
243 lines
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2018-12-16 19:33:22 +00:00
from pprint import pprint
from collections import deque
import fileinput
import time
class Elf:
power = 3
locations = set()
deaths = 0
def __init__(self):
self.health = 200
self.targeted = False
def __repr__(self):
return "E"
class Goblin:
enemy = Elf
power = 3
locations = set()
deaths = 0
def __init__(self):
self.health = 200
self.targeted = False
def __repr__(self):
return "G"
Elf.enemy = Goblin
class Wall:
enemy = None
def __init__(self):
self.targeted = False
def __repr__(self):
return "#"
class Empty:
enemy = None
def __init__(self):
self.targeted = False
def __repr__(self):
return "." if not self.targeted else "\033[33m?\033[0m"
NEIGHBORS = [(0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)]
def read():
field = []
Elf.deaths = 0
Goblin.deaths = 0
for y, line in enumerate(fileinput.input()):
row = []
for x, char in enumerate(line.rstrip()):
if char == "E":
Elf.locations.add((x, y))
elif char == "G":
Goblin.locations.add((x, y))
elif char == "#":
elif char == ".":
raise ValueError(char)
return field
def distance(a, b):
(ax, ay), (bx, by) = a, b
return abs(ax - bx) + abs(ay - by)
def find_closest(field, pos, targets):
width = len(field[0])
height = len(field)
queue = deque([[pos]])
seen = {pos}
paths = []
while queue:
path = queue.popleft()
x, y = path[-1]
if (x, y) in targets:
for dx, dy in NEIGHBORS:
x_, y_ = x + dx, y + dy
if 0 <= x_ < width and 0 <= y_ < height \
and type(field[y_][x_]) is Empty \
and (x_, y_) not in seen:
queue.append(path + [(x_, y_)])
seen.add((x_, y_))
if not paths or [] in paths:
return None
return min(paths, key=lambda path: (len(path), path[-1][1], path[-1][0], path[0][1], path[0][0]))
def move(field, x, y, value):
for row in field:
for col in row:
col.targeted = False
targets = []
for tx, ty in value.enemy.locations:
targets.extend([(tx + dx, ty + dy) for dx, dy in NEIGHBORS])
if not targets:
raise StopIteration
for tx, ty in targets:
field[ty][tx].targeted = True
closest = find_closest(field, (x, y), targets)
# print_field(field, highlight=(x, y), path=closest)
# time.sleep(0.3)
if closest:
tx, ty = closest[0]
if type(field[ty][tx]) is Empty:
# print(f"{field[y][x]}@{x},{y} moves to {tx},{ty}")
type(value).locations.discard((x, y))
type(value).locations.add((tx, ty))
field[ty][tx] = field[y][x]
field[y][x] = Empty()
return tx, ty
return x, y
def attack(field, x, y, value):
width = len(field[0])
height = len(field)
neighbors = [(field[y + y_][x + x_], (x + x_, y + y_))
for x_, y_ in NEIGHBORS
if 0 <= y + y_ < width and 0 <= x + x_ < width and \
type(field[y + y_][x + x_]) is value.enemy]
if not neighbors:
target, (tx, ty) = \
min(neighbors, key=lambda x: (x[0].health, x[1][1], x[1][0]))
# print(f"{value}@{x},{y}:{value.health} attacks "
# f"{target}@{tx},{ty}:{target.health}->{target.health - value.power}")
target.health -= value.power
if target.health <= 0:
# print(f"{target}@{tx,ty} dies :(")
type(target).locations.discard((tx, ty))
type(target).deaths += 1
field[ty][tx] = Empty()
def print_field(field, steps=None, highlight=None, path=None):
if steps is not None:
for y, row in enumerate(field):
units = []
for x, value in enumerate(row):
if highlight == (x, y):
if path and (x, y) in path:
print(value, end="\033[0m")
if type(value) in (Goblin, Elf):
etc = sorted(units, key=lambda unit: (str(unit), unit.health))
print(" ", ", ".join(f"{x}({x.health})" for x in etc))
def step(field, steps):
# print_field(field, steps)
seen_units = set()
for y, row in enumerate(field):
for x, value in enumerate(row):
if type(value) not in (Elf, Goblin) or value in seen_units:
tx, ty = move(field, x, y, value)
attack(field, tx, ty, value)
def main():
field = read()
steps = 0
while True:
step(field, steps)
except StopIteration:
total_health = 0
for row in field:
for value in row:
if type(value) in (Elf, Goblin) and value.health > 0:
total_health += value.health
print("Rounds:", steps)
print("Health:", total_health)
print("Elf Deaths:", Elf.deaths)
print(total_health * steps)
steps += 1
while True:
if Elf.deaths == 0:
Elf.power += 1
print("oh no :(, trying", Elf.power)