
333 lines
8.5 KiB

// Pi1541 - A Commodore 1541 disk drive emulator
// Copyright(C) 2018 Stephen White
// This file is part of Pi1541.
// Pi1541 is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Pi1541 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Pi1541. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "SSD1306.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Petscii.h"
extern "C"
#include "xga_font_data.h"
extern unsigned char* CBMFont;
SSD1306::SSD1306(int BSCMaster, u8 address, unsigned width, unsigned height, int flip, LCD_MODEL type)
: BSCMaster(BSCMaster)
, address(address)
, type(type)
, flip(flip)
, contrast(127)
, width(width)
, height(height)
sizeof_frame = width*height/8;
frame = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof_frame);
oldFrame = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof_frame);
RPI_I2CInit(BSCMaster, 1);
void SSD1306::InitHardware()
// SSD1306 data sheet configuration flow
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_DISPLAY_OFF); // 0xAE
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_MULTIPLEX_RATIO); // 0xA8
SendCommand(height-1); // SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT - 1
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_DISPLAY_OFFSET); // 0xD3 Vertical scroll position
SendCommand(0x00); // no Offset
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_START_LINE | 0x0); // 0x40
if (flip) {
SendCommand(0xA0); // No Segment Re-Map
SendCommand(0xC0); // No COM Output Scan Direction
} else {
SendCommand(0xA1); // Set Segment Re-Map (horizontal flip)
SendCommand(0xC8); // Set COM Output Scan Direction (vertical flip)
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_COM_PINS); // 0xDA Layout and direction
if (type == LCD_1306_128x32)
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_TEST_DISPLAY_OFF); // 0xA4 - DONT force entire display on
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_NORMAL_DISPLAY); // 0xA6 = non inverted
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_PRE_CHARGE_PERIOD); // 0xD9
SendCommand(0x80); // upper nibble is rate, lower nibble is divisor
SendCommand(SSD1306_ENABLE_CHARGE_PUMP); // 0x8D Enable charge pump regulator
SendCommand(0x14); // external = 0x10 internal = 0x14
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_MEMORY_ADDRESSING_MODE); // 0x20 Set Memory Addressing Mode
SendCommand(0x10); // 10 - Page Addressing Mode for SH1106 compatibility
if (type != LCD_1106_128x64)
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_DEACTIVATE_SCROLL); // 0x2E
void SSD1306::SendCommand(u8 command)
char buffer[2];
buffer[0] = SSD1306_CONTROL_REG;
buffer[1] = command;
RPI_I2CWrite(BSCMaster, address, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
void SSD1306::SendData(u8 data)
char buffer[2];
buffer[0] = SSD1306_DATA_REG;
buffer[1] = data;
RPI_I2CWrite(BSCMaster, address, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
//We can send up to 16 bytes to the i2c bus
void SSD1306::SendDataLong(void* data, u8 length)
char buffer[15];
buffer[0] = SSD1306_DATA_REG;
memcpy(&buffer[1], data, length);
RPI_I2CWrite(BSCMaster, address, buffer, ++length);
void SSD1306::Home()
SetDataPointer(0, 0);
void SSD1306::SetDataPointer(u8 page, u8 col)
if (col > width-1) { col = width-1; }
if (page > height/8-1) { page = height/8-1; }
if (type == LCD_1106_128x64)
col += 2; // sh1106 uses columns 2..129
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_PAGE | page); // 0xB0 page address
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_COLUMN_LOW | (col & 0xf)); // 0x00 column address lower bits
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_SET_COLUMN_HIGH | (col >> 4)); // 0x10 column address upper bits
void SSD1306::RefreshScreen()
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < height/8; i++)
// assumes a text row is 8 bit high
void SSD1306::RefreshTextRows(u32 start, u32 amountOfRows)
unsigned int i;
//start <<= 1;
//amountOfRows <<= 1;
for (i = start; i < start+amountOfRows; i++)
// Some very basic optimisation is implemented.
// it scans the page to work out the first (new_start) and last (new_end) changed bytes
// Only update that window on the OLED
// If someone is keen, a smarter algorithm could work out a series of ranges to update
void SSD1306::RefreshPage(u32 page)
if (page >= height/8)
// x32 displays use lower half (pages 2 and 3)
if (type == LCD_1306_128x32)
page = page+4; // 0,1,2,3 -> 4,5,6,7
page = page%4; // and wrap it so 4,5 -> 0,1
int i;
int start = page*width;
int end = start + width;
int new_start = -1;
int new_end = -1;
for (i = start; i < end; i++)
if (oldFrame[i] ^ frame[i])
if (new_start == -1)
new_start = i;
new_end = i;
if (new_start >= 0)
SetDataPointer(page, new_start-start);
while (new_start < new_end)
i = (new_end-new_start < 15) ? new_end-new_start : 15;
if (i == 1)
oldFrame[new_start] = frame[new_start];
else // Use the ability to send up to 16 byte in a row
// (1 for command and 15 for data)
memcpy(&oldFrame[new_start], &frame[new_start],i);
new_start += i;
void SSD1306::ClearScreen()
memset(frame, 0, sizeof_frame);
//memset(oldFrame, 0xff, sizeof_frame); // to force update
void SSD1306::DisplayOn()
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_DISPLAY_ON); // 0xAF
void SSD1306::DisplayOff()
SendCommand(SSD1306_CMD_DISPLAY_OFF); // 0xAE
void SSD1306::SetContrast(u8 value)
contrast = value;
if (type != LCD_1106_128x64) // dont fiddle vcomdeselect on 1106 displays
SetVCOMDeselect( value >> 8);
void SSD1306::SetVCOMDeselect(u8 value)
SendCommand( (value & 7) << 4 );
void SSD1306::PlotText(bool useCBMFont, bool petscii, int x, int y, char* str, bool inverse)
// assumes 16 character width
int i;
i = 0;
while (str[i] && x < 16)
PlotCharacter(useCBMFont, petscii, x++, y, str[i++], inverse);
// Pg 143 - 145. Transposing an 8x8 bit matrix. Hacker's Delight
void transpose8(unsigned char* B, const unsigned char* A, bool inverse)
unsigned x, y, t;
x = (A[7] << 24) | (A[6] << 16) | (A[5] << 8) | A[4];
y = (A[3] << 24) | (A[2] << 16) | (A[1] << 8) | A[0];
if (inverse)
x = ~x;
y = ~y;
t = (x ^ (x >> 7)) & 0x00AA00AA; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 7);
t = (y ^ (y >> 7)) & 0x00AA00AA; y = y ^ t ^ (t << 7);
t = (x ^ (x >> 14)) & 0x0000CCCC; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 14);
t = (y ^ (y >> 14)) & 0x0000CCCC; y = y ^ t ^ (t << 14);
t = (x & 0xF0F0F0F0) | ((y >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F);
y = ((x << 4) & 0xF0F0F0F0) | (y & 0x0F0F0F0F);
x = t;
B[0] = x >> 24; B[1] = x >> 16; B[2] = x >> 8; B[3] = x;
B[4] = y >> 24; B[5] = y >> 16; B[6] = y >> 8; B[7] = y;
void SSD1306::PlotCharacter(bool useCBMFont, bool petscii, int x, int y, char c, bool inverse)
unsigned char a[8], b[8];
if (useCBMFont && CBMFont)
if (! petscii)
c = ascii2petscii(c);
c = petscii2screen(c);
transpose8(a, CBMFont + ((c+256) * 8), inverse); // 256 byte shift to use the maj/min bank
memcpy(frame + (y * 128) + (x * 8), a, 8);
transpose8(a, avpriv_vga16_font + (c * 16), inverse);
transpose8(b, avpriv_vga16_font + (c * 16) + 8, inverse);
memcpy(frame + (y * 256) + (x * 8), a, 8);
memcpy(frame + (y * 256) + (x * 8) + 128, b, 8);
void SSD1306::PlotPixel(int x, int y, int c)
switch (c)
case 1: frame[x+ (y/8)*width] |= (1 << (y&7)); break;
case 0: frame[x+ (y/8)*width] &= ~(1 << (y&7)); break;
case -1: frame[x+ (y/8)*width] ^= (1 << (y&7)); break;
// expects source in ssd1306 native vertical byte format
void SSD1306::PlotImage(const unsigned char * source)
memcpy (frame, source, SSD1306_128x64_BYTES);