
121 lines
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# Python 3 script to build the analyzer
import os, glob, platform
#find out if we're running on mac or linux and set the dynamic library extension
if platform.system().lower() == "darwin":
dylib_ext = ".dylib"
dylib_ext = ".so"
print("Running on " + platform.system())
#make sure the release folder exists, and clean out any .o/.so file if there are any
if not os.path.exists( "release" ):
os.makedirs( "release" )
os.chdir( "release" )
o_files = glob.glob( "*.o" )
o_files.extend( glob.glob( "*" + dylib_ext ) )
for o_file in o_files:
os.remove( o_file )
os.chdir( ".." )
#make sure the debug folder exists, and clean out any .o/.so files if there are any
if not os.path.exists( "debug" ):
os.makedirs( "debug" )
os.chdir( "debug" )
o_files = glob.glob( "*.o" );
o_files.extend( glob.glob( "*" + dylib_ext ) )
for o_file in o_files:
os.remove( o_file )
os.chdir( ".." )
#find all the cpp files in /source. We'll compile all of them
os.chdir( "source" )
cpp_files = glob.glob( "*.cpp" );
os.chdir( ".." )
#specify the search paths/dependencies/options for gcc
include_paths = [ "./AnalyzerSDK/include" ]
link_paths = [ "./AnalyzerSDK/lib" ]
link_dependencies = [ "-lAnalyzer" ] #refers to libAnalyzer.dylib or
debug_compile_flags = "-O0 -w -c -fpic -g"
release_compile_flags = "-O3 -w -c -fpic"
def run_command(cmd):
"Display cmd, then run it in a subshell, raise if there's an error"
if os.system(cmd):
raise Exception("Shell execution returned nonzero status")
#loop through all the cpp files, build up the gcc command line, and attempt to compile each cpp file
for cpp_file in cpp_files:
command = "g++ "
#include paths
for path in include_paths:
command += "-I\"" + path + "\" "
release_command = command
release_command += release_compile_flags
release_command += " -o\"release/" + cpp_file.replace( ".cpp", ".o" ) + "\" " #the output file
release_command += "\"" + "source/" + cpp_file + "\"" #the cpp file to compile
debug_command = command
debug_command += debug_compile_flags
debug_command += " -o\"debug/" + cpp_file.replace( ".cpp", ".o" ) + "\" " #the output file
debug_command += "\"" + "source/" + cpp_file + "\"" #the cpp file to compile
#run the commands from the command line
#lastly, link
command = "g++ "
#add the library search paths
for link_path in link_paths:
command += "-L\"" + link_path + "\" "
#add libraries to link against
for link_dependency in link_dependencies:
command += link_dependency + " "
#make a dynamic (shared) library (.so/.dylib)
if dylib_ext == ".dylib":
command += "-dynamiclib "
command += "-shared "
#figgure out what the name of this analyzer is
analyzer_name = ""
for cpp_file in cpp_files:
if cpp_file.endswith( "Analyzer.cpp" ):
analyzer_name = cpp_file.replace( "Analyzer.cpp", "" )
#the files to create (.so/.dylib files)
if dylib_ext == ".dylib":
release_command = command + "-o release/lib" + analyzer_name + "Analyzer.dylib "
debug_command = command + "-o debug/lib" + analyzer_name + "Analyzer.dylib "
release_command = command + "-o\"release/lib" + analyzer_name + "\" "
debug_command = command + "-o\"debug/lib" + analyzer_name + "\" "
#add all the object files to link
for cpp_file in cpp_files:
release_command += "release/" + cpp_file.replace( ".cpp", ".o" ) + " "
debug_command += "debug/" + cpp_file.replace( ".cpp", ".o" ) + " "
#run the commands from the command line