Fork 0

595 B

Magicforce 68 Handwired

This firmware is for a Magicforce 68 that's had its PCB removed and is handwired with an Arduino Micro. NOTE: The Arduino Micro is different than the Arduino Pro Micro.

Wiring Layout

Wiring Layout


The following pins are used:

  • Columns 1-15: B2, B0, D3, D2, D1, D0, D4, C6, D7, E6, B4, B5, B6, B7, D6
  • Rows 1-5: F0, F1, F4, F5, F6

Compiling and loading the firmware

To build the firmware, run make.

To flash the firemware onto the microcontroller, run make avrdude, and press the reset button.