cdb736e045Added documentation. 1. Added the legacy PDF document, which is out of date, and will be removed once the documentation has been migrated to markdown and updated. 2. Created a new setup guide in markdown. Mostly complete, but it still needs updates to the MacOS XCode setup procedure.
2017-05-12 11:45:52 -0700
f0ed04d728Properly implemented Protocol Search support for the sample analyzer. Also used recently added #define flag to disable or enable the protocol search code, based on the SDK version. Ideally this will allow the same code to compile for the legacy SDK or the latest SDK.
2017-05-12 10:57:02 -0700
1f647bee70Updated Visual Studio Project - all variants now use the shared msvc runtime, to match the latest software, which also uses the shared msvc runtime. Previous releases statically linked this.
2017-05-12 10:40:37 -0700
c71b4cffd1Updated readme to contain information about how to debug on Windows.
2016-11-14 14:05:30 -0800
f634e1abc8updated the script on OSX, so that it now uses the AnalyzerSDK directory, and no longer assumes the AnalyzerSDK files are an extra directory above.
2016-10-03 15:21:50 -0700
47c4ac25f9updated and added rename analyzer script, tested on Windows - works. added build analyzer script, but it will need to be updated to work since we moved the libraries. that needs to be fixed on Linux / osx. updated git ignore to remove another visual studio byproduct.
2016-10-03 15:04:42 -0700
2770b314a8added Simple Serial Analyzer source and VS project.
2016-10-03 14:08:53 -0700