2019-03-08 20:29:54 +01:00

400 lines
13 KiB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
import numpy as np
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import IntEnum
from sys import argv
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
class Model:
def __init__(self, width=50, height=50, humandens=0.15, mosquitodens=0.10,
immunepct=0.01, mosqinfpct=0.1, hm_infpct=0.5, mh_infpct=0.5,
hinfdiepct=0.01, mhungrypct=0.1, humandiepct=10**-6,
mosqdiepct=10**-3, mosqnetdens=0.00, time_steps=50000,
self.width = width
self.height = height
# Determines if the simulation should be graphical
self.graphical = graphical
# The percentage of tiles that start as humans
self.humandens = humandens
# The percentage of tiles that contain mosquitos
self.mosquitodens = mosquitodens
# Percentage of humans that are immune
self.immunepct = immunepct
# Chance for a mosquito to be infectuous
self.mosqinfpct = mosqinfpct
# Chance for a mosquito to be infected by a human
self.hm_infpct = hm_infpct
# Chance for a human to be infected from a mosquito
self.mh_infpct = mh_infpct
# Chance that an infected human dies
self.hinfdiepct = hinfdiepct
# Chance for a mosquito to be hungry
self.mhungrypct = mhungrypct
# Chance for human to die from random causes
self.humandiepct = humandiepct
# Chance for a mosquito to die
self.mosqdiepct = mosqdiepct
# Percentage of tiles that contain mosquito nets
self.mosqnetdens = mosqnetdens
# The number of timesteps to run te simulation for
self.time_steps = time_steps
self.infected_trend = np.zeros(time_steps)
self.immune_trend = np.zeros(time_steps)
self.grid = self.gen_humans()
self.mosquitos = self.gen_mosquitos()
self.nets = self.gen_nets()
# statistics
self.stats = defaultdict(int)
if self.graphical:
def init_draw(self):
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
self.colors = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(
["white", "green", "red", "yellow"])
def make_babies(self, n):
if n == 0:
self.stats["humans born"] += n
births = np.transpose(random.sample(
list(np.transpose(np.where(self.grid == Human.DEAD))), n))
self.grid[births[0], births[1]] = \
np.random.choice((Human.HEALTHY, Human.IMMUNE), size=n,
p=(1 - self.immunepct, self.immunepct))
# Randomly distribute a net
nets = births.T[np.random.rand(len(births.T)) < self.mosqnetdens].T
self.nets[nets[0], nets[1]] = True
def recycle_human(self):
Determine if a human dies of natural causes and then replace them by a
new human.
# Find living humans, determine if they die, and if so, kill them
humans = np.transpose(np.where(self.grid != Human.DEAD))
deaths = np.random.rand(len(humans)) < self.humandiepct
locations = humans[deaths].T
self.grid[locations[0], locations[1]] = Human.DEAD
self.nets[locations[0], locations[1]] = False
death_count = len(np.where(deaths)[0])
self.stats["natural deaths"] += death_count
# Replace the dead humans
def recycle_mosquito(self):
Determine if a mosquito dies of natural causes and then replace it by
a new mosquito.
indices = np.random.rand(len(self.mosquitos)) < self.mosqdiepct
deaths = self.mosquitos[indices]
for mosq in deaths:
mosq.hungry = False
mosq.infected = np.random.rand() < self.mosqinfpct
mosq.x = np.random.randint(0, self.width)
mosq.y = np.random.randint(0, self.height)
self.stats["mosquito deaths"] += len(deaths)
def do_malaria(self):
This function determines who of the infected dies from their illness
# Find infected humans, determine if they die, and if so, kill them
infected = np.transpose(np.where(self.grid == Human.INFECTED))
deaths = np.random.rand(len(infected)) < self.hinfdiepct
locs = infected[deaths].T
self.grid[locs[0], locs[1]] = Human.DEAD
self.nets[locs[0], locs[1]] = False
death_count = len(np.where(deaths)[0])
self.stats["malaria deaths"] += death_count
# Replace the dead humans
def feed(self):
Feed the mosquitos that want to and can be fed
# TODO: dit refactoren?
for mos in self.mosquitos:
if not mos.hungry:
# state of current place on the grid where mosquito lives
state = self.grid[mos.x, mos.y]
if state == Human.DEAD:
self.stats["mosquitos fed"] += 1
mos.hungry = False
# check if healthy human needs to be infected or mosquito
# becomes infected from eating
if state == Human.HEALTHY and mos.infected \
and random.uniform(0, 1) < self.mh_infpct:
self.grid[mos.x, mos.y] = Human.INFECTED
self.stats["humans infected"] += 1
elif state == Human.INFECTED and not mos.infected \
and random.uniform(0, 1) < self.hm_infpct:
mos.infected = True
self.stats["mosquitos infected"] += 1
def determine_hunger(self):
Determines which mosquitos should get hungry
for mos in self.mosquitos:
mos.hungry = not mos.hungry and \
random.uniform(0, 1) < self.mhungrypct
def get_movementbox(self, x: int, y: int):
Returns indices of a moore neighbourhood around the given index
x_min = (x - 1)
x_max = (x + 1)
y_min = (y - 1)
y_max = (y + 1)
indices = [(i % self.width, j % self.height)
for i in range(x_min, x_max + 1)
for j in range(y_min, y_max + 1)]
# remove current location from the indices
indices.remove((x, y))
return np.array(indices)
def move_mosquitos(self):
Move the mosquitos to a new location, checks for mosquito nets
for mosq in self.mosquitos:
# get the movement box for every mosquito
movement = self.get_movementbox(mosq.x, mosq.y)
# check for nets, and thus legal locations to go for the mosquito
legal_moves = np.where(~self.nets[tuple(movement.T)])[0]
# choose random new position
new_pos = random.choice(legal_moves)
mosq.x = movement[new_pos][0]
mosq.y = movement[new_pos][1]
def gen_humans(self):
Fill the grid with humans that can either be healthy or infected
# Calculate the probabilities
p_dead = 1 - self.humandens
p_immune = self.humandens * self.immunepct
p_healthy = self.humandens - p_immune
# Create the grid with humans.
return np.random.choice((Human.DEAD, Human.HEALTHY, Human.IMMUNE),
size=(self.width, self.height),
p=(p_dead, p_healthy, p_immune))
def gen_mosquitos(self):
Generate the list of mosquitos
mosquitos = []
count = int(self.width * self.height * self.mosquitodens)
# generate random x and y coordinates
xs = np.random.randint(0, self.width, count)
ys = np.random.randint(0, self.height, count)
coords = list(zip(xs, ys))
# generate the mosquitos
for coord in coords:
# determine if the mosquito is infected
infected = random.uniform(0, 1) < self.mosqinfpct
# determine if the mosquito starts out hungry
hungry = random.uniform(0, 1) < self.mhungrypct
mosquitos.append(Mosquito(coord[0], coord[1], infected, hungry))
return np.array(mosquitos)
def gen_nets(self):
Generates the grid of nets
humans = np.transpose(np.where(self.grid != Human.DEAD))
positions = humans[np.random.choice(
len(humans), size=round(self.mosqnetdens * len(humans)))].T
grid = np.zeros((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool)
grid[positions[0], positions[1]] = True
return grid
def run(self):
This functions runs the simulation
# Actual simulation runs inside try except to catch keyboard interrupts
# and always print stats
for t in range(self.time_steps):
total = np.count_nonzero(self.grid != Human.DEAD)
infected = np.count_nonzero(self.grid == Human.INFECTED) / \
immune = np.count_nonzero(self.grid == Human.IMMUNE) / total
self.infected_trend[t] = infected
self.immune_trend[t] = immune
print(f"t={t}, infected={infected:.2f}, immune={immune:.2f}",
if self.graphical and t % 1000 == 0:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def compile_stats(self):
Compiles a comprehensive list of statistics of the simulation
self.stats["total deaths"] = \
self.stats["malaria deaths"] + self.stats["natural deaths"]
self.stats["final immunity"] = self.immune_trend[-1]
self.stats["net count"] = len(np.where(self.nets)[0])
def print_stats(self):
Prints the gathered statistics from the simulation
for stat, value in sorted(self.stats.items()):
print(f"{stat}: {self.stats[stat]}")
def step(self):
Step through a timestep of the simulation
# check who dies from malaria
# check if people die from other causes
# check if mosquitoes die
# move mosquitos
# feed hungry mosquitos
# make mosquitos hungry again
def draw(self, t: int):
Draws the grid of humans, tents and mosquitos
# draw the grid
plt.imshow(self.grid, cmap=self.colors)
# draw nets
net_locations = np.where(self.nets)
plt.plot(net_locations[0], net_locations[1], 'w^')
# draw mosquitos
for mos in self.mosquitos:
plt.plot(mos.y, mos.x, mos.get_color()+mos.get_shape())
# draw the legend
dead_patch = Patch(color="green", label="Healthy human")
immune_patch = Patch(color="yellow", label="Immune human")
infected_patch = Patch(color="red", label="Infected human")
plt.legend(handles=[dead_patch, immune_patch, infected_patch],
loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.03), ncol=5)
def draw_graph(self, t):
plt.plot(np.arange(t), self.infected_trend[:t],
label="infected humans")
plt.plot(np.arange(t), self.immune_trend[:t],
label="immune humans")
class Mosquito:
def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, infected: bool, hungry: bool):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.infected = infected
self.hungry = hungry
def get_color(self):
# returns the color for drawing, red if infected blue otherwise
return "r" if self.infected else "b"
def get_shape(self):
# return the shape for drawing, o if hungry + otherwise
return "o" if self.hungry else "+"
class Human(IntEnum):
DEAD = 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
graphical = argv[1] != "-ng"
except IndexError:
graphical = True
model = Model(graphical=graphical)