; --- config.def - configuration ; - CBM target system target = 128 ; choose the target system ; 20 = Commodore VIC-20 ; 64 = Commodore 64 ; 16 = The Commodore 264 Series (C16, C116, plus/4) ;128 = Commodore 128 (Not implemented yet) ; Select a variant according with target system variant = 0 ; 0 = None, Standard System. ; 1 = Vic-20 with Mega-Cart ; 2 = C64 Direct-to-TV ; device number hwdevicenum = 0 ; a device number, 0 = autodetect. autodetectm = 0 ; Drive auto detect mode if hwdevicenum = 0 ; 0 = use the current drive (small program size) ; 1 = detect the first active drive drivechange = 1 ; drive change function ; 0 = do not change drive ; 1 = change drive by pressing the key_drive rootonstart = 0 ; exit to root when start the program or change the drive ; 0 = do not exit to root on start/drive change ; 1 = exit to root on start/drive change rootentry = 1 ; "exit to root" entry on menu ; 0 = none ; 1 = present tap_support = 1 ; add tap capability via "XT:" command (ITS Module required) ; 0 = none ; 1 = yes printbars = 1 ; display a top/bottom bar with some key funcions according with current configuration ; 0 = do not diplay the top/bottom bar ; 1 = display the the top/bottom bar startmode = 1 ; start mode for selected programs (C16/C64 meaning) ; 0 = fixed LOAD"FILE",8,1 + RUN (old method, small program size) ; 1 = LOAD"FILE",8,1 + RUN (by pressing key_fire or Joy button) ; LOAD"FILE",8 + RUN (by holding CBM while pressing key_fire or Joy button) ; - functionality (0/1) minimal = 0 ; remove all extra features for smallest prg size !if minimal = 1 { rememberpos = 0 showcursors = 1 clearscrena = 1 fastscrolle = 0 colorenable = 0 disknameena = 0 statusenabl = 0 pleasewaite = 0 sortdir = 0 } else { rememberpos = 1 ; remember position on previous directory showcursors = 1 ; show cursors clearscrena = 1 ; enable screen clearing & color setting fastscrolle = 1 ; enable fast list scrolling colorenable = 1 ; enable colors disknameena = 1 ; enable disk name printing statusenabl = 1 ; enable status printing pleasewaite = 1 ; enable "please wait" printing sortdir = 1 ; enable sort dir function by using the key_sort } ; - layout/cosmetic/etc joyrepeat = 6 ; joystick repeat delay rastercmp = 161 ; raster line to wait for in mainwait ; list location !if printbars = 1 { listtopy = 2 ; 0 <= x < listbottomy listbottomy = 23 ; listtopy < x <= 25 } else { listtopy = 1 ; 0 <= x < listbottomy listbottomy = 25 ; listtopy < x <= 25 } listx = 9 ; 0 <= x <= 24 listbackgnd = 32 ; char to display in list background ; disk name location disknamey = 0 disknamex = 9 ; status text location statusy = listtopy statusx = listx+namelen+2 !if colorenable = 0 { backcolor = 255 bordercolor = 255 forecolor2 = 255 forecolor = 0 arrowcolor = 0 buttoncolor = 0 } else { ; back & border & fore2 color: ; 0 = black, 1 = white, 2 = red, 3 = cyan, 4 = purple ; 5 = green, 6 = blue, 7 = yellow, 8 = orange, 9 = brown ; 10 = lred, 10 = gray1, 12 = gray2, 13 = lgreen, ; 14 = lblue, 15 = gray3 backcolor = 12 ; 0..15, if >15 -> no change bordercolor = 13 ; 0..15, if >15 -> no change forecolor2 = 1 ; 0..15, if >15 -> no change ; foreground & arrow color: ; 5 = white, 28 = red, 30 = green, 31 = blue, 129 = orange ; 144 = black, 149 = brown, 150 = lgreen, 151 = pink, 152 = green ; 153 = lblue, 154 = dpurple, 155 = lgreen, 156 = purple ; 158 = yellow, 159 = cyan forecolor = 5 ; (see table) if <5 -> no change arrowcolor = 28 ; (see table) if <5 -> forecolor2 buttoncolor = 28 ; (see table) if <5 -> no change } ; - key settings key_nexte = 17 ; next entry (cursor down) key_preve = 145 ; prev entry (cursor up) key_nextp = 29 ; next page (cursor right) key_prevp = 157 ; prev page (cursor left) key_nextp2 = 136 ; next page alt (F7) (255 = none) key_prevp2 = 135 ; prev page alt (F5) (255 = none) key_fire = 13 ; select (enter) key_fire2 = 141 ; select alt (CBM+enter) (IF startmode = 1, Target=16 or 64 only) key_top = 139 ; to top (F6) key_bottom = 140 ; to bottom (F8) key_exit = 20 ; exit dir (backspc) key_quit = 81 ; quit to basic (Q) key_sort = 83 ; sort dir (S) key_drive = 68 ; change drive (D) key_reset = 27 ; reset (<- ESC key) ; - load&run code positions loadrunpos = $0137 ;near end cassette error / bottom system stack ;first 16 bytes ($332-$341) used to ;save and restore current fkey macros (Target=16 only)