This will enable poeple to use AR6, EFL or FC3 to load fb64. To do so create a disk image with FB64 on it. copy it to the SD card's 1541 folder. add the line "autoMountImage = fb.d64" to options.txt. Now whenever the drive is reset it will automatically mount the disk image. As it is emulating people can use their cart of choice to load it. Once loaded they can simply back out of the image and browse the SD card as usual.
Options.txt needs the line;-
LCDName = ssd1306_128x64
and depending upon how you want the keyboard's pgup and pgdown keys to work;-
keyboardBrowseLCDScreen = 1
Splits lines connect
SDA to GPIO 2 pin 3
SCL to GPIO 3 pin 5
Non-split lines
SDA to GPIO 0 pin 27
SCL to GPIO 1 pin 28