import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors import numpy as np import random from enum import IntEnum class Model: def __init__(self, width=32, height=32, humandens=0.15, mosquitodens=0.10, immunepct=0.1, mosqinfpct=0.1, hm_infpct=0.5, mh_infpct=0.5, hinfdiepct=0.01, mhungrypct=0.1, humandiepct=10**-6, mosqdiepct=10**-3, mosqnetdens=0.05, time_steps=2000): plt.ion() self.width = width self.height = height # The percentage of tiles that start as humans self.humandens = humandens # The percentage of tiles that contain mosquitos self.mosquitodens = mosquitodens # Percentage of humans that are immune self.immunepct = immunepct # Chance for a mosquito to be infected self.mosqinfpct = mosqinfpct # Chance for a human to be infected by a mosquito bite self.hm_infpct = hm_infpct # Chance for a mosquito to be infected from biting an infected human self.mh_infpct = mh_infpct # Chance that an infected human dies self.hinfdiepct = hinfdiepct # Chance for a mosquito to be hungry self.mhungrypct = mhungrypct # Chance for human to die from random causes self.humandiepct = humandiepct # Chance for a mosquito to die self.mosqdiepct = mosqdiepct # Percentage of tiles that contain mosquito nets self.mosqnetdens = mosqnetdens # The number of timesteps to run te simulation for self.time_steps = time_steps self.humans = self.gen_humans() self.mosquitos = self.gen_mosquitos() self.init_draw() def init_draw(self): self.colors = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap( ["black", "green", "red", "yellow"]) bounds = [Human.DEAD, Human.HEALTHY, Human.INFECTED, Human.IMMUNE] self.norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, self.colors.N) def recycle_human(self): # Get all living humans humans = np.transpose(np.where(self.humans != Human.DEAD)) # Get a mask of humans to kill deaths = np.random.rand(len(humans)) < self.humandiepct # Kill them. self.humans[humans[deaths][:, 0], humans[deaths][:, 1]] = Human.DEAD # Pick a random, unpopulated spot x, y = random.choice(np.transpose(np.where(self.humans == Human.DEAD)), size=np.count_nonzero(deaths)) def do_malaria(self): """ This function determines who of the infected dies from their illness """ # Get all infected humans infected = np.transpose(np.where(self.humans == Human.INFECTED)) # Decide which infected people die deaths = np.random.rand(len(infected)) < self.hinfdiepct # Now let's kill them self.humans[infected[deaths][:, 0], infected[deaths][:, 1]] = Human.DEAD def gen_humans(self): # Calculate the probabilities p_dead = 1 - self.humandens p_immune = self.humandens * self.immunepct p_healthy = self.humandens - p_immune # Create the grid with humans. return np.random.choice((Human.DEAD, Human.HEALTHY, Human.IMMUNE), size=(self.width, self.height), p=(p_dead, p_healthy, p_immune)) def gen_mosquitos(self): count = self.width * self.height * self.mosquitodens def run(self): for t in range(self.time_steps): self.step() self.draw(t) def step(self): self.do_malaria() def draw(self, t): # this function draws the humans plt.title("t={}".format(t)) plt.imshow(self.humans, cmap=self.colors, norm=self.norm) plt.pause(0.0001) plt.clf() class Mosquito: def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, infected: bool, hungry: bool): self.x = x self.y = y self.infected = infected self.hungry = hungry class Human(IntEnum): DEAD = 0 HEALTHY = 1 INFECTED = 2 IMMUNE = 3 if __name__ == "__main__": model = Model()