) (CAN_TXBE_0_ID_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_0_ID_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_0_RTR_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0) Remote Transmission Request */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_RTR (0x1u << CAN_TXBE_0_RTR_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_0_XTD_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0) Extended Identifier */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_XTD (0x1u << CAN_TXBE_0_XTD_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_0_ESI_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0) Error State Indicator */
#define CAN_TXBE_0_ESI (0x1u << CAN_TXBE_0_ESI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_0_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBE_1 : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t :16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Reserved */
uint32_t DLC:4; /*!< bit: 16..19 Identifier */
uint32_t BRS:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Rate Search */
uint32_t FDF:1; /*!< bit: 21 FD Format */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 22 Reserved */
uint32_t EFC:1; /*!< bit: 23 Event FIFO Control */
uint32_t MM:8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Message Marker */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TXBE_1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1 offset) Tx Buffer Element 1 */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1 reset_value) Tx Buffer Element 1 */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_DLC_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1) Identifier */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_DLC_Msk (0xFu << CAN_TXBE_1_DLC_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_1_DLC(value) (CAN_TXBE_1_DLC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_1_DLC_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_1_BRS_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1) Bit Rate Search */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_BRS (0x1u << CAN_TXBE_1_BRS_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_1_FDF_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1) FD Format */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_FDF (0x1u << CAN_TXBE_1_FDF_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_1_EFC_Pos 23 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1) Event FIFO Control */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_EFC (0x1u << CAN_TXBE_1_EFC_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_1_MM_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1) Message Marker */
#define CAN_TXBE_1_MM_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_TXBE_1_MM_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_1_MM(value) (CAN_TXBE_1_MM_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_1_MM_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_1_MASK 0xFFBF0000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_1) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXBE_DATA : (CAN Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element Data -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t DB0:8; /*!< bit: 0.. 7 Data Byte 0 */
uint32_t DB1:8; /*!< bit: 8..15 Data Byte 1 */
uint32_t DB2:8; /*!< bit: 16..23 Data Byte 2 */
uint32_t DB3:8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Data Byte 3 */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_OFFSET 0x08 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA offset) Tx Buffer Element Data */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA reset_value) Tx Buffer Element Data */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA) Data Byte 0 */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB0_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB0_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB0(value) (CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB0_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB0_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB1_Pos 8 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA) Data Byte 1 */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB1_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB1_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB1(value) (CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB1_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB2_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA) Data Byte 2 */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB2_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB2_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB2(value) (CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB2_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB3_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA) Data Byte 3 */
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB3_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB3_Pos)
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB3(value) (CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB3_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXBE_DATA_DB3_Pos))
#define CAN_TXBE_DATA_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXBE_DATA) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXEFE_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Element 0 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t ID:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Identifier */
uint32_t RTR:1; /*!< bit: 29 Remote Transmission Request */
uint32_t XTD:1; /*!< bit: 30 Extended Indentifier */
uint32_t ESI:1; /*!< bit: 31 Error State Indicator */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TXEFE_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0 offset) Tx Event FIFO Element 0 */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0 reset_value) Tx Event FIFO Element 0 */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_ID_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0) Identifier */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_ID_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_TXEFE_0_ID_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_ID(value) (CAN_TXEFE_0_ID_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFE_0_ID_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_RTR_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0) Remote Transmission Request */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_RTR (0x1u << CAN_TXEFE_0_RTR_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_XTD_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0) Extended Indentifier */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_XTD (0x1u << CAN_TXEFE_0_XTD_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_ESI_Pos 31 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0) Error State Indicator */
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_ESI (0x1u << CAN_TXEFE_0_ESI_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_0_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_TXEFE_1 : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Element 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t TXTS:16; /*!< bit: 0..15 Tx Timestamp */
uint32_t DLC:4; /*!< bit: 16..19 Data Length Code */
uint32_t BRS:1; /*!< bit: 20 Bit Rate Search */
uint32_t FDF:1; /*!< bit: 21 FD Format */
uint32_t ET:2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Event Type */
uint32_t MM:8; /*!< bit: 24..31 Message Marker */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_TXEFE_1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1 offset) Tx Event FIFO Element 1 */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1 reset_value) Tx Event FIFO Element 1 */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_TXTS_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Tx Timestamp */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_TXTS_Msk (0xFFFFu << CAN_TXEFE_1_TXTS_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_TXTS(value) (CAN_TXEFE_1_TXTS_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFE_1_TXTS_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_DLC_Pos 16 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Data Length Code */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_DLC_Msk (0xFu << CAN_TXEFE_1_DLC_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_DLC(value) (CAN_TXEFE_1_DLC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFE_1_DLC_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_BRS_Pos 20 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Bit Rate Search */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_BRS (0x1u << CAN_TXEFE_1_BRS_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_FDF_Pos 21 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) FD Format */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_FDF (0x1u << CAN_TXEFE_1_FDF_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_Pos 22 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Event Type */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_Msk (0x3u << CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_ET(value) (CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_TXE_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Tx event */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_ET_TXC_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Transmission in spite of cancellation */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_MM_Pos 24 /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) Message Marker */
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_MM_Msk (0xFFu << CAN_TXEFE_1_MM_Pos)
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_MM(value) (CAN_TXEFE_1_MM_Msk & ((value) << CAN_TXEFE_1_MM_Pos))
#define CAN_TXEFE_1_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_TXEFE_1) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_XIDFE_0 : (CAN Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Extended Message ID Filter Element 0 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EFID1:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Extended Filter ID 1 */
uint32_t EFEC:3; /*!< bit: 29..31 Extended Filter Element Configuration */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_XIDFE_0_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0 offset) Extended Message ID Filter Element 0 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0 reset_value) Extended Message ID Filter Element 0 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFID1_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Extended Filter ID 1 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFID1_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_XIDFE_0_EFID1_Pos)
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFID1(value) (CAN_XIDFE_0_EFID1_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDFE_0_EFID1_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_Pos 29 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Extended Filter Element Configuration */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_Msk (0x7u << CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_Pos)
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC(value) (CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_DISABLE_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Disable filter element */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_STF0M_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Store in Rx FIFO 0 if filter match */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_STF1M_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Store in Rx FIFO 1 if filter match */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_REJECT_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Reject ID if filter match */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_PRIORITY_Val 0x4u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Set priority if filter match */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_PRIF0M_Val 0x5u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Set priority and store in FIFO 0 if filter match */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_PRIF1M_Val 0x6u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Set priority and store in FIFO 1 if filter match */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_EFEC_STRXBUF_Val 0x7u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) Store into Rx Buffer */
#define CAN_XIDFE_0_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_0) MASK Register */
/* -------- CAN_XIDFE_1 : (CAN Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Extended Message ID Filter Element 1 -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t EFID2:29; /*!< bit: 0..28 Extended Filter ID 2 */
uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 29 Reserved */
uint32_t EFT:2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Extended Filter Type */
} bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */
} CAN_XIDFE_1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1 offset) Extended Message ID Filter Element 1 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_RESETVALUE 0x00000000u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1 reset_value) Extended Message ID Filter Element 1 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFID2_Pos 0 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) Extended Filter ID 2 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFID2_Msk (0x1FFFFFFFu << CAN_XIDFE_1_EFID2_Pos)
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFID2(value) (CAN_XIDFE_1_EFID2_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDFE_1_EFID2_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_Pos 30 /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) Extended Filter Type */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_Msk (0x3u << CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_Pos)
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT(value) (CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_Msk & ((value) << CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_Pos))
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_RANGEM_Val 0x0u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) Range filter from EFID1 to EFID2 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_DUAL_Val 0x1u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) Dual ID filter for EFID1 or EFID2 */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_CLASSIC_Val 0x2u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) Classic filter */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_EFT_RANGE_Val 0x3u /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) Range filter from EFID1 to EFID2 with no XIDAM mask */
#define CAN_XIDFE_1_MASK 0xDFFFFFFFu /**< \brief (CAN_XIDFE_1) MASK Register */
/** \brief CAN APB hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__I CAN_CREL_Type CREL; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/ 32) Core Release */
__I CAN_ENDN_Type ENDN; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/ 32) Endian */
__IO CAN_MRCFG_Type MRCFG; /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Message RAM Configuration */
__IO CAN_DBTP_Type DBTP; /**< \brief Offset: 0x0C (R/W 32) Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler */
__IO CAN_TEST_Type TEST; /**< \brief Offset: 0x10 (R/W 32) Test */
__IO CAN_RWD_Type RWD; /**< \brief Offset: 0x14 (R/W 32) RAM Watchdog */
__IO CAN_CCCR_Type CCCR; /**< \brief Offset: 0x18 (R/W 32) CC Control */
__IO CAN_NBTP_Type NBTP; /**< \brief Offset: 0x1C (R/W 32) Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler */
__IO CAN_TSCC_Type TSCC; /**< \brief Offset: 0x20 (R/W 32) Timestamp Counter Configuration */
__I CAN_TSCV_Type TSCV; /**< \brief Offset: 0x24 (R/ 32) Timestamp Counter Value */
__IO CAN_TOCC_Type TOCC; /**< \brief Offset: 0x28 (R/W 32) Timeout Counter Configuration */
__IO CAN_TOCV_Type TOCV; /**< \brief Offset: 0x2C (R/W 32) Timeout Counter Value */
RoReg8 Reserved1[0x10];
__I CAN_ECR_Type ECR; /**< \brief Offset: 0x40 (R/ 32) Error Counter */
__I CAN_PSR_Type PSR; /**< \brief Offset: 0x44 (R/ 32) Protocol Status */
__IO CAN_TDCR_Type TDCR; /**< \brief Offset: 0x48 (R/W 32) Extended ID Filter Configuration */
RoReg8 Reserved2[0x4];
__IO CAN_IR_Type IR; /**< \brief Offset: 0x50 (R/W 32) Interrupt */
__IO CAN_IE_Type IE; /**< \brief Offset: 0x54 (R/W 32) Interrupt Enable */
__IO CAN_ILS_Type ILS; /**< \brief Offset: 0x58 (R/W 32) Interrupt Line Select */
__IO CAN_ILE_Type ILE; /**< \brief Offset: 0x5C (R/W 32) Interrupt Line Enable */
RoReg8 Reserved3[0x20];
__IO CAN_GFC_Type GFC; /**< \brief Offset: 0x80 (R/W 32) Global Filter Configuration */
__IO CAN_SIDFC_Type SIDFC; /**< \brief Offset: 0x84 (R/W 32) Standard ID Filter Configuration */
__IO CAN_XIDFC_Type XIDFC; /**< \brief Offset: 0x88 (R/W 32) Extended ID Filter Configuration */
RoReg8 Reserved4[0x4];
__IO CAN_XIDAM_Type XIDAM; /**< \brief Offset: 0x90 (R/W 32) Extended ID AND Mask */
__I CAN_HPMS_Type HPMS; /**< \brief Offset: 0x94 (R/ 32) High Priority Message Status */
__IO CAN_NDAT1_Type NDAT1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x98 (R/W 32) New Data 1 */
__IO CAN_NDAT2_Type NDAT2; /**< \brief Offset: 0x9C (R/W 32) New Data 2 */
__IO CAN_RXF0C_Type RXF0C; /**< \brief Offset: 0xA0 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Configuration */
__I CAN_RXF0S_Type RXF0S; /**< \brief Offset: 0xA4 (R/ 32) Rx FIFO 0 Status */
__IO CAN_RXF0A_Type RXF0A; /**< \brief Offset: 0xA8 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge */
__IO CAN_RXBC_Type RXBC; /**< \brief Offset: 0xAC (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Configuration */
__IO CAN_RXF1C_Type RXF1C; /**< \brief Offset: 0xB0 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Configuration */
__I CAN_RXF1S_Type RXF1S; /**< \brief Offset: 0xB4 (R/ 32) Rx FIFO 1 Status */
__IO CAN_RXF1A_Type RXF1A; /**< \brief Offset: 0xB8 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge */
__IO CAN_RXESC_Type RXESC; /**< \brief Offset: 0xBC (R/W 32) Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration */
__IO CAN_TXBC_Type TXBC; /**< \brief Offset: 0xC0 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Configuration */
__I CAN_TXFQS_Type TXFQS; /**< \brief Offset: 0xC4 (R/ 32) Tx FIFO / Queue Status */
__IO CAN_TXESC_Type TXESC; /**< \brief Offset: 0xC8 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration */
__I CAN_TXBRP_Type TXBRP; /**< \brief Offset: 0xCC (R/ 32) Tx Buffer Request Pending */
__IO CAN_TXBAR_Type TXBAR; /**< \brief Offset: 0xD0 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Add Request */
__IO CAN_TXBCR_Type TXBCR; /**< \brief Offset: 0xD4 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Cancellation Request */
__I CAN_TXBTO_Type TXBTO; /**< \brief Offset: 0xD8 (R/ 32) Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred */
__I CAN_TXBCF_Type TXBCF; /**< \brief Offset: 0xDC (R/ 32) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished */
__IO CAN_TXBTIE_Type TXBTIE; /**< \brief Offset: 0xE0 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable */
__IO CAN_TXBCIE_Type TXBCIE; /**< \brief Offset: 0xE4 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable */
RoReg8 Reserved5[0x8];
__IO CAN_TXEFC_Type TXEFC; /**< \brief Offset: 0xF0 (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Configuration */
__I CAN_TXEFS_Type TXEFS; /**< \brief Offset: 0xF4 (R/ 32) Tx Event FIFO Status */
__IO CAN_TXEFA_Type TXEFA; /**< \brief Offset: 0xF8 (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge */
} Can;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_rxbe hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_RXBE_0_Type RXBE_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Element 0 */
__IO CAN_RXBE_1_Type RXBE_1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Element 1 */
__IO CAN_RXBE_DATA_Type RXBE_DATA[16]; /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Rx Buffer Element Data */
} CanMramRxbe
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_rxf0e hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_RXF0E_0_Type RXF0E_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Element 0 */
__IO CAN_RXF0E_1_Type RXF0E_1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Element 1 */
__IO CAN_RXF0E_DATA_Type RXF0E_DATA[16]; /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 0 Element Data */
} CanMramRxf0e
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_rxf1e hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_RXF1E_0_Type RXF1E_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Element 0 */
__IO CAN_RXF1E_1_Type RXF1E_1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Element 1 */
__IO CAN_RXF1E_DATA_Type RXF1E_DATA[16]; /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Rx FIFO 1 Element Data */
} CanMramRxf1e
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_sidfe hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_SIDFE_0_Type SIDFE_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Standard Message ID Filter Element */
} CanMramSidfe
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_txbe hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_TXBE_0_Type TXBE_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element 0 */
__IO CAN_TXBE_1_Type TXBE_1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element 1 */
__IO CAN_TXBE_DATA_Type TXBE_DATA[16]; /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Tx Buffer Element Data */
} CanMramTxbe
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_txefe hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_TXEFE_0_Type TXEFE_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Element 0 */
__IO CAN_TXEFE_1_Type TXEFE_1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Tx Event FIFO Element 1 */
} CanMramTxefe
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** \brief CAN Mram_xifde hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
__IO CAN_XIDFE_0_Type XIDFE_0; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Extended Message ID Filter Element 0 */
__IO CAN_XIDFE_1_Type XIDFE_1; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Extended Message ID Filter Element 1 */
} CanMramXifde
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#endif /* _SAMD51_CAN_COMPONENT_ */